Eswar Tavva

Writer lost in boots.
Writer lost in boots.

Weird story telling

By Eswar Tavva in Romance | Reads: 621 | Likes: 5

WEIRD STORY TELLING We all are storytellers. We all are creative but the problem is that we don't know it.  You don't believe me. Read the story carefully till end.  Caution: The story is not in any order. Have patience. Meanwhile Sridhar's hand started trembling, his hand was not in his c  Read More...

Published on Apr 11,2020 09:26 AM

Letter to a friend

By Eswar Tavva in True Story | Reads: 619 | Likes: 1

LETTER TO A FRIEND Stamp collection and postcard collection are one of my hobbies. One fine day I went to the Post Office located in Army Cantonment in Secunderabad to collect some stamps. An old man, about 80 years of age, approached me and requested me to write a letter to his friend. He also requ  Read More...

Published on Apr 9,2020 09:12 AM

I want to die young

By Eswar Tavva in Thriller | Reads: 684 | Likes: 2

 I WANT TO DIE YOUNG He was driving his car in the outskirts of the city on the national highway. All of a sudden, he found himself being followed by two SUVs. He doubted them and when he was about to slow down his car to confirm their intentions, they started firing at him. He immediately acce  Read More...

Published on Apr 8,2020 09:20 AM

Love and the War

By Eswar Tavva in True Story | Reads: 436 | Likes: 1

LOVE AND THE WAR I was a young lieutenant in the Indian army when I got posted in the North-Eastern part of India. The topography of this region is mountainous and densely covered with forests. Militant organisations were very active in the area I got posted at and most of the villages were militant  Read More...

Published on Apr 7,2020 10:05 AM

Prison, Love, Escape and a Sacrifice

By Eswar Tavva in General Literary | Reads: 470 | Likes: 1

PRISON, LOVE, ESCAPE AND A SACRIFICE At the time when Indians were rebelling against foreign rule, the Britishers had to find a place to deport prisoners. A place where no one could easily reach and those who reached could not escape. This deporting was known as "Kaala Pani” which means "Black  Read More...

Published on Apr 6,2020 10:25 AM

In the hope of love

By Eswar Tavva in Romance | Reads: 477 | Likes: 2

  IN THE HOPE OF LOVE "Hey look at there," I said "What ?" She asked " The poster of the film 'In the Hope of Love'," I said and continued," in just five minutes , the premium show of this movie is about to start." "So what?" She asked " I have never watched a premium show of a movie," I said "  Read More...

Published on Apr 5,2020 09:36 AM


By Eswar Tavva in General Literary | Reads: 525 | Likes: 1

INDIFFERENT Indifferent (adjective), Oxford dictionary meaning: having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned. A 26 year old, medium height, neatly dressed guy had just dismounted from a city bus near one of the beautiful parks in the city. He was carrying a satchel in his hand. The sun was  Read More...

Published on Apr 2,2020 03:39 PM

Something different

By Eswar Tavva in Thriller | Reads: 484 | Likes: 1

SOMETHING DIFFERENT It was a beautiful evening and weather was extremely good. I and Sai kiran were walking on a road which was laid between the houses on both sides. Lushed with greenery it forms a very good scenic view. Sai Kiran, a friend of mine was a 25 year old guy, unmarried lives in one of t  Read More...

Published on Apr 2,2020 03:38 PM

Unimaginatively imaginative

By Eswar Tavva in Romance | Reads: 7,704 | Likes: 113

UNIMAGINATIVELY IMAGINATIVE  It's Pain. The most beautiful part in any relationship that we fail to recognise and accept. That's the beauty of love. When you love someone so deeply and those loved ones ignore you, your heart undergoes a cosmic transformation that which can be explained only in   Read More...

Published on Apr 1,2020 10:19 AM

An Unending story

By Eswar Tavva in Romance | Reads: 2,665 | Likes: 8

AN UNENDING STORY It was 8 o clock in the morning and the bus stop was crowded with school,College going students and early office goers. Some people were talking. Some were reading newspapers. Some were discussing politics while the school children were discussing about the new marvel movie. Vydehi  Read More...

Published on Apr 1,2020 10:16 AM

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