हम दो हमारे दो
By Purnendu Ghosh in Poetry | Reads: 1,259 | Likes: 0
हम दो हमारे दो   हम दो हमारे दो हम चार रहते थे एक फुटपाथ पर हर रोज़ डंडा खाकर भी चारो रोज़ लाते थे साथ  खाते थे बचा ख  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:29 AM
बूढ़ी सोच
By Purnendu Ghosh in Poetry | Reads: 785 | Likes: 0
बूढ़ी सोच   मैंने चाची से पूछा कैसी हो पचासी की है बोली  अच्छी हूं तुम्हारे चाचा के जाने के बाद अकेली हो गई हूं को  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:31 AM
God is a long poem
By Purnendu Ghosh in General Literary | Reads: 376 | Likes: 0
We often see a thing and feign to have not seen it. This is common phenomenon. We often pretend to have seen a thing even when we have not seen it. This is also a common phenomenon. God, no one has seen, some pretend to have seen, while some assume to have seen. For some god is equal to zero and fo  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:35 AM
Cliche love
By Sonia Rodrigues in True Story | Reads: 511 | Likes: 0
“Good morning, beautiful!” Every night, the 10-year-old self would dream to wake up to these words. Little did the young one know that being born with a vagina and growing with a pair of breasts had its own penned down fate. She grew up with a family’s protective shield, naive abou  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:36 AM
By kanthi sree chitturi in General Literary | Reads: 382 | Likes: 0
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:16 AM
My take on the pandemic
By sapna mahadevan in Poetry | Reads: 1,019 | Likes: 0
We are a part of history, I feel With a lot of anxiety and fear, we need to deal. The virus, the lockdown and the isolation, Has become the norm of our conversation. I am positive, there is a hopeful ray, This too shall pass, as they say. Everything happens for a reason The good,the bad,day,night an  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 03:04 AM
The Wedding
By Sourav Kumar in General Literary | Reads: 1,065 | Likes: 0
Having a reputed job after completing his study, he begins to live happily with his family.  All the members are proud of him as he gets his goals withstanding a lot of problems in student life. There are no bounds of mirth of his father when he willingly hands over his salary in his hand. His   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 09:41 AM
By KI$#@N in General Literary | Reads: 1,477 | Likes: 0
ख्वाब बहुत से है, और ख्वाब हासिल करने का नशा भी बहुत हैं, ए मंजिल तु कितने भी नखरे दिखा तुझे पाने का जज्‍बा बहुत हैं|   Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 10:03 AM
By OM KADU in Poetry | Reads: 241 | Likes: 0
Yaado me tare guzari mane saari raat hai... Mare dil ke sanduko me teri saari raaj hai... Na kisi ko khe sakhe , na kisiko bol sakhe chup rehna hi mera andaaz haii...  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 10:33 AM
Few things left unsaid
By Abhirami E Mohandas in True Story | Reads: 559 | Likes: 0
She walked into the woods betrayed and shattered.She just knew that she had left home and nothing more.Born and brought up in an orthodox family Rene was the eldest and the only daughter in their family.She was an average girl and nothing more.Pale skin with  long brown hair and average looks.S  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 10:35 AM
My Diary of 1971 - Living thru War-Sunday is Special!
By Ratna Pande in True Story | Reads: 368 | Likes: 0
Day 4: Sunday morning is always special. We usually have a South Indian meal for lunch and chicken curry for dinner and I like both. The ladies in the colony learnt to make authentic South Indian dishes, courtesy Mrs Uma Ramaswamy. Uma aunty is the loving mom of my friend and our neighbour who has p  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 11:14 AM
Go and wash your hand
By Chanchal palsania in Poetry | Reads: 299 | Likes: 0
*Go And Wash Your Hand* Go and wash your hand, बज जाएगी वरना सबकी बैंड ।   सुना हैं कोरोना फैल रहा है, हाथो ही हाथो खेल रहा है,  हर इंसान इसे झेल  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 11:28 AM
Single Child
By Dharshini in Poetry | Reads: 333 | Likes: 0
Oh! My Single Baby; Oh! My Single Baby  Born as a Single Child Spent childhood days in Solitude  No large number of Friends  Seeing her friends Enjoying  With their Siblings, She weeps silently  Because, She is a Single Child  Oh! My Single Soul; Oh! My Single Soul Par  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 11:38 AM
दूरियॉ मिटाते हैं ।
By Ajahar Rahaman in Poetry | Reads: 1,580 | Likes: 0
चल दूरियॉ मिटाते हैं । गुस्ताखियॉ भुलाते हैं । कोई गीत नया गाते हैं । आ तू- आ तू फिर से , सनम मुस्कराते हैं । चल माही फि  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:00 PM
I can sense it
By Sadaf bhatt in Poetry | Reads: 327 | Likes: 0
I can sense it....The hands that were supposed to hold me, have already held someone The eyes that were supposed to sight me ,have already seen someone The words that were supposed to make me smile, have already praised someone. Yes !! I can sense it *sadafbhatt*  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 12:31 PM