Men don't cry
By Nandana Vijayakumar in Poetry | Reads: 541 | Likes: 0
"Men don't cry",the words that every crying young boy would hear. What are you supposed to do then, when you're in sadness and despair?    Many men never dare to say, if their favourite colour is pink. As from childhood, most of their possessions  are the colour of blue ink!   Si  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 12:46 PM
Teeny Weeny Pepper Tree
By Vijay Kailash in Poetry | Reads: 376 | Likes: 0
On the backyard of my house There creeps a teeny weeny pepper tree Adorned with little dots of spicy pepper Majestic black in colour Looking innocent and guileless as ever Whom we’ve failed to appreciate over the years Probably because we’ve forgotten our own history I take it upon me to  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 12:51 PM
By Anupama in General Literary | Reads: 214 | Likes: 0
We celebrated a man on the moon, but never raised a glass to that which gave us ‘here’. I don’t understand the obsession. If we do right by it, one world is enough.   A species risks itself by evolving. It is only fair. Creation calls for a continual shift in regime, like seas  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 02:22 PM
By akhilgabbeta in Fantasy | Reads: 327 | Likes: 0
A boy and girl are studying at same college they don't know each other. Boy is senior to her and girl is a junior. One day boy seen her in Cateen and fell love with her  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 02:30 PM
Simply Be
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 268 | Likes: 0
Simply Be        Simply be is the only key.     It simply makes me just to write    Makes me download my commitments   The true treasures of hours ahead,    Luminous strengths that never fade   Escalating as a   Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 02:47 PM
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 507 | Likes: 0
Fragrance                               A different love affair totally     Grabs your attention wholeheartedly    What a sensible chemistry, nature holds     Enormous fragrance continues to  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 02:53 PM
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 433 | Likes: 0
Fear It's something, not needed to wear Many thinks it's a necessity and near Out of intelligence, everything sensible Out of fear, compulsive action possible. What to do, what to do, arises Just needed things to do, surprises Fear is that capable of making dumb It may disturb life's energy system   Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 02:58 PM
voice of heart
By Muhammad in Poetry | Reads: 297 | Likes: 0
Tm bhi isi  
Published on May 8,2020 03:28 PM
Blessing in Banaras
By Zopuia Hnialum in Poetry | Reads: 539 | Likes: 0
a room adjacent to mineconfineda family of four ----with mom and dadand their juvenilesstuffedinside four constricting wallsstructured in a same symmetryonly I'm blessed with privacyso mom and daddecidedto sleep outsideto spare some airfor their juveniles when the lightning strikesi thought for once  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 03:36 PM
It's okay to not feel okay at times
By Nitisha Tandon in True Story | Reads: 330 | Likes: 0
Life is not perfect where you get everything you wish for.Everything does not end at happy note Sometimes it's a rollercoaster ride full of ups and downs.When you have pure intentions people lose you. Sometimes you lose people whom you thought would never leave. People aren't always as they seem to   Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 05:06 PM
Internet shocks
By Shibani Saxena in True Story | Reads: 600 | Likes: 0
It was the time for some tinder action. I always thought its a fun thing to say and do but little did I knew that I will loose lots of my own words. I installed tinder and wrote an interesting bio, which was actually full of truth. And I was sure that that was not common but never mind, I still wrot  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 05:16 PM
Shades of love
By Zarna Sanghvi in Poetry | Reads: 497 | Likes: 0
When I turned 15, love entered my life with an innocent face and a dreamy smile. But that smile only existed for me, it took me a while to realize. I could have resisted love, but I chose not to, because love gave me butterflies, just by the look in his eyes. Love would often stare at me from far co  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 05:32 PM
A little bit confused
By Riya Shah in Poetry | Reads: 505 | Likes: 0
I often wonder what it's like to be composed, be oriented. But I guess I'm not the only one so clouded. Do you find yourself constantly struggling  to unscramble? Your thoughts,  words or even your dreams! There's always some sort of chaos around yet everything seems so void. While we're c  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 06:02 PM
By Debjani Banerjee in Poetry | Reads: 275 | Likes: 0
The banter of silence The mute shriek The melody of quietitude The rustle of butterfly wings The murmur of grief The lavishness of poverty The simplicity of extravaganza The luminous rays of the new moon The hues of an overcast sky The myriad shades of the u forsaken night The pride of anonymity The  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 06:46 PM
By Debjani Banerjee in Poetry | Reads: 711 | Likes: 0
The ray of hope, my little boy nope, My issue, my lineage, beyond his age,  Silent witness, my emotional harness,  Slightly over a decade, my tiny brigade,  A keen observer, motivated and eager,  An introvert of sorts, who distractions aborts,  A devout son, brother and even  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 06:52 PM