By Akshay Nagmule in Romance | Reads: 685 | Likes: 0
PRESENT! I woke up with a hue of compound confusions, surrounded by visible yet silent tears and all I could sense was a void within myself. Strange how I could sense a void but myself. It did take me a while to realise what I felt and moreover; why!? Indulgence onto thinking ‘Why do I love c  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:13 AM
By Nandini mittal in Poetry | Reads: 416 | Likes: 0
बिना शस्त्र का युद्ध है ये छिड़ा, ना कोई शत्रु है सामने खड़ा। अहंकार की तलवार उठाए जो   Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 01:04 AM
Making Moment Worthy
By farzana in General Literary | Reads: 349 | Likes: 0
Published on Apr 9,2020 03:43 AM
By P.Mathiyalagan in General Literary | Reads: 1,430 | Likes: 0
விடிஞ்சா தீபாவளி. வீடே எனக்கு அந்நியமாத்தான் தெரியுது. ஆத்தா தான் சோறூட்டணும், ஆத்தா கூடத்தான் படுத்துக்கணும  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 08:57 AM
Dominance Of Pseudo Science
By in True Story | Reads: 422 | Likes: 0
             *Dominance Of Pseudo Science*  The world is in doldrums. Financial condition of bigwigs is in state of deep crisis. Many nations which until now boasted of their scientific and financial achievements are struggling hard to overcome depressing stat  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:00 AM
By Amiya Patra in Poetry | Reads: 798 | Likes: 0
ना झल्ली थी ना वो मनचली थी  एक तितली थी जो उड़ चली थी, ना रुकी थी ना वो झुकी थी  बस पानी सा बह चली थी । पंखों में लिए ज  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:15 AM
By rupesh raj in Poetry | Reads: 377 | Likes: 0
The murmering hymns we joined to sing, With musical chords strung for the lord's, The priests here dipped bread into wine, Churches foyer where we spent our evening time. The hill top shrine, 'a wisdom mine', Where a reverend blessed the gathered fine, For here is the place we often resolute,   Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:27 AM
By Aneri in Poetry | Reads: 583 | Likes: 0
There's this distinct light in me that goes on when I smell the rain.  I go out and press my toes in the mud,  letting it soak up the past.  I go in all whites, as the water celebrates the swells on my body the one's I've learnt to be ashamed of.  And I let go of all that isn't h  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 10:14 AM
Chopper Circuit
By Vasundhara Mukherjee in True Story | Reads: 921 | Likes: 0
"I'm swimming in an ocean and its liquid black, the colour of water. I'm not on the surface but I'm swimming inside this bottomless ocean. I can't understand where the ocean floor is, I don't know where the surface boundary is. I can't see the light refracting as it hits the water because if I did,   Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 10:17 AM
Maple tree
By Ananya Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 332 | Likes: 0
Towards the close of the day,I found myself standing beneath the maple tree, so grey.The dry leaves remind me of how old our love used to be The ones which are still green are our never-ending memories.Some leaves are yellow, some turned red. I still hear your words running deep inside my head.Oh! H  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:24 PM
A Dream
By Ananya Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 407 | Likes: 0
I saw a dream,  Which I still can't believe,  It is my happiest memory,  I was swimming against the stream.  A new world, a place where I'd give anything to be,  Where it rain flowers,  Where judgment is no reality,  Your scars are your beauty,  A place where   Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:37 PM
Past- Vanished yet Eternal
By Ananya Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0
I ran, ran fast, fast enough from the past, to not hurt.  But there comes a point when a person has to slow down,  Slow down, to breathe, to think, and that's when it grabbed me,  That little piece of dirt, pervert.  It grabbed me with it's knife like fingers, scratched through m  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:40 PM
By Ananya Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 451 | Likes: 0
The nights were never ending, daytime felt like night.  I knew I was traumatized, was it justified, to jeopardize? I started wearing blues so they couldn't see me bleed.  Used to write it all, instead of cutting, still I felt good for nothing.  Suddenly suicide seemed like a rainbow a  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:42 PM
Hell beyond Hell
By Ananya Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 397 | Likes: 0
They say "you'll go to heaven my child, just go and pray".  So, I close my eyes, join my hands, tried my best but now I'm tired and can't really pretend.  Even if those gem like feathery gates won't open for me.  I know I won't be an abandoned nobody.  Yes, there is a home for pe  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:44 PM
My Spring
By Ananya Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 259 | Likes: 0
I was walking on the road in spring, It's not what you think, The trees around me were naked. And the flowers were anything but blooming.I was positive that soon snow would start intruding. Unafraid, I was walking the road of spring with my beloved.With every step of spring we took.He looked at me w  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 12:46 PM