
The Lock Down
By Nabin Chandra Mishra in Poetry | Reads: 273 | Likes: 0
The Lock Down     The lock down was preordained, “To defeat the dreaded Covid-19”. At the cost of all the comforts, All remain inside without agitating.     The every blueprint that was in mind,  Could not be fulfilled and was adjourned. The hope persisted only f  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 12:12 PM
I smiled
By Amrutha PS in General Literary | Reads: 591 | Likes: 0
In an overcast surly night, I was sitting in my yard. Out of nowhere sky began thundering. Thunder and lightning met up. It constrained me to get inside the house. I realize the rain was going to come. So that, I set myself close to the window itself. The plants in my garden was likewise energized t  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 12:15 PM
Be The One for You
By Amrutha PS in General Literary | Reads: 271 | Likes: 0
At times it is smarter to be distant from everyone else. At times it is smarter to be quiet.Being separated from everyone else never implies being lonely.Both are incredibly different.Being alone is much the same as to be a Mr. Bean fan.He is the man who instructed us to appreciate our own conversat  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 12:37 PM
By bones&flesh in Poetry | Reads: 647 | Likes: 15
This moment was unseen, As I was barely seventeen. My dad was dejected, My decisions he rejected. His wife was distressed This, her tears expressed Her son's hazel stare, Reflected no care To escape his deadly frown I held my head down The splitting pain and fear Betokened the time was near As I was  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 12:44 PM
Approach:The Best Coach
By Sreesubhashini in True Story | Reads: 266 | Likes: 1
The lock down has revealed many of our hidden qualities to come out into words As a story to the world. Now I remember , the position that I'm standing out is truly based on the peoples behaviour and learnings from them which turnout to be our priceless character in our life. I like to share this   Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 12:52 PM
By anjali kushwaha in General Literary | Reads: 368 | Likes: 0
Life is what you think it is, just a matter of your thoughts   Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 01:44 PM
On Jouska
By Richik Bhattacharyya in Poetry | Reads: 444 | Likes: 0
When thousand roads separate you from the world ,  When you have nothing to offer except discount on love,  When you want freedom so that you can buy a cage of your size, When you reckon black as the colour of your mind,  When you start to hate what you have loved so far, When you kno  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 02:09 PM
By Neelu Jawla Tevatiya in True Story | Reads: 420 | Likes: 1
Slurrp....slurrp....he was sipping the tea for wading off the tiredness. In the sweltering heat he works for 8 continuous hours. He thought of her. He thought how she used to serve him steaming hot fulkas with onion and green chilly chutney. Her smile fades away all his worldly worries. A tear found  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 02:42 PM
By Neelu Jawla Tevatiya in True Story | Reads: 548 | Likes: 2
Balloon waala was selling colourful balloons at the corner of the mall road. He was hopefully looking to the passers by and was attracting the little kids with the colorful, dotted and striped air filled toys.A child stopped near him. His mother was not interested in the little wish of the little   Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 02:45 PM
By Shruti in Poetry | Reads: 522 | Likes: 7
Life is like a mandala! A never ending journey of soul. That embraces the element you put in it, And the color which you fill it with! It gives you all the freedom how you want to make it, Bold, dramatic, serene, beautiful or all of this!        Asymmetrical  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 03:19 PM
The Night
By Maanvi in Poetry | Reads: 262 | Likes: 0
12:30 am it’s dead silent,  nothing but pitch black and darkness extending for miles and miles engulfed under a thick fog  sucking away oxygen vehemently  there’s not a single star shining in the sky and the big ball of glorious light  has long vanished from sight. Th  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 03:19 PM
By Lekshmi jeya J in General Literary | Reads: 505 | Likes: 0
DAD-NOT JUST A HERO The words, “He is my super hero of all time”, is not that my father deserves. Bearing responsibility of having a daughter awfully me is not an easy venture. Burying all his personal wishes to enhance his family’s dream to fruition is all that a father does. Bein  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 04:31 PM
That conversation
By archita nayak in Romance | Reads: 266 | Likes: 0
I was fighting with all those chaos.Was battling with myself.Was stuck. Wanted to whisper in your ears and share what was I feeling. For me sharing my words with you is no different then sharing my part with you.I hesitated. I was afraid. I feared losing us. All the way from office I was framing sen  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 04:40 PM
The compass
By yashwanth in Poetry | Reads: 535 | Likes: 1
In this ocean called LIFE... Each and everyone of us is a sailor... Every one has a compass  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 04:45 PM
That Diary
By Hrithik Chandra Prasad in True Story | Reads: 377 | Likes: 0
"Hurry Up Anita!Make the kids ready fast, Its raining and we are already late",he said. It was early  morning,me and my sister were getting for the school which was about 3 kms from our residence. Papa was waiting for us on his bicycle. Due to the rain, all of us wore our raincoats and polythin  Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 04:46 PM