Trust and satisfaction
By Rumani Dey in General Literary | Reads: 221 | Likes: 1
What is trust? Not much do we know about trust. Trust is an abstract word without feelings unlike love. We can still feel love but the feelings involved with trust are just satisfaction.  What is satisfaction? Satisfaction is a level of mind as per nature's ways of identification. Trust is rel  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 01:13 AM
Helen Of Mars
By Yatin in Sci-fi | Reads: 402 | Likes: 1
The date is 28th October, the year 3019. It was on this day 11 year's back that the story's protagonist Helen was adopted by a couple - Lucas and Hector. For this special day the couple were going to The Earth Museum located in Ashlew City on the planet Mars. (oh, didn't I tell you?) The Earth is no  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 03:08 AM
By nanya_ink in Poetry | Reads: 517 | Likes: 1
The sky acknowledged my pain And shed tears with me in form of rain  I wandered places  Asking questions All to no avail All I wanted was mother to smile back at me I researched I prayed  I hoped My faith was all I had left  And just when i decided to bid goodbye She started resp  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 03:27 AM
Elegy to a Street Venus
By R Chandrasekar in Poetry | Reads: 375 | Likes: 1
Elegy To A Street Venus                                              & 
Published on Apr 6,2020 09:01 AM
Banarasiya Ishq
By Bharat bhushan upadhyay in Poetry | Reads: 274 | Likes: 1
यह जो अनकहा सा हमारे बीच रह गया है तुम्हारे होने की कशिश है तुम्हारे प्यार का एक अजब एहसास है जानता हू दूरीयॉ है अभी   Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 09:23 AM
#भूल जाऊ क्यो न
By Harshal Shivankar in Poetry | Reads: 711 | Likes: 1
मेरे कपड़ों की जेब भर जाए तेरे इश्क के दर्द से क्यों न  मैं भी तो रोना चाहूं कोई मुझे प्यार से सताए क्यों न मस्जिद,   Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 09:44 AM
Prison, Love, Escape and a Sacrifice
By Eswar Tavva in General Literary | Reads: 432 | Likes: 1
PRISON, LOVE, ESCAPE AND A SACRIFICE At the time when Indians were rebelling against foreign rule, the Britishers had to find a place to deport prisoners. A place where no one could easily reach and those who reached could not escape. This deporting was known as "Kaala Pani” which means "Black  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 10:25 AM
By Madhavi Hadker in Thriller | Reads: 292 | Likes: 1
I was really thrilled when I received a lovely silver and blue coloured bicycle on my fourteenth birthday! It also had a small basket and a bell attached to it. I rung this sweet, musical bell so many times that my neighbour’s son yelled out and asked me “Nancy, is your bell stuck? Why d  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 10:36 AM
By Rohit Ashok Kothari in Poetry | Reads: 650 | Likes: 1
Sab kuch nasht ho raha hai, Lag raha hai jaise sansaar andhkaar ki or badh raha hai... Aise andhere mei achaanak, Dekh deep prakaashit hua mere bharose ka, Tera bhi toh ummeed ke  grith se deepak roshan hua hai..  Naa jaane kaunsa asur aisi maahaamari failaa raha hai, Par dekh kitne iss ju  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 11:23 AM
Socha toh tha....
By Prakriti Raj in Poetry | Reads: 333 | Likes: 1
Socha toh tha ki ab ishq ki naukari toh kre ge pr kabhi kaam pr na jaye ge Par.. jb SE tumse mile h tb se espar kaam krne ko jee chahta hai .. Socha toh tha ki ab kisi SE isharo Mei baate n kre ge ... Pr.. Tere isharo ko smjhne ka jee chahta h ,Tere labo ko padhne ka jee chahta h  Aise toh bhot  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 11:23 AM
खेल का महत्तव
By Ashutosh in General Literary | Reads: 441 | Likes: 1
सांप सीढ़ी का खेल तेरहवीं शताब्‍दी में कवि संत ज्ञान देव द्वारा तैयार किया गया था इसे मूल रूप से मोक्षपट कहते थे।   Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 12:16 PM
Take it Slow! Everything Heals
By Swaathi Sundaramurugan in General Literary | Reads: 274 | Likes: 1
Every one of us went through trauma or depression at some point in our lives. Some of us had a shoulder to cry on and some of us didn’t. For all the people who are feeling down and who are struggling to take the next step, I want to tell you it’s really alright. You don’t have to r  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 12:29 PM
By Surbhi Gandotra in Poetry | Reads: 434 | Likes: 1
They say poetry is all about falling in love Yes I do fall in love everyday and with everything When the sun sets in the evening with the hope of a new day and a new beggining Seeing the baby crawling while trying to walk Hugging your mother when you feel afraid of the dark Laughing out loud till yo  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 02:33 PM
My Story On Earth
By Nidhi Kolha in Mystery | Reads: 1,115 | Likes: 1
Hi i am Sahana,  I am 2nd year engineering student and i want to tell you my story today. Todays date is 27th november and at the time is at around 12PM....the people have gathered around me i can see i am lying down the street and the blood is all around me and i am calling for help but i am n  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 03:12 PM
Love Grows
By Manika Ekka in Poetry | Reads: 399 | Likes: 1
Love grow.... It does not happen In a day or two, Not even in a year or few... The shivers tickles and butterflies, momentary but cannot be denied...  As it grows, the process slows... Unicorn and rainbows u will see, Fading away as time flees.. Giving is all it knows, Called "selfless love" a  Read More...
Published on Apr 6,2020 04:21 PM