The song of my Tears
By Rohit Ashok Kothari in Poetry | Reads: 794 | Likes: 1
Let's pull the gear and overcome the fear, No ain't no time for regret, no ain't no time for tear, So what, if you have been betrayed by your dear, Bygone is bygone, c'mon let's move on, Let's not cry for what we have lost, Let's think of our assests and let's just cheer...  A phase had come w  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 12:02 PM
Moon & Halo
By Ritika Garg in Poetry | Reads: 311 | Likes: 1
You are the moon  I want to be the halo That follows you That surrounds you That protects you From every sorrow I'll always be around you  And you'd never be alone I'd repel every event of sadness From your life  And the stars will be jealous of our affair   Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 08:20 PM
A Catastrophic Plan !
By Rajeev A. Masih in Thriller | Reads: 929 | Likes: 1
Fiction – A Catastrophic Plan ! Year 2019. Month – November. In a lab, located in an eastern country, hidden from the rest of the world, a group of four old scientists, wearing long white coats were working frantically, they had standing orders to develop a virus strain before the end of  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 11:47 AM
पंथ न हारो
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 518 | Likes: 1
पथिक तुम पंथ न हारो  बंद हुआ एक द्वारा तो दूसरा गेह निहारो । सुभगे से जीवन में मिलेंगे ,शशि ,सुमन ,कलगी अगणित । कभी क  Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 09:54 PM
By Rohit Nagrare in Poetry | Reads: 796 | Likes: 1
Curse I swearto not spoil words on you, Cause you are an illusion of days very few.. Had spent very precious time with you, But except regret i got nothing new.. Won't want to remember the time we had spent, Now forget the bunglow, I wish to live in a tent.. It was worthless to give you my heart, C  Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 09:56 PM
दिनकर हूँ
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 480 | Likes: 1
मैं दिनकर हूँ ;रोज निकलता हूँ क्षितिज के उस पार । मैेने देखा है निशा के परचिड़ते । घबराता ,विस्मित होता अँधकार । मैं   Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 10:00 PM
By Vishal jagadale in Poetry | Reads: 820 | Likes: 1
उमंग तिल तिल दिल टूट रहा, पल पल यूहीं छूट रहागहरी पनप रही हैं साजिश , हौसला भी धीरे धीरे टूट रहा.. दिख रहा अब जीत का रास  Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 10:26 PM
By Indukalpa in Poetry | Reads: 681 | Likes: 1
                                                     EPIDEMIC A Poem by Indukalpa (INDIA) CONFINE YOURSLEF  WITHIN FOUR WALLS SELF QUARANTINE THE QUIET F  Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 10:30 PM
कभी इन रास्तों पर
By Naman awasthi in Poetry | Reads: 794 | Likes: 1
कभी इन रास्तों पर भीड़ रहती थी हज़ारों की। आज झलक नही है यहां इंसानों की। कभी इन रास्तों पर बाजार सा माहौल था। आज यही र  Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 11:17 PM
Yaadein hi hain sathi
By Sushmita Shankhwar in Poetry | Reads: 329 | Likes: 1
मैं खुश हूँ यादों के साथ ,मुझे मतलब नहीं इंसानों से,  मुझे ढीट ही समझ लो, मज़े भी लेलेता हूँ माँ के तानों से,  दूर हो   Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 11:33 PM
What you love the most?
By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 376 | Likes: 1
He picked her up and made her sleep on the bed as she was high on alcohol. He made her comfortable and was going out in the other room when she caught his hand and said in a drunk voice," Sit besides me. Don't leave me please". He sat down and she continued," You know what I love the most? When I am  Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 12:07 AM
A girl
By krishma morakhia in Poetry | Reads: 285 | Likes: 1
A girl who’s simple by heart is the wildest inside,  A bit like jungle, Beautiful in the portraits and deep in the reality, To live her out, you’ll have to dig deep inside,  And just like jungle, she’s full of life,  She’s an animal, she’s serene like mea  Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 07:46 AM
उस बात के लिए
By pushpendra singh in Poetry | Reads: 449 | Likes: 1
उस बात के लिए हम कलम उठा बैठे  जब तक लिखने की सोचा तब तक तो कागज को जला बैठे उन पंनो में में अपने शब्द लिखा करता था    Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 11:29 AM
अनजाने रास्ते
By Isha tara tripathi in General Literary | Reads: 885 | Likes: 1
अनजाने से रास्तों पर चलती रही ,से मिलकर लिखती रही,जगहों को देखती और समझती रही,खुद को खोने से डरती रही,राहों का क्या ह  Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 11:32 AM
By Ashlostinlove in Poetry | Reads: 285 | Likes: 1
The real smile faded as reality falls in place. The care had been carried out as we know our place.   Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 12:49 PM