By Aishwarya in General Literary | Reads: 806 | Likes: 0
The past week I had been experiencing something which I had come across so many times before but this time at a whole new level - Desperation. I didn't  know that I could be this badly affected by this feeling. I have been desperately clinging on to something which doesn't and probably will not  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:17 PM
यकीन कर, यकीन से अब पर्दा हुआ है
By Anuj Subrat in Poetry | Reads: 825 | Likes: 2
यक़ीन कर, यक़ीन से अब पर्दा हुआ है मैं जहाँ खड़ा हूँ वहाँ सबने सर झुका लिया है बहुत बुरा हूँ मैं, हर तरफ मिरि ही बुराइयाँ   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:11 PM
माया जाल ! Maya jaal !
By Kartik Thukral in Poetry | Reads: 2,100 | Likes: 0
माया जाल ! Maya jaal  ! प्यासा प्यासा एक बगूला  आस बड़े  जब जीवन की  भूखा ही मर जाये  लगे   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:10 PM
A Doctor in China
By Kavindi M. Jayasinghe in Poetry | Reads: 2,187 | Likes: 7
Chaos rained all over the country, Helpless was I, with my team A virus, destructive since the day of entry Never did we assume, not even in a dream. We could've controlled it, underestimated did we Just like a common cold, it'll depart away Yet, it strived inside my people's bodies with glee Confir  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 06:06 PM
The woman looked out of the window...
By Raj Anand in Romance | Reads: 760 | Likes: 0
The woman looked out of the window . . .    The awkwardly beautiful woman quietly looked out of the window listening to the radio; Joan Osborne was wondering ‘if god was one of us’.  She loved the earthy rhythm of the electric guitar, it always reminded her of the wet eart  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 05:53 PM
भाग जाएगा कोरोना..
By DR. RAJESHWAR UNIYAL in Poetry | Reads: 657 | Likes: 3
2. भाग जाएगा कोरोना..      - डा. राजेश्वर उनियाल नहीं कहीं तुम घबरा जानाऔर काहे का रोना धोना,बस तुम   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 05:51 PM
By Kavindi M. Jayasinghe in Poetry | Reads: 2,280 | Likes: 21
Haven't seen you in months, you've been away. Dreams about you awaken desires in me. They are soft, innocent in a way Searching, wanting your love in a lonesome sea. To run my fingers through your hair , To watch that smile cross your face, Like a shooting star on the night sky, so bare. To stay wra  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 05:48 PM
जनता कर्फ्यू ..
By DR. RAJESHWAR UNIYAL in Poetry | Reads: 739 | Likes: 1
जनता कर्फ्यू ..  - डा. राजेश्वर उनियाल uniyalsir@gmail.comयाचक बनकर आया हूँ मैंयाचना तुमसे मैं करता हूँ,घर में रहना है दिनभरयही   Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 05:47 PM
चूना और गेरू
By DR. RAJESHWAR UNIYAL in General Literary | Reads: 1,042 | Likes: 2
चूना और गेरू         -  डा. राजेश्वर उनियाल            9869116784      
Published on Mar 22,2020 05:39 PM
मेरा अकेला पन
By nishant kumar soni in Poetry | Reads: 899 | Likes: 6
                   आज मैं कितना अकेला      चूभ रहा  मेरे दिल , मे कोइ कांटा ,            कोइ नही पास म  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 05:32 PM
School -A Reverie
By shalini in Poetry | Reads: 648 | Likes: 0
REVERIE The day I stopped wearing my pinaform; Maa’ where are My books? Where is my pencil box? Whither though lunch is packed? Where are my shoes and socks? (Knock on the head.....ounch) Don’t move your plait is cross See you mom!!! Either reminisce or nostalgic With a gigantic school b  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 05:25 PM
During the Coronavirus
By Liza Gupta in General Literary | Reads: 696 | Likes: 1
A pandemic situation all around everyone is quite scared about this big word 'Coronavirus'. Being such a stage in life I feel this is a reaction from nature to the people my grandmother responded.I looking into her eyes and asking really grandma is that such.She explained me when she was a teenage s  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 05:02 PM
Mystery of love while touring in the journey of life
By Bishakha Dewyani in General Literary | Reads: 593 | Likes: 1
Life is mystry of love and the mystry is the journey walking along  the spirit of love. All of the while the journey of life had been routing its path on the ground while taking up the wings to fly the sky,  the beauty within the inner growth was rising to look around for that completeness  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 04:51 PM
It's all for you
By KJ Sriranjani in General Literary | Reads: 937 | Likes: 3
We come across many people! Love some! Hate some! Some sucking experience!!! Some happy ones! Love! Regrets! Hardworks! Backstabbs! Searching reasons to Liv?!!  Bt remember everything you do is for you!!! And in the the it's all for you!!! Do wat u wish and only tht!  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 04:48 PM
Just a Love
By Raviraj Mishra in Romance | Reads: 990 | Likes: 4
"Can we have a dinner together ?” was all I could ask.The day of the my so called date started all smooth making me shiver from morning to noon. My heart kept pacing whenever she entered my thought and my heart would stop whenever she left my mind. All day I was at my edge planning, trying, wa  Read More...
Published on Mar 22,2020 04:35 PM