Anjali Kumari Jha

Author| Poet| Designer| Researcher
Author| Poet| Designer| Researcher

Anjali Jha is from Darbhanga, Bihar. She has completed her graduation with Honours in Horticulture from Nalanda College Of Horticulture, Noorsarai, Nalanda which comes under Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur. Currently she is pursuing M.Sc (Ag) in Horticulture Vegetable Science from Bihar Agricultural University, Bhagalpur. She is also pursuing PGDAEM from National Institute Of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) Hyderabad. Apart from being a student, she is an avid reader, writer, poet, designer Reviewer and blogger. She is also skilled in Digital Marketing & Graphics DeRead More...


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Querencia of Solivagant

Books by Anjali Jha

This book is a lavish collections of modern poems on diverse themes like journey, life, love, women, society, taboos, desire, nature, inspiration, departure, friendship. The poems are expressions of my heart carved from my Journey through life and magical moments which is an amalgamation of good and bad memories.
The poems are appellative just afflux from my heart which is when intermingled with the words came in the form of poems
 Genuinely expre

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अच्छा जानाँ सुनो

Books by अरविन्द गुप्ता

यह एक तीव्र और निर्भीक प्रकरण की अभिव्यक्ति और अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता प्रदान करने वाले लेखकों का निवास है।

यहाँ लेखकों को एक मंच प्रदान किया जाता है जो साहस और आत्मविश्वा

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Hey Love! Listen vol 2

Books by Arvind Gupta

The Writer's Spoon is an #AWARENESS COMMUNITY running with the objective of raising voice on every matter people avoid to talk on.

An abode of writers providing freedom of speech and expression of the intense and bold content.

THE WRITER'S SPOON is a parlance, where the writers are provided with a platform  that supports their voice on the dauntless topics with boldness and confidence.

THE WRITER'S SPOON is created with a vision to

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Broken In Love Torn By Emotions

Books by Rounak Sidharth

Hearts won't ever be pragmatic until they are made rugged." "The saddest thing about adoration is that  it can't keep going forever, however that disaster is before long failed to remember." "I'd preferably have a wrecked arm over a messed up heart." "It's hard asking somebody with a dampened heart to begin to look all starry eyed and fall in love again."

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Dejected Soul

Books by Srishty Singh

Life is not just about living, it's more about exploring. Exploring ourself, exploring our worth. People come and leave but what they give us is "memories". Some sweet, some bitter but memorable memories. Love is the most beautiful experience of a person's life. Even if it doesn't get a happy ever after, love exists.

Breakup is the most excruciating, heart - rending experience in a person's life. Every happy moment, all good time vanishes from the flas

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Angels Of Rock

Books by Srishty Singh

A woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. She is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual.

A powerful woman loves, forgives, walks away, lets go, tries again, and finally conquers all the perplexity. She accepts both criticism and compliments. A woman is a mother, sister, wife, lover and everything the society entail.

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Oblivion Issue 5

Books by Anjali Jha

Where there is a will, there is a way. This is a proverb perfectly adjusts here that teaches us about the most important subject of success in life.  ... This common saying simply means that if a person is determined enough to accomplish something, he always finds a way to do it. Yes Oblivion is also the outcome of this and dedication and  determination leads towards the way of destination. A Dreamwork of  community, writers and artists are well

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DëMist Magazine 2.2

Books by Rounak Kumar

DeMist issue 2.2 is ready for its readers who loves to explore fashion and lifestyle. This issue is packed with winter fashion trends, articles, author's interviews, cooking and recipe, and many more for you to enjoy your winter.

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Hey Love! Listen

Books by Rupesh Gupta

The Writer's Spoon is an #AWARENESS COMMUNITY running with the objective of raising voice on every matter people avoid to talk on.

An abode of writers providing freedom of speech and expression of the intense and bold content.

THE WRITER'S SPOON is a parlance, where the writers are provided with a platform  that supports their voice on the dauntless topics with boldness and confidence.

THE WRITER'S SPOON is created with a vision to

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अच्छा जानाॅ सुनो

Books by रुपेश गुप्ता

The Writer's Spoon, एक #जागरूकता समुदाय है जो हर उस विषय पर आवाज़ उठाने के उद्देश्य से चल रहा है, जिसपर बात करने से लोग अकसर संकोच करते हैं।

यह एक तीव्र और निर्भीक प्रकरण की अभिव्यक्ति और अ

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Pure Bliss

Books by Swayamdeepta Das

This book is an amalgamation of soulful poetries,short stories,quotes,shayaries and articles.It will take you on a literary ride which will provide you pure bliss.The co-authors from different parts of the country and outside,have depicted their thoughts and emotions through words.Hope this book unfurls your love for literature.

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अल्फ़ाज़ की रवानी

Books by लेडी जिब्रान

इस किताब में कुछ अल्फ़ाज़ हैं जो बहते बहते अपनी रवानी में आ कर हर उस कोने को छूते हुए निकलेंगे जो समय की धूप से शायद कहीं सूख रहे हैं। 
इनको कविता और शायरी में ढालते वक़्त लेडी जिब

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Oblivion Volume 4

Books by Anjali Jha

Where there is a will, there is a way. This is a proverb perfectly adjusts here that teaches us about the most important subject of success in life.  ... This common saying simply means that if a person is determined enough to accomplish something, he always finds a way to do it. Yes Oblivion is also the outcome of this and dedication and  determination leads towards the way of destination. A Dreamwork of  community, writers and artists are well

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Oblivion Issue 3

Books by Anjali Jha

Where there is a will, there is a way. This is a proverb perfectly adjusts here that teaches us about the most important subject of success in life.  ... This common saying simply means that if a person is determined enough to accomplish something, he always finds a way to do it. Yes Oblivion is also the outcome of this and dedication and  determination leads towards the way of destination. A Dreamwork of  community, writers and artists are well

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Chand Alfaaz

Books by Rupesh Gupta, Riya Kulshrestha

We own a soft corner in our heart where the millions of feelings and emotions are left buried without presenting in front of anyone but when we get some words to utilise it to heart out our feelings then we give it a shape of Alfaaz and in the same manner this book contains millions of feelings and emotions of several writers across the globe who have tried their best to share their feelings in this book called "Chand Alfaaz".

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Books by Anjali Jha

Hard work is painful when life is devoid of purpose. But when you live for something greater than yourself and the gratification of your own ego, then hard work becomes a labor of love. There is honor in all work, in all tasks, but take it one step further. Matriarch is a collection of different emotions waved by some diverse souls in the form of different styles of writings. Read their creations in this book.

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Fam - Bond In Lockdown

Books by Sanoj Kumar

Fam - Bond in lockdown - This anthology is a compilation of poems submittted by different writers across the globe on different types of situations in a family during the lockdown. From this, you will come to know about how a home effected because of lockdown. Most importantly, how we take this lockdown in a positive way by enjoying with our family. So have a look towards this book and enjoy reading this book.
This book is flawlessly edited and compiled b

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Lockdown Mid

Books by Suchismita Ghoshal, Anjali Jha

Lockdown- mid an anthology edited by Suchismita Ghoshal and Compiled by Anjali Jha is a collection of different write-ups on different social issues.

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Lockdown Corner

Books by Anjali Jha, Shivam Kumari

Lockdown Corner as this name suggest that this book is originated during the time of lockdown. When everyone was locked inside their home then the team of Triumph Of Words decided to do some productive work in the lockdown. Hence their initiative came into existence. And finally it took shape of an anthology named lockdown corner. This book is a collection of bilingual four liner write-ups that’s not only four liner but all write-ups are perfect blend of

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Books by Anjali Jha, Sweta Kumari

This book is a compilation of different write-ups submitted by different writers across the country who submitted their write-ups during lockdown -1. This book is flawlessly edited by Sweta Kumari and compiled by Anjali Jha. All young and creative minds utilize their time and did their best in every possible manner and so did our writers and artist.

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Books by Anjali Jha

Sometimes bright, sometimes dark, sometimes obscure, sometimes incandescent life is what is a mixture of all these. Above all human existence requires stability, the permanence of things. The result is an ambivalence with respect to all great and violent expenditure of strength; such an expenditure, whether in nature or in man, represents the strongest possible threat.  Humans have to pass through all ups and downs coming in their life and between these h

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Words From Inspiring Women

Books by Anjali Jha, Shivam Kumari

A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her. As we know that we are living in a modern culture and modern society but when it comes to women then some rules are still adopting by our society with respect to women. But from the same place and same society we are presenting some of the diverse soul who are not handling only their family but also devoted themselves for the nation and society. This book is co

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Books by Sweta Kumari

To start with Francis Bacon's inspiring and enlightened quote, "reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man". Writing is what makes one accurate and precise. Here, mostly writings are inspired from life which is the key-focus of the Anthology. The writers have penned down their feelings beautifully and well-presented their notion through the words.

INCENTIVE” is a compilation of English poem, story and article subm

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माँ कुछ एहसास सा

Books by अंजलि झा

एक माँ किसी व्यक्ति को झुकाने के लिए नहीं है, बल्कि एक व्यक्ति को मजबूत बनाने के लिए आवश्यक है। "युवा फीका पड़ जाता है;  प्यार हो जाता है;  दोस्ती की पत्तियाँ झड़ जाती हैं;  एक मा

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Together We Can Defeat Corona

Books by Anjali Jha

This book is a small contribution given by different authors from different part of India. This work is dedicated to "Corona Warriors" working in different fields and by different means in different part of our country.

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Books by Anjali Jha

Life has so many colors. Walking through darkness with thoughts full of colors. White is associated with purity because the entire spectrum is functioning in unity. “Learn from your past and shut the door behind to live in present. This is God's universe and he is the master gardener of all. We are sowing seeds here but God is taking care of our garden. Amethyst is the outcome of this presented by Triumph Of Words in March month.

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Oblivion Volume 2

Books by Rounak Sidharth

Where there is a will, there is a way. This is a proverb perfectly adjusts here that teaches us about the most important subject of success in life.  ... This common saying simply means that if a person is determined enough to accomplish something, he always finds a way to do it. Yes Oblivion is also the outcome of this and dedication and  determination leads towards the way of destination. A Dreamwork of  community, writers and artists are well

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Books by Rounak Sidharth, Anjali Jha

Where there is a will, there is a way. This is a proverb perfectly adjusts here that teaches us about the most important subject of success in life.  ... This common saying simply means that if a person is determined enough to accomplish something, he always finds a way to do it. Yes Oblivion is also the outcome of this and dedication and  determination leads towards the way of destination. A Dreamwork of  community, writers and artists are well

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Flight of Dreams

Books by Anjali Jha

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. 

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Books To Read And Movies To Watch

Books by Sukanya Basu Mallik, Sanchari Das

Seemingly, the exercises of reading and watching movies or good tv shows create cognitive rendezvous that expand vocabulary, reasoning skills, and attention. The same can also influence empathy, civic perception, and emotional intelligence, the sum of which assists people to live longer. Amazing benefits, don't you think? So here are some books and movies recommended by our panel of critics, for you to enjoy this year and after. If you have watched/read any of

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Rape: A Curse Of Society

Books by Anjali Jha, Rounak Sidharth

Rape is not a special interest issue that affects a few people, rape is a social justice problem that affects everyone. Even when the pioneer didn't rape nature, he divorced her a little too easily; he missed the great lesson that both ecology and medicine teach that man's great mission is not to conquer nature by main force but to cooperate with her intelligently but lovingly for his own purpose. This book is a collection of different stories, articles and po

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Books by Anjali Jha

February i

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Books by Anjali Jha

दिव्यांJali is a collection of poems on different themes in both hindi and english language. Poetry has an important role in development of the human beings through complete mental, social refreshments from time immemorial. It’s a tough genre in itself which can be originated only a writer will feel an emotional attachments with words and its rhymes. This short and one time read book is a collection of love, emotions, feelings, betrayal, societ

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Books by Anjali Jha

Changing is the rule of nature, so we have to change also from time to time. Every year we started with positivity and with some hope and with this hope we are passing each and every day and every year. Yes, Exodus is also like this. When we moved from the year end to next year with a lot of expectations then we created this and achieved this journey in Triumph Of Words.

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What If Love Happens Again?

Books by Rounak Sidharth, Anjali Jha

"There is never time or place for true love. It happens accidentally in a heartbeat, in a single flashing and throbbing moment." Love happens naturally when two people are meant to be together. So there are millions of chances that love happen again and can happen many times. Love needs no reason and love needs no explanation but it's a feeling that can be feel only by two pure soul. Love is a feeling and only due to this it happen with the most unexpected per

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कैसे कह दिया तुमने वो प्यार नहीं था

By Anjali Kumari Jha in Poetry | Reads: 710 | Likes: 0

कैसे कह दिया तुमने वो प्यार नहीं था कैसे कह दिया तुमने वो प्यार नहीं था मुझे तो अब भी वो सारी बातें याद है वो तेरा मु  Read More...

Published on Apr 13,2020 08:06 PM

Life In Graveyard by Anjali Jha

By Anjali Kumari Jha in Poetry | Reads: 451 | Likes: 0

Life in graveyard Life is very peaceful in graveyard , No one can tease you, No one can hurt you, The spirit of soul and whole body diffused in the soil,  Sometimes it turns into ashes,  Sometimes it putrefy along with soil,  Grabbing and absorbing the whole body goes into peace,&nbs  Read More...

Published on Mar 30,2020 03:25 PM

Feelings For You by Anjali Jha

By Anjali Kumari Jha in Poetry | Reads: 268 | Likes: 1

Feelings For You Sometimes I wonder what I feel about you Scared of these feelings about you, Because my feelings are still new Your rise in every step will be mine Your fall in every step will be mine The sound of your voice always assures me I adore everything about you You are made only for me A  Read More...

Published on Mar 30,2020 03:24 PM

Stigma By Our Society

By Anjali Kumari Jha in Poetry | Reads: 514 | Likes: 0

Stigma by our society How can someone put stigma on her? Without knowing any reason, A disgrace associated with her, A happy soul was tormented. Not able to walk straight, Not able to talk properly, Indeed filled with shame, Not able to think about what to do? It made her miserable, It made her a  Read More...

Published on Mar 23,2020 08:59 AM

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