Saroj Mishra

Banker by profession ,author by choice ..
Banker by profession ,author by choice ..

An accidental banker and an author at heart ...


Blinks in the moonlight

Books by Saroj Mishra

A collection of poems on romance and love.Its the adolescent phase of life that inspires many thoughts to be penned down and poems come out as consequences.



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Two sips of romance

By Saroj Mishra in Romance | Reads: 517 | Likes: 1

Two cups of coffee on a lazy Saturday evening could tell many a stories.Having a plentiful sumptuous lunch , I had forty winks before a rendezvous in the evening .I had quite a number of meetings in the last couple of months with this one being no different.But little did I know that this meeting wa  Read More...

Published on Apr 17,2020 05:43 PM

The Covid lessons

By Saroj Mishra in General Literary | Reads: 767 | Likes: 0

As the world has come to a standstill amidst  spreading of a deadly virus which has taught us quite a few lessons apart from casualties.The most important lesson it has taught is life itself.It can't be taken lightly and you need to enjoy it as long as you are living in this planet. It has taug  Read More...

Published on Apr 13,2020 08:46 PM

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