
Until one day!
By chaotic.poet in Poetry | Reads: 252 | Likes: 0
She believed in loveAnd everytng that love bringsShe tried so hard In the ups and downsNothing could ever shake her beliefs Until one day She realized It was all temporary illusionsSome people called it loveShe gathered all her shattered pieces Of all the things he could possibly damage he chose her  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 07:39 PM
To Buddy Or Not To Buddy
By Zain in General Literary | Reads: 342 | Likes: 1
Loss is hard. Especially when you lose a person. People always say these things like “You should move on” and “We can’t control fate” and “You should stay positive”, but it’s all nonsense. Generally, when you get really attached to someone, you are bo  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 07:43 PM
By Sania Almas in Crime | Reads: 727 | Likes: 2
To: Mr. Rapist; What do you think of before you go to sleep at night? Do you drift effortlessly away into dreams? Do you have the courage to face this world? Do you still believe yourself as a man!!!  Remember that night when you changed my life completely. I don’t know what’s going  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 07:44 PM
We are one but we are not
By Anushka Gairola in Poetry | Reads: 298 | Likes: 0
You be you Let me be me Let's make it the first time Every time we meet Let there be no past Let there be no following Take it one day at a time And feel like it is the last Let's Do everything that we want and pretend it's all-new Let there be no old Let there be no gold Grow old With me And feel l  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 07:45 PM
Better Than Manhattan
By Grace in Fantasy | Reads: 1,025 | Likes: 15
Michelle knows the forest is behind her. Yet, she sees it as a milestone. She would never have come here if she hadn’t passed it. It is startling, there is almost nothing in front of her. Stretches of, plain sand spread out.   It seems wrong. The map tells her the castle should be here, b  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 07:50 PM
Little to late wish for second chances
By PRIYANKA KRITHIKAVASAN in Mystery | Reads: 699 | Likes: 0
Before an hour  ,fishes jumped out of sea ,like devil was living amongst them. Ocean was rising to the surface I thought I was in shore.But only I wasn't is the truth. And I failed  to run out of there . fishes recognised Luciferan hour before I did.They even  found a way to live  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 07:58 PM
Cough Prints!
By Vijaya Lakshmi in Poetry | Reads: 588 | Likes: 9
                            Bullets of mucus loaded in their lungs, Cough explodes like nuclear bomb contagious, Corpses overflowing across continents. Reasons for death are same. Untouchability practiced, not based on caste. I   Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 09:17 PM
To the feelings that left us nummbed
By Soul in True Story | Reads: 272 | Likes: 1
Talking about the feelings that left us numb .. Besides being in a group sometimes I feel like I am alone, besides laughing all the day sometimes I feel like I am alone... Being surrounded by a bunch of people everytime sometimes I think I am alone, is that normal or is that weird.. Sometimes I just  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 08:05 PM
Little Miss Leafy leaf
By Radhu Pillai in Poetry | Reads: 280 | Likes: 4
                                         "Little Miss Leafy Leaf" I am the Miss Leafy leaf, who was trapped in the hell. All these years I struggled, to escape from there. I am the Miss Leafy  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 08:17 PM
Maa,when will you come???
By Radhu Pillai in General Literary | Reads: 229 | Likes: 0
                                   Maa,when will you come??? My beautiful lovely Maa where are you? When will you come? I want to see u. I know you are an army women, serves the country, protects the country  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 08:27 PM
By Dharshini in Poetry | Reads: 277 | Likes: 0
I opend up my heart to you You killed me with boyish look  Little by little, I started to love your scoldings The way you scold me Words that I can't speak  Secrets hiding in ocean deep Only you I wanted to seek It started with just one Hi Now my heart won't let you go The childish smile I  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 08:31 PM
Love for God of the spirit art
By Bishakha Dewyani in Supernatural | Reads: 860 | Likes: 0
In the moment life is cool: while the heart was talking to the inner spirit light, routing the gesture to the heaven's kind *feeling in the holiness of vibe to the natural tribe* closing the eyes to the dreamy light +marking the spirit to deep ignite while taking the tour to the paradise. Inner jour  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 08:38 PM
The Poor Boy
By Mishi Jain in General Literary | Reads: 752 | Likes: 6
They say everyone has a story; and this one is about a boy who sold masks. Once in some distant town, not so long ago, there lived a boy who made a living by roaming the streets and selling masks. He was a young boy about eleven or twelve years old, but his wisdom was way more than others of his age  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 08:39 PM
Tale of a Marionette
By Rajarshi in Poetry | Reads: 363 | Likes: 1
Alone without the string, Attached to the one who knows to sling. Thought the Yo-Yo to itself, am I good? Lying there helpless, just to  escape. The pain of being left alone is too great, Maybe dancing to other’s will is fate. It’s the hand, throwing and pulling me close, Why not c  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 08:48 PM
A Sunflower
By Rajarshi in Poetry | Reads: 418 | Likes: 0
I stands wondering why the sun shower halted, for a brief moment, I am confused I wonder, Why this sudden darkness?   Sun with all its might and light still burning the same, jus! as bright, I wondered, I feard, Who is to blame, but the clouds that the Sun ignored   The cloud as dark as sp  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 08:53 PM