
By Chanchal in Poetry | Reads: 246 | Likes: 0
Consider you as me. As time has gone by, I have budded out and grown through the superhero stories which were once medlied in my ears, Those not ending stories were so enthralling to hear. My innocence at that time created an imagery which only spoke about how superheroes are always there to save u  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 11:56 PM
Her Pink Handbag
By Surabhi Kaushik in General Literary | Reads: 1,176 | Likes: 7
Kabir grew restless as he heard the light rail approaching, but his eyes continued their search for her. He was pretty sure the pink handbag lying on the bench next to him was hers. She would be coming back to get it, anytime soon. It looked familiar. Vaguely familiar to be more precise, because he   Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 04:39 AM
Never Again - A Sonnet
By Sowmya Sri Rathnakumar in Poetry | Reads: 770 | Likes: 1
Once, I was buried in the darkness created by my demons. Unforeseen, you came to my salvation like a ray of light!! You held out your hand and pulled me out harder. Above the darkness and cold, there was light and beauty. You raised a wall with its roots set deep in to the ground that made me strong  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 06:58 AM
All Over Again!
By Sowmya Sri Rathnakumar in Romance | Reads: 408 | Likes: 2
Everytime when I don't wanna think about you; Everytime when I decide it's over; Everytime when I try to throw you off my mind; Everytime when I push you far away; Everytime when I want to forget you; Why the hell am I falling in love with you all over again?  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 07:03 AM
*Impact of Food on Human Brain*
By in General Literary | Reads: 231 | Likes: 0
      *Impact of Food on Human Brain*  Prof. Alex, United Kingdom, had delivered an amazing lecture at Malaviya Moolya Anusheelan Kendra, BHU on the occasion of special screening of the movie "The spirit of Banaras". The lecture was devoted to impact of food on  human brain.  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 08:29 AM
*A Dialogue With Mahayogi Barfani Baba*
By in Supernatural | Reads: 823 | Likes: 0
     *A Dialogue With Mahayogi Barfani Baba* Sometimes few phenomenons take place all of a sudden. We treat it as a divine intervention. I  had often heard of legendary saint Barfani Baba residing in secret cave of Himalayas.  Finally, I got a chance, call it Lord's Grace, &  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 09:23 AM
Treasure Trove
By Abha kala in Romance | Reads: 331 | Likes: 0
I was just fiddling with the TV remote and was searching some thing interesting to watch in Netflix I noticed movie  -‘Note Book ‘based on novel written by novelist Nicholas Spark.i had seen this movie long time back. Suddenly it dawned on me that the life story of the protagon  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 10:24 AM
By Abha kala in Poetry | Reads: 558 | Likes: 0
                        Me  I  Could not recognise  myself in the mirror. It seemed as if the image  was broken in pieces . Am I the same person ? Or ,in a state of amenisia . There are  hordes and ho  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 10:26 AM
Ageing for love
By Sowmya Sri Rathnakumar in Poetry | Reads: 848 | Likes: 1
My eyes that admired you is now out of glow. My ears waited to hear your voice has faded. My hands held out for your reach has got wrinkles. My cheeks turned red with blush is now pale. My hair gone grey waiting for you. You took the key to my happiness when you left. The pain has grown deeper and d  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 10:34 AM
Tick - Tock clock
By Sowmya Sri Rathnakumar in Poetry | Reads: 562 | Likes: 1
Sleepless nights with tears rolling down my cheeks. I’m falling apart since no hands to hold me tight. Feeling the numbness without your embrace. Loneliness grows as far as my hands stretch out. The moment I realise you are no longer mine, I cuddled and cried over the pillow as it was you.   Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 10:35 AM
An Accidental Crime
By Sowmya Sri Rathnakumar in Sci-fi | Reads: 579 | Likes: 1
Dr. Sarah Kapoor, Head of Health Department, stepped out of her car and walked urgently through the corridors towards the conference hall. As she entered, she noticed the other officials from the department were sitting around a table and watching the local news channel telecasting about the unident  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 11:09 AM
oh moon
By Rare in Poetry | Reads: 363 | Likes: 0
Published on Apr 10,2020 11:58 AM
Dreamy Girl
By Rare in Poetry | Reads: 304 | Likes: 1
Published on Apr 10,2020 12:20 PM
Sparks of Love
By Aitijhya Kar in Romance | Reads: 399 | Likes: 1
(By Aitijhya Kar) She too wanted to love him, like he has always done; but she couldn't. She felt no control over him. She had always wanted to immerse in his ever-enticing enigma, but she failed, like every other time.They stood on the wet sand, the waves washing their feet. They were immersed  Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 12:48 PM
By Harshada in True Story | Reads: 373 | Likes: 0
LETS BREAK THE GLASS CEILING!“You know I deserved that deal and how hard I worked for it! And you still gave it to somebody else. I have had just about enough of your nonsense. I QUIT!” Latika screamed as she walked back to her cabin from a conference hall. This was just like one of the   Read More...
Published on Apr 10,2020 12:56 PM