Nandana Vijayakumar

Men don't cry

By Nandana Vijayakumar in Poetry | Reads: 539 | Likes: 0

"Men don't cry",the words that every crying young boy would hear. What are you supposed to do then, when you're in sadness and despair?    Many men never dare to say, if their favourite colour is pink. As from childhood, most of their possessions  are the colour of blue ink!   Si  Read More...

Published on May 8,2020 12:46 PM

I'm beautiful

By Nandana Vijayakumar in Poetry | Reads: 252 | Likes: 0

You're too skinny,You're too fat You're brown, your teeth aren't aligned. You're too short, you're too tall Seriously, this 'too tale' has no end.   Covering their chocolate brown faces with all those unwanted creams. certainly not whole heartedly, but to hide all those inner screams.   Ta  Read More...

Published on May 8,2020 12:44 PM

I'm a survivor

By Nandana Vijayakumar in Poetry | Reads: 372 | Likes: 0

I know an ugly word, with a scary meaning, It took my hair off, turned my skin darker, gave me throat sores and fatigue. Made stomach and head ache, my constant companions. 'Cancer',the word is, in me still awake.   The first time it met me, I felt so fragile, Thought I won't make it, not even   Read More...

Published on May 8,2020 12:41 PM

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