Shraddha Anu Shekar

Shraddha Anu Shekar is a 17-year-old explorer. She loves reading, writing and debating aspects of the world around her. A history buff, she connects the past with the present. “The unco project” is her sixth book.Read More...


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the unco project

Books by Shraddha Anu Shekar

Is there a difference between patriotism and nationalism?

Which one spurred Idi Amin into controlling Uganda?

How have notions of gender played out in popular media over the last decade?

Do rural livelihoods still hold a future today?

As a 17-year-old, these are some of the questions I explore through ‘the unco project’. This book is a collection of my analytical essays and reviews on different topics under the overarching theme

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போர் முழக்கம்

Books by பிரவீன் ஷேகர்

உங்களின் பிசினஸ் ஒர் பேரரசுக்கு நிகர் என்றால், வெற்றி அதன் சிம்மாசனம். இதை தக்கவைக்கும் கலையை கற்றுக்கொள்ள எவ்வளவு தூரம் செல்ல தயார்? ஒரு பக்கம், மூன்று  சீ.இ.ஒ-க்கள் அவர்கள

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Business is survival first, then success! But what does Krav Maga got to do with business survival? Everything!
To survive and move to the next stage.

Krav Maga is a contemporary fighting system meant primarily for self-defence. Developed for the Israeli security forces, Krav Maga combines the best of the available martial art techniques and philosophies.

With the eye of an outlier marketer, I draw parallels between the many lessons imparted b

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Business is survival first, then success! But what does Krav Maga got to do with business survival? Everything!
To survive and move to the next stage.

Krav Maga is a contemporary fighting system meant primarily for self-defence. Developed for the Israeli security forces, Krav Maga combines the best of the available martial art techniques and philosophies.

With the eye of an outlier marketer, I draw parallels between the many lessons imparted b

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Mahishasura Marketer

Books by Shraddha Anu Shekar & Pravin Shekar

What is mythology all about? Gods, demons, and their shenanigans; instead of questioning their existence and actions, what if we interpret them? What if these stories are coded messages to help us fight the battle within? 

Is Mahishasura a metaphor? Are there alternate lessons from Puranic and mythological stories? Are there hidden answers we must decipher and apply in our life and work?

Explore all this and more in this conversation between a m

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Throne Wars

Books by Pravin Shekar


THRONE WARS is a fictionalized presentation inspired by the lives of the Chola and Pandya kings, who ruled vast parts of Southern India many centuries ago. The history of India is replete with colourful stories involving ambitious rulers, wily court strategists, brave commanders and guerilla warfare, all of which make for compelling reading even today. 

Not just that. They carry many important, ti

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Throne Wars

Books by Pravin Shekar


THRONE WARS is a fictionalized presentation inspired by the lives of the Chola and Pandya kings, who ruled vast parts of Southern India many centuries ago. The history of India is replete with colourful stories involving ambitious rulers, wily court strategists, brave commanders and guerilla warfare, all of which make for compelling reading even today.

Not just that. They carry many important, time

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Books by Pravin Shekar

A cross-sea is an ocean phenomenon. A square repeating pattern appears when winds from two weather systems collide. 
A cross-sea occurrence is rare and quite fatal for those caught in it. We are in the midst of a global cross-sea, and we need to find a way to survive and get out to the shore.
What are we ready to do to survive? 
That is the fight we are in now.
And we have long run out of excuses, as there is no status quo. But th

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Books by Pravin Shekar

A cross-sea is an ocean phenomenon. A square repeating pattern appears when winds from two weather systems collide. 
A cross-sea occurrence is rare and quite fatal for those caught in it. We are in the midst of a global cross-sea, and we need to find a way to survive and get out to the shore.
What are we ready to do to survive? 
That is the fight we are in now.
And we have long run out of excuses, as there is no status quo. But th

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The Ghatotkacha Game

Books by Pravin Shekar


Are there any? 

Would it be a stretch to connect the dots, to learn from stories of yore, from characters that have been chiselled and enhanced across centuries?

A marketer seeks inspiration from all possible sources, including ones that are clearly outliers! Let us take one particular character from the Mahabharata.

Ghatotkacha is a very powerful character

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Books by Pravin Shekar

Professional speaking is a career. For some it is automatic. For many it takes years of planning, practice and perfecting.


It all starts with the first step. Take yours. Pick this book up and learn how to be a sought after, paid speaker right away.

This book is for those interested in establishing a rewarding speaking career that adds value to people’s lives.


It is simple, entertaining and action oriented.


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With You For You

Books by Pravin Shekar

Travel and romance

Clicking and writing

What else is life about?


A love across borders


and damsels in between


My scribbles, images and emotions

with you

for you




I pen my journey

through pictures and words.


Share the romance,

spread it across,

my friend.


I hope our

Paths cross so

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Devil Does Care

Books by Pravin Shekar

The Devil lies in the Details.
When the Details are missed, the Devil comes out.
It is the same with your marketing budget.

Spending oodles of money on marketing and branding activities is not the only way for a cash-crunched entrepreneur to win relevant clients. Try Outlier marketing!

Why did you start up? Get into Business? What are you selling? Why do you want to spend money on “branding activities”? Do you

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With You For You

Books by Pravin Shekar

Travel and romance

Clicking and writing

What else is life about?


A love across borders


and damsels in between


My scribbles, images and emotions

with you

for you




I pen my journey

through pictures and words.


Share the romance,

spread it across,

my friend.


I hope our

Paths cross so

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Devil Does Care

Books by Pravin Shekar

The Devil lies in the Details.
When the Details are missed, the Devil comes out.
It is the same with your marketing budget.

Spending oodles of money on marketing and branding activities is not the only way for a cash-crunched entrepreneur to win relevant clients. Try Outlier marketing!

Why did you start up? Get into Business? What are you selling? Why do you want to spend money on “branding activities”?

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By Shraddha Anu Shekar in General Literary | Reads: 724 | Likes: 1

SURVIVE   There he was, writing.    He was relatively new to our community, where everyone knows everyone. Almost.   He showed up at the same time every day, including Sundays. On the dot. As if he were working in an office where he has to clock in and out. Courteous and tacitur  Read More...

Published on Mar 25,2020 03:54 PM


By Shraddha Anu Shekar in Travel | Reads: 5,755 | Likes: 53

THE FIGHT It was clear to me that a fight was going on.  I sat there, indulging in my favourite pastime. Observing people. I travel a lot and spend quite some time in airports and stations. A lot more time standing still at various traffic signals. Looking out, there’s so much to see, ob  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 10:33 AM


By Shraddha Anu Shekar in Romance | Reads: 3,099 | Likes: 14

Weddings! It’s always mix of emotions. Any big family function brings people together, not just family members. Why should weddings be any different. So many people to meet, get to know, perhaps build relationships. I’ve had a lot infatuations in the past but this one, I knew. This was   Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 09:31 PM

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