The Long Lost Self Love
By arpita hegde in Fantasy | Reads: 643 | Likes: 0
I met the long lost self time By way of holidays,  In the name of WORK FROM HOME..  I was not prepared for the meet,  So being in the state of dilemma I just said "Hii!! " He just smiled and asked me a simple question: "Are You Happy with this kind of busy schedule❓" His question   Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 02:35 PM
By Saara in Poetry | Reads: 643 | Likes: 1
I know you wanna flee I request you,  And, it's my only plea  Darkness today  Will be a bright tomorrow Believe, and never astray  The hardest  Will bring you the glory It is a history in worlds story Covid 19 has killed many  It's so tiny  Yet so brainy  It's  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 12:09 PM
By N.Sowbarnika in General Literary | Reads: 643 | Likes: 3
                         CUR(SED)FEW "Om bhur bhuvaswaha..." the door bell resonated the sanctity of that house. Six legs, two with toes and remaining four without toes, strode towards the door to open it. There stood two brisk uniform  Read More...
Published on Apr 24,2020 12:28 AM
Not a big deal
By Working class Zero in General Literary | Reads: 643 | Likes: 3
It was a  house with blue walls . As soon as I entered it gave me a vibe , a vibe that I did not appreciate much but I was okay with it because she had a great ass . Oh fuck !!. I suddenly got scared . I lost the little erection her curvatous ass had given me ,I panicked , my heart started beat  Read More...
Published on May 11,2020 01:18 AM
By Virgin Heart in Poetry | Reads: 643 | Likes: 1
कुछ अनकही बाते है जो मैं बयान करना चाहता हूं, मन में बहुत सारे सवाल है जिनके मैं जवाब ढूंढ़ना चाहता हूं, अगर इस स्थित  Read More...
Published on May 11,2020 11:44 PM
I don't care
By jerilim in True Story | Reads: 643 | Likes: 0
     Not a day to remember, but i iemember ur frnd that event 'Treasure hunt' in which u have to find some props that are kept at some places in campus. It's quite a fun and creative game for first yearite engineering students ,after all the two years of IIT naam ka jaap makes u a mag  Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 03:27 AM
How do you live with it?
By sakshi shivhare in Poetry | Reads: 643 | Likes: 0
I whim with your every word which i heard And dreaming the desire that wholly you hire. More i try to avoid All of the world seems a void. It is something that you lit Every step stops before quit. The dream i am dreaming which equally you are stirring But the stir will take million coun  Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 09:01 PM
By Gautam Kumar Gupta in Poetry | Reads: 643 | Likes: 0
Through the stars And through the wars And all that, I have gained so far What I see is not myself but belongings that don’t belong to me but belong to that worthy person who pushed me to get this far How to describe her, with the words of my heart She is like a sword without her, I am nob  Read More...
Published on May 29,2020 01:45 PM
By Kavya Parmar in Poetry | Reads: 643 | Likes: 1
Memories ❤ :   When someone walks out from our life,  A bunch of memories is given by them,  Only because of that we can survive,  It is not less than a gem!    Some memories are marvelous,  Those are really miraculous,  Some of them are atrocious, From whic  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 05:09 PM
By Radhika Sahi Kaur in True Story | Reads: 643 | Likes: 0
Each one of us is conditioned to be a certain way, handle life a certain way , when there is so much to do and so many issues to resolve. We often find ourselves chipped and exhausted. Catch ourselves wishing for another version of life which only has a bed of roses. It is when we have reached rock   Read More...
Published on Jun 9,2020 10:51 AM
By Ritika Chowdhary in Poetry | Reads: 643 | Likes: 0
I entered into the world of love,  Like a white ray enters a triangular prism.  Just the way the ray gets deviated,  I too got deviated from my aim.  Splitting myself in different directions And loosing every colour that I once consisted.  What the world saw when I got split  Read More...
Published on Jul 5,2020 11:15 PM
The Dark Paradise
By praneeth chandra in Poetry | Reads: 642 | Likes: 0
It was around 2 am on a full moon day.  We both were together on the terrace of our beach house The sky was beautifully decorated with the stars burning with the brilliant sapphire pallor of the electric light The chill breeze mixed with the sound of the waves made us feel like we were enjoying  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 07:25 PM
By Siddhi Joshi in Poetry | Reads: 642 | Likes: 0
He  He is always there by my side, He never fails to leave me alone,  He is with me and he is within me,  Even when I feel alone he is always there, He is my soul mate and still manages to crush me, I beg him to leave me alone, He refuses to leave,  He chokes me, He inhibits me,   Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 12:50 PM
Riding my broom stick but I am no witch!
By Anjali Gupta in General Literary | Reads: 642 | Likes: 7
Wouldn’t be able to deny it entirely, now that the Corona Virus has literally ensured that most of the ladies, at least in India are riding broomsticks. I am too. With the morning call, not of the cock-a-doodle-do but the gentle humming of the water pumping motor, I jump out of bed and in one   Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 02:32 PM
Thank! God
By Writer's Hub in Poetry | Reads: 642 | Likes: 2
We ended last night the last chapter.  But we entered in the new one next Morning.    Suddenly the parents, Friends and family started seeking your love by distancing.    Mecca was empty,  Temples were empty,  Sky was full of birds  While the malls were empty.  Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 02:00 AM