The lesson for the kid
By the worst ravi in True Story | कुल पढ़ा गया: 649 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
Once there was a kid who was very annoying and used to tease and take fun of others.So until then one day he was arriving at his home as he had visited somewhere.So there were some kids who were playing and there was some water in the floor and he slipped and fell down.Then the kids who wee playing   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Aug 8,2020 02:34 PM
By Hari in True Story | कुल पढ़ा गया: 648 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
If you save one tree,it saves thousands of lives.if you doesn't save even though one tree .it will kills hundreds of please plant one tree every month.thank youy friends.  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Mar 24,2020 07:42 AM
By Shaurya Agarwal in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 648 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
I was sitting in my garden With my legs cocked at my table In front of me I saw a man cleaning a stable And as in that moment I realized that What I was doing or The privileges that I had At that time was still A dream for many As it was a dream for those who feel Less vulnerable when in  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Mar 25,2020 10:54 PM
By Nandini Chakrabarti in General Literary | कुल पढ़ा गया: 648 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
December scares me a little, curtails me and forbids me to live free. I’m unsure if it’s anxiety and fear of losing somebody because all past decembers have been mournful that way. I try to keep myself busy and at work; so sometimes I end up overworking myself. The stress hurts my should  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 5,2020 11:41 PM
intro-ambi-extro date
By prajwal in Romance | कुल पढ़ा गया: 648 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
"It's been so long that I haven't been on a date" Raj said to his best friend "It's ok dude, just be cool you are going to be fine" said Ravi "Ok fine!!" Raj said nervously. Waiting at a book cafe Raj couldnt help but thinking about her and why she chose this cafe. A place hidden from the city, quit  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 14,2020 03:46 AM
By Jigyasa in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 648 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
Ever had a point in life Where everything's just peddled to halt There's no approaching curiosity, Or any impending thought t's all laid on table, plain in sight  Not a single trespassing from the memory lane Not enough content present in your glass Everyone's a little star in your galaxy train  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 17,2020 10:36 AM
By kunal sanghvi in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 648 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 8
                                WAIT FOR ME.. The talks ended, but my love didn't And those last few words keep echoing.. If u love me, wait for me.. Flashes come by ... That kiss on the mole under my left eye My heart k  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 2,2020 07:33 PM
My confession
By Dowris in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 648 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
My life is a mess  I wanna confess Things are falling apart But still I stand straight In the middle of nowhere I see myself growing But is that the growth Or the sign of my falling? My knees are bruised  From all the praying  Words always goes in vain  People look at me  Li  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 11,2020 12:43 PM
Walking on the staicase while routing to the heaven
By Bishakha Dewyani in Supernatural | कुल पढ़ा गया: 647 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
While I say the staicase, means that the different stages in life we pass by. Magic,miracle are not just the words but it does stands in with a meaning. As a meaning it say when the human spirit will fall I will pick it up ,when the decorated fairy will rise ill give them the light of the shinning b  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Mar 22,2020 08:12 PM
मैं से मैं का रिश्ता
By Divya in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 647 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 2
वो कहते हैं कि फेमिनाज़ी ना बनो तुम्हारे भले के लिए ही बनाये हमने सारे  नियम कायदे, रीति-रिवाज, सीमायें मर्यादाएं   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Mar 29,2020 10:19 PM
Sky and the Land
By Kiran Panda in Fantasy | कुल पढ़ा गया: 647 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 1
Everyday when the Sky see the Land, he feel so hsppy. He said, "I wish, i  can touch the land and enjoy her beautiful ground. At such a high she is looking so small." Land also think something when she look at the Sky. She said, "The sky is so lucky. He can look everything and live a lop of Ear  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Mar 31,2020 02:25 PM
I stood and watched.
By Shreya in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 647 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 2
I stood and watched as the mother cried, When she heard that her son had died. He didn't die because he was sick, Or he siding die because he was in a wreck. He died doing what he felt was right. I watched a father try to hold back his tears, His son had lived only a scant 22 years. His son had die  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 23,2020 12:30 PM
सच्चा प्यार बार बार नही होता​ 
By Pinky Ashku in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 647 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
सच्चा प्यार बार बार नही होता​  जो बार बार होता है वो प्यार नही होता सच्चा प्यार हर किसी से नही होता किस्मत वाले हो  ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ Apr 26,2020 07:52 PM
The Walking Stick
By Namrata Dev in Poetry | कुल पढ़ा गया: 647 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
In an elegant room full of modern art and paintings furnished with white couches and transparent coffee tables, and Greek Jars and Roman swords and a picture of the pastel sky from a different country's pair of eyes, hanging on a fixture adjacent to the hundred dollar wind chime, stood an old stick   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 5,2020 01:57 AM
Say you love me
By Barnali Basu in Romance | कुल पढ़ा गया: 647 | कुल पसंद किया गया: 0
 “Preeti? Hello? What’s the matter with you?”Aryan demanded annoyed. Preeti blushed hard and muttered softly,”I’m sorry…..” Chastened, he smiled, “Exams are approaching and you are perpetually lost in dreams.We have to pay attention.”   ज्यादा पढ़ें...
इस तारीख़ को पब्लिश हुआ May 17,2020 01:04 PM