B Arvind

கமலாவின் கதை

By B Arvind in Women's Fiction | Reads: 12,157 | Likes: 5

அவர்கள் இருவரும் படுக்கையில் உடைகளற்று, ஒரே போர்வையினுள் புதைந்து கிடந்தனர். சொல்லி வைத்தபடி இருவரும் மின்வி  Read More...

Published on Jul 10,2022 11:18 PM

Motherhood can change anyone

By B Arvind in General Literary | Reads: 627 | Likes: 6

“The money was good enough. After a long time, I am earning. No, I am counting packets of 500-rupee notes. Swinging the money back and forth, I can relish the air blown from the motion. This place is too lonely. I need to shift to a fresh place tomorrow. A new city. A new life. With this money  Read More...

Published on Jun 1,2020 09:59 PM

Whenever it rains!

By B Arvind in Romance | Reads: 289 | Likes: 0

The clouds were fighting with each other, with the implosion of thunders striking the sky, like the warriors in a battle strike against each other. It was the most appropriate climate to drink a coffee, but not the time. Sitting beside the window, cuddling a pillow on her couch, Sarah watched the ti  Read More...

Published on May 16,2020 01:28 PM

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