पुतलो की आवाज
By Arnab Sarkar in Horror | कुल पढ़ा गया: 2,104 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
यह कहानी शुरु ‌‌‌होती है एक घटना से, तब मैं बहुत छोटा था। शायद मैं चतुर्थ या पंचम कक्षा में पढ़ता था। मैं और मेरा   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 10:38 AM
Fantasised Love
By Srishti Gaur in Fantasy | कुल पढ़ा गया: 327 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Are you real OR You are just an imagination? Are you a soul OR you have any physical formation? Did you existed before OR You are my creation? Are you like my normal cravings OR You have become my addiction? I have seen you many times in my dreams. I was sitting next to you there and looking deep in  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 12:19 PM
My life is a movie.
By Shruti Reddy in True Story | कुल पढ़ा गया: 253 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
I remember I was 10 years old when I started watching movies with putting my heart into them. Before that I never felt such wonderful connection with them. I see myself in every character, the way they talk, the way they cry, they behave, every, every bit of them influences me, always. I see my life  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 12:59 PM
Life or death?
By Tanishq Sheikh in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 222 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
The sizzling heat isn’t unexpected. It is mid-April in the north part of India. Temperatures are known to go beyond 45 degrees Celsius. This year has been an exception so far. Decreased human activity in all quarters because of the virus has seen the pollution dissipate. The skies are clearer,  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 01:19 PM
Whenever it rains!
By B Arvind in Romance | कुल पढ़ा गया: 266 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
The clouds were fighting with each other, with the implosion of thunders striking the sky, like the warriors in a battle strike against each other. It was the most appropriate climate to drink a coffee, but not the time. Sitting beside the window, cuddling a pillow on her couch, Sarah watched the ti  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 01:28 PM
Wish I am a wild animal
By Sanasam Rocky in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 331 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
In a very vast jungle,                                                  it would be great to roam around. No one will tell me to stop,             ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 01:29 PM
By Asha Bhandari in True Story | कुल पढ़ा गया: 340 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
His  laugh imitated the weather outside. It was  loud as a thunder, lighting up the world around, so captivating that i couldn't focus on anything else. A regular night with two friends enjoying the alluring weather.     He was talking about the girl he was seeing. It didn't feel  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 01:31 PM
Covid 19
By siddhee agarwal in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 238 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
अपने है,पर गले से लग नई सकते ।  चलने को सड़के है,पर इंसान नई । मंज़िल तक पोहोचने के लिए रेल गाड़ी है,पर उसे चलाने की अनुम  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 01:36 PM
The paraplegic attack
By Smaranika Sahoo in True Story | कुल पढ़ा गया: 318 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
As usual with a cup of coffee a diary and a pen i sat on my table to jot down my feelings on the paper... Taking a hot sip of coffee i started... "Y....", my hands are not working what happened? .. Again I tried.... "The..." oh damn what happened to my handwriting.. Why am i unable to write a word e  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 02:53 PM
By Komal Chokshi in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 856 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
We, the people of freedomWe, the people of strengthWe, the people with talentsWe, are friends. Only wish,The world could be really at peace.Why not safe, moving around?Why hide in the corners; whenthe earth itself has no corners!Nothing unfair.Away from being scared,Love, aired. We, the people of  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 02:54 PM
Like snowflakes we
By Malika in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 232 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
I refrain to behold at the little infinity you vanquished In a clutch drifted apart like snowflakes as we neared the earth How beautifully you suppled to the newfound warmth I frizzle towards the gnarled tree tired of waiting Floating vicariously through the vacuum that obliterated me The ocean I hi  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 20,2020 02:32 AM
The Brave You
By Alisha Nandeshwar in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 334 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
 Love began when the world began, The pain began with you, Everyone has their own story, But you will read only a few.   It's not easy to speak of things, Not easy to open your heart, It gets only worse, When things start falling apart.    But there comes a time, When you have to  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 03:56 PM
One Last Night
By Alisha Nandeshwar in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 287 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Now that the moon is set in the sky, Free birds now have ceased to fly, Hold me in your arms, Tonight don’t be shy. It’s dark right now, But enough for me, Because you are all, That I just wanna see. Now hold me in your arms, Don’t let go of me. Until the morning draw us apart, Tou  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 04:02 PM
Maybe It's You
By Alisha Nandeshwar in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 359 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
An evening breeze hits me as such, Feels like that cold icy touch. It may not be or maybe it’s true, When my heart claims maybe it’s you.   A gust of wind swirls around, Lifting my tresses with a cloaked bound. It can be a storm starting to brew, But my heart says maybe it’  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 04:04 PM
Is it just Me?
By Alisha Nandeshwar in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 824 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
Is it just me or my heart that beats? That no longer wants to walk on the lonely streets. Or is that your charm that I cannot resist, Or your will to find the lost me in the midst. Maybe it’s your eyes full of fire, Or maybe it’s your words that dare me to desire. It must be the fun tha  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 16,2020 04:11 PM