कोरोना मत मारो ना
By Harshit Singh Shekhawat in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 821 | लाइक: 1
थम गया है देश,  रुक गया है देश,  जब से फैला है कोरोना,  देखकर इसका प्रकोप सब, भूल गए हैं महंगाई और भ्रष्टाचार का रो  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:49 AM
जहाँ में सबको तो एक दिन
By Shubham Priyadarshan in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 762 | लाइक: 0
जहाँ में सबको तो एकदिन,किसी से प्यार होता है। खुली आँखों से तब, रातों का बेड़ा पार होता है। ये दिल बेचैन रहता है, सदा इ  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:44 AM
Don't drown my dear friends
By KALPANA ANNAPRAGADA in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 315 | लाइक: 0
Time for soulsearching my dear friends, Time to awaken your soul... The soul is hungry and empty my dear... Feed the soul with love,peace and divine calm.. Nourish the soul with divine songs and mantras my dear friends, The divine aura around us protects us from harm of the outside world... Be safe   आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:38 AM
By Shraddha Anu Shekar in Travel | वाचलं गेलेलं: 5,688 | लाइक: 53
THE FIGHT It was clear to me that a fight was going on.  I sat there, indulging in my favourite pastime. Observing people. I travel a lot and spend quite some time in airports and stations. A lot more time standing still at various traffic signals. Looking out, there’s so much to see, ob  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:33 AM
Kitchen Tales
By Neelima Chakraborty in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 1,095 | लाइक: 1
The faded scars on the inside of your hand Hold on to the recipes of generations. Carefully passed on  From one arm to another, Whispered into dreams, Marinaded with care: The hallmark of ingenuity, Grinding spices with dexterity. Concealing every fault With a gentle sprinkle of salt. The perfe  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:32 AM
By Sundaram Krishnamurthy, Sudha Krishna in War Story | वाचलं गेलेलं: 683 | लाइक: 0
*A WARTIME BLACKOUT WITHOUT THE ACTUAL BLACKOUT!!* The self imposed Janta Curfew reminded us of certain past actions! During 1962 when China invaded us, we were barely out of the high school. When Pakistan tried its tricks in 1965, we were safely ensconced in Kharakvasla North Camp, near Pune; we we  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:29 AM
आठवाँ फेरा
By arun raj in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 595 | लाइक: 1
"मंगला ! सो गई क्या ?" "नहीं जी, कहो कुछ चाहिए क्या?" "नहीं, बस तुझसे बात करने को जी चाह रहा था।" "आपकी तबियत ठीक नहीं है, आप   आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:22 AM
Ups and Downs
By Raza Imam in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 464 | लाइक: 0
Intelligence had not oped its doors, Man walked on all his fours.  Both were infants-man,mankind.  He did not use his fullest mind.    It was as raw as his food, And his ways were very crude.  He did not have any specific name , Nor did he ever taste of fame.    Wi  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:21 AM
કોરોના વાઇરસ : આ વૈશ્વિક બીમારીનો અંત ક્યારે આવશે?
By shailesh rathod in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 970 | लाइक: 1
કોરોના વાઇરસ : આ વૈશ્વિક બીમારીનો અંત ક્યારે આવશે અને જીવન સામાન્ય બનશે? આપણે સહુ અસમંજસમાં છીએ.કોરોના વાઇરસ ફરી આ  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:17 AM
The Cold Night Monster
By Shubham Tiwari in Horror | वाचलं गेलेलं: 477 | लाइक: 1
Every year in those cold nights I used to be afraid of sleep, a fairy tale became a horror to me. The story ended very well; they love happy endings but I knew it's not        goanna happen to me. I didn't have those powers and tricks like the HERO, I wasn't even the HERO. He was  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:13 AM
By dropati jeswani in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 899 | लाइक: 1
सड़कें,खेत,खलिहान सूने मेले,ठेले,चौपाटियाँ बंद बसों, ट्रेनों के थम गए पहिए स्कूल,कॉलेज,ऑफिस,बाजार खाली ज़िन्दगी का  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:07 AM
Why Are People Not Taking Benefits Of The Resources?
By Dr. Kuldeep Sharma in General Literary | वाचलं गेलेलं: 457 | लाइक: 1
Today’s era is known for its amenities and resources which are available for the people, and this availability is now somewhat is becoming a major cause of agonies for the people. People are not able to take benefits of the resources, rather they are becoming a puppet in some form or the other  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 10:00 AM
By Deeksha in True Story | वाचलं गेलेलं: 350 | लाइक: 0
https://www.facebook.com/100010505799274/posts/848842702142582/?app=fbl this is written by me but dont how can i publish this on here . thats i share through link .  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 09:59 AM
I Am a Girl
By Princekb (Kulbhushan Ojha) in True Story | वाचलं गेलेलं: 445 | लाइक: 1
Hey there, Anaya, a small-town girl, is confused with this one question, which is startling her mind. Who is more important for a girl? The guy who taught her to love or the guy who taught her to dream? The guy who considers her his life or the guy who gave her a new life?Will Anaya get closer to he  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 09:58 AM
Days are not the same, anymore
By Amrita Paul in Poetry | वाचलं गेलेलं: 537 | लाइक: 0
Days are not the same anymore The streets deserted Silence hovering a bit longer than expected Making a stop at each corner of once a busy street The mid day breeze blowing softly Sad, it seems at the endless emptiness The World has taken a break! To bounce back , again, rejuvenated!    &n  आणखी वाचा...
प्रकाशनाची तारीख Mar 23,2020 09:56 AM