“Arriving at a moment of political crisis in the sanitation sector, where less than 5% of countries globally have resourced sanitation policies, this book puts a spotlight and provides tools for countries to elicit government action, leadership, and responsibility in the sanitation sector. The triggering approach and the implication of institutional OD are apt analogies for the political crisis that the sanitation sector finds itself in. This book leverages CLTS Foundation’s decades of work in this space and the learning that community and political leadership are the most powerful drivers of change.”
- Ann Thomas, Senior WASH Advisor, UNICEF, New York
This book explains the need for Institutional Triggering as an important tool to complement the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach and influence larger institutions and powerful actors of development within and outside the government to scale-up the homegrown success of CLTS across their respective nations. It describes how facilitators can convince senior leaders and high officials to spread the success of CLTS to their regions more proactively for the overall growth and advancement of the nation.
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