Kodaiyil kuruviyudan or santhipu
By V.Ashabharathi in Poetry | Reads: 260 | Likes: 0
கோடையில் குருவியுடன் ஓர் சந்திப்பு   சன்னலில்  ஓர் குருவி  சற்று இளைப்பாற  வந்தது.  சத்தமிட்டு விரட்டின  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 07:55 PM
कैसे कह दिया तुमने वो प्यार नहीं था
By Anjali Kumari Jha in Poetry | Reads: 704 | Likes: 0
कैसे कह दिया तुमने वो प्यार नहीं था कैसे कह दिया तुमने वो प्यार नहीं था मुझे तो अब भी वो सारी बातें याद है वो तेरा मु  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:06 PM
The Covid lessons
By Saroj Mishra in General Literary | Reads: 794 | Likes: 0
As the world has come to a standstill amidst  spreading of a deadly virus which has taught us quite a few lessons apart from casualties.The most important lesson it has taught is life itself.It can't be taken lightly and you need to enjoy it as long as you are living in this planet. It has taug  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:46 PM
By Baskar in General Literary | Reads: 674 | Likes: 0
flowers hidden having a beauty bake the delicious cake, a long ride through the unknown roads of goa. .. reaching a place everyone wished on a roof top with candles placed with the cold breeeze caressing a group chit chatting which people consider nonsense or nusiance. ...  walking down the sh  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:34 PM
By Sharvari Marathe in Poetry | Reads: 748 | Likes: 0
Art is born out of struggle Any struggle Personal struggle  Or mass struggle Like the wars, the Revolutions, like times of slavery, like fights for independence. From there were born stories and songs Of hope, of heartbreak, of fights, of love, of passion, of victory, of loss, of inventions, o  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:37 PM
A letter without letters
By Baskar in Romance | Reads: 388 | Likes: 0
26 letters thousands of feelings few drops of ink millions of emotions a piece of paper one soul to remember the same to be forgotten two things to decide stay or leave, but both with the soul.. .  A life time to think though he left the paper empty. ..... Handing an empty piece of paper, rem  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:39 PM
Burger Man
By Sharvari Marathe in Romance | Reads: 504 | Likes: 0
Lines. With 3 feet distance between each person. Thermal screening. Sanitizing at the door. Of the local grocery store down my road. This new way of life we all have almost gotten used to now. What still surprises me though is that we Indians actually learnt some civic sense and discipline. I smile   Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:40 PM
By Sharvari Marathe in Poetry | Reads: 669 | Likes: 0
Its quiet all around me Really quiet Yet  It took me a while to silence the chaos within me The thoughts and worries and anxieties and fears In my head Because when I would silence those I could hear another faint voice One that I wasn’t sure I was ready to hear So to silence that, I woul  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:41 PM
Getting a puppy
By Baskar in True Story | Reads: 371 | Likes: 0
One of our longing wishes which makes the wait worth,  though we'll have a lot but there's always one which brings us happiness that we forget to realize the inner child in us has woke up. ... it's been a long day reaching back home thinking of thr normal routine, as I entered in a slight li  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:44 PM
I and my heart
By Suchismita Behera in Poetry | Reads: 374 | Likes: 0
I....see a dream with unknown time to grasp that moment meant for mine Earlier used to spent those days among the vibes of calm, quiet and silence where my soul was stable as it hardly gets understand Today, every next moment, a sign of fear future seems scary, says my tear I have with me, bundle   Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:51 PM
By Sharvari Marathe in Poetry | Reads: 674 | Likes: 0
You might be in a dark place Boxed within the walls But the darkness is the creation of your sight The boxed wall the creation of your fear Hold up whatever it is that you got Project it through the perspective of light Break through your own limits of vision And you will begin to see the beauty  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:44 PM
Of Creativity
By Sharvari Marathe in Poetry | Reads: 297 | Likes: 0
Its messy, creativity A jumbled up pile of colours and images Each taking on its own life and mood whenever they please A tight rope of words tugging at the brain That magically dissolves the minute they are touched.  Ideas and emotions birthing from anywhere in the body Shooting through it l  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:45 PM
By Baskar in Poetry | Reads: 515 | Likes: 0
the last time i forgot to breathe was when we let our lips talk. .. every time the lower lip made a sin the other waited for its turn to commit a sin together they brought up souls exchanging love. ... i never wanted to kiss you jus wanted to check if it was strawberry. ...  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:49 PM
उसे डर इस बात का था
By Shubham Chandrakant Shinde in Poetry | Reads: 738 | Likes: 0
उसने कभी मुह उठाके बात नही की , वो शायद कहना चाहती थी कुछ पर शायद उसकी आवाज दबा दी गईं । उसकी ख्वाहिश शायद अधूरी रही ह  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:58 PM
To my future self
By Shamama Khan in True Story | Reads: 323 | Likes: 0
Hello,    To the future me, who has become someone independent, someone infamous, someone with a better half or even someone with tiny tots. I want you to pat yourself back and appreciate how beautifully you've come out of it!   This is your very own daily sketch, your time of the day  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 09:08 PM