Gaurav Mestry


By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 926 | Likes: 1

They were sitting on top of a hill waiting for the sun to set. She asked," You like sunset?" He replied," Not much." She asked curiously," Then why are you all the time excited when I tell you lets watch the sunset together?" He replied," I am not excited for the sunset but for you. The way you hold  Read More...

Published on May 3,2020 12:13 AM


By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 654 | Likes: 1

They were walking around in the town when they came across an aquarium. She said," Look! So many beautiful and cute fishes are swimming in that tank." He replied in an unexcited tone," Yupp! So many fishes." They moved forward and came across a flower shop. She immediately stopped and said," Wow! Th  Read More...

Published on May 2,2020 12:29 AM

Precious Gem

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 326 | Likes: 2

She saw him at the sidewalk almost after a month since their breakup. She called from a distance," Hey! Heyyy!". But he did not hear as he was listening something on his headphones. She got to him and unplugged his headphones from his device and was about to say something when she heard," Baby, I lo  Read More...

Published on May 1,2020 03:45 PM

Life Partners

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 344 | Likes: 2

From sharing notes to chatting. From chatting to phone calls. From phone calls to flirting. From flirting to loving. From loving to relationship. They grew up.♥️ From relationship to problems. From problems to fights. From fights to anger. From anger to breakup. From breakup to depression.   Read More...

Published on Apr 29,2020 11:42 PM


By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 363 | Likes: 1

He said," I just love Spiderman! He so cool. Which superhero do you love?". She replied," My favourite superheroe protects me, he cares for me and he can never see me sad." He got confused and asked," Does this superhero have a name?" She smiled and replied," Yes, he does have a name but I call him   Read More...

Published on Apr 28,2020 11:18 PM


By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 670 | Likes: 2

" Baby! I have a baby in my tummy", she texted. He asked," Who's?" She texted," Ofcourse yours." He replied," I am out". She texted immediately," What do you mean?" He did not reply to her messages. She tried and tried but he did not respond. She started crying and all negative thoughts ran through   Read More...

Published on Apr 27,2020 11:10 PM


By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 356 | Likes: 0

He held her waist, looked directly in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He leaned forward and her beautiful pink lips touched his. The kiss got intense and then he suddenly stopped. She asked," What happened? You know a kiss burns approximately 8 calories. Don't you want to stay fit?"   Read More...

Published on Apr 27,2020 01:56 AM

What you love the most?

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 384 | Likes: 1

He picked her up and made her sleep on the bed as she was high on alcohol. He made her comfortable and was going out in the other room when she caught his hand and said in a drunk voice," Sit besides me. Don't leave me please". He sat down and she continued," You know what I love the most? When I am  Read More...

Published on Apr 26,2020 12:07 AM

There is no one at home

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 478 | Likes: 2

She texted, " Hey baby, can you come over? I am alone today and I guess you know what to bring while coming". He replied," I am on my way. It would be fun, super excited." He reached and she asked," Did you bring what I told you?" He replied," Yes! Here are your favourite chocolates, this is the mov  Read More...

Published on Apr 24,2020 11:17 PM

The whistle

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 592 | Likes: 3

He was whistling a tune as he was working on his assignment. She heard him and said," Wow! Please teach me to whistle." He started teaching and she tried to learn. At the end she failed to learn but he did not fail in making her laugh and creating memories of a lifetime.♥️  Read More...

Published on Apr 23,2020 08:59 PM

Best friends?

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 294 | Likes: 2

They were so close to each other that some found it cute and some got jealous. A friend of her's said," You are really lucky. Your boyfriend is very cool." She looked confused and exclaimed," Dude! We are best friends." And he nodded his head and said," Yes!"  Read More...

Published on Apr 22,2020 11:31 PM

The Proposal

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 634 | Likes: 2

He looked in her eyes as she sipped the hot coffee. He said," You are damn beautiful. I really love you". She didn't say anything. She looked down and blushed. And He had the answer.♥️  Read More...

Published on Apr 21,2020 10:25 PM

There He Is!

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 487 | Likes: 2

She said pointing out a guy," This is the one." Her best friend exclaimed," So this is the one you love! Woah, that muscular body!" She replied,"You like that body? I am mad over those brown eyes which would stare at me before those beautiful lips touch mine!"  Read More...

Published on Apr 20,2020 09:31 PM

What is your dream?

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 306 | Likes: 1

"When life gets tough, when things are not going well, all I want is to walk a mile with my loved one and talk my heart out", she said. And then she asked," What is your dream?" He replied in a soft voice," I want to be that loved one and walk a lifetime with you".   Read More...

Published on Apr 19,2020 11:02 PM

Sometimes all you need is a Hug♥️

By Gaurav Mestry in Romance | Reads: 821 | Likes: 3

"I failed in my test", she said in a soft voice. He immediately sensed she was upset. He replied," I am coming over at your place". On his way he picked up a rose, some chocolates and a romantic card. He reached at her place and gave her the things he bought for her. She looked at them gave a smile   Read More...

Published on Apr 19,2020 01:02 AM

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