PTTV(Pre Teen Teenonwards Virus)
By Pooja in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 283 | Likes: 0
Preteen Teen Teenonwards Virus(PTTV) usually afflicts children at ages of 12 and onwards. Symptoms include, Inability to wake before at least noon. Inability to sleep before 3 a.m. Extreme lethargy which makes it very painful for children to raise their limbs to throw trash in the bin placed half an  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 05:01 PM
Drunken story
By Surabhi in Poetry | Reads: 492 | Likes: 0
I was so high, murmuring with the sigh, It was full moon but I was into a darker night. Walking on a patchy path, I wonder how magnificent your breath was. Reached home with a flatter feet, Slept on the bed,remembering you in a wedding dress; Look at that smile was still so fresh. After a while my h  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 05:17 PM
Embrace yourself
By Surabhi in General Literary | Reads: 532 | Likes: 0
Nothing is permanent,embrace yourself. Put your head high,stay away from pelf. This phase will pass on,stay strong. Have faith in you ,sing a song. Poor is the one who keep themselves down. But you are the one who can lift the trodden seed sown. Nothing is permanent,never bow down.  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 05:34 PM
The Riverside Cottage
By Aditya Raj Gupta in Horror | Reads: 1,038 | Likes: 0
Five friends gathered at the river bank. The place was new to them – they were there for a picnic; and after lunch, they had planned to explore the place a little bit. All of them were enjoying the breeze by the river, while their guardians were enjoying the air-conditioned rooms of the resort  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 05:40 PM
13, Mukherjee Street
By Aditya Raj Gupta in Romance | Reads: 530 | Likes: 0
There was a time when this part of Kolkata was dotted with age-old houses and a filthy marketplace. A similar old house was this 13, Mukherjee Street, which was built no sooner than a century ago. It had huge windows, an unfenced roof, hanging balconies, and a weedy garden. But, there also lived a b  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 05:45 PM
The main key to Happiness
By Bollachettira Dhyan Appachu in General Literary | Reads: 353 | Likes: 0
There is a story about the Sakyamuni: Once a disciple walked up to the Sakyamuni and said: I want Happiness. The Sakyamuni said: Drop the “I” and the “Want” and all you are left with is “Happiness”. The “I” is Ego.  The &l  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 05:57 PM
By ananya rajak in Poetry | Reads: 275 | Likes: 0
in upheaval storm, she stood strong. chose wrong paths,  relied on ill hearts.  thorns on each step, heart filled with regret. life flipped abruptly, where to go, what to see. brute journey was long, was misled, was wan.  trust on one,  thrusted so long. but she woke up, at the r  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 07:11 PM
Kahani pyar ko
By bhavesh Thinker in Poetry | Reads: 259 | Likes: 0
Chale jaa raho bedhadak  Jis suni raah par  Dekhoge toh paaoge pada  Dil mera wahan par   Avsesh tak bhi nhi mile  Kya tumhe mere dil ke Maine toh usse mahfooz  Rakha tha meri duaoon me   Sayad itna khaas nahi lga  Ho tumhe woh priye   Kyonki mera di  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 07:45 PM
By Debjani Banerjee in Poetry | Reads: 1,186 | Likes: 0
Is labour demeaning? Or is it a lofty deed? Does it have an ulterior meaning? Or a mere question of need? Is labour reserved for a few? Or is it the soul's choice? Is it a random medium as new?  To satiate the inner voice?  Can it be classified?  Is it the outer expression?  Any   Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 07:49 PM
By Debjani Banerjee in Poetry | Reads: 800 | Likes: 0
Light as dew,  Myriad hue,  Never knew,  Ephemel as dew.  Laughter the druid's magical potion!    Heavenly touch,  Take as much,  There's no such,  Brake or clutch.  Laughter the fairy's magic wand's motion!    Thundering sound,  Rever  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 07:51 PM
Yes....It's the same girl
By Prarthita Dutta in Poetry | Reads: 356 | Likes: 0
Once the girl used to cry out loud to seek attention,                                                                     And toda  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 09:01 PM
By Smriti Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 657 | Likes: 0
You sit on your study desk Thinking of the monotonous day Repeating all the previous incidences Prepping for tomorrow in the exact same way.    You give the same effort expecting a better outcome Hoping that one day all of this will miraculously change  The truth is, time ain't gonna   Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 09:23 PM
By SOUVIK NAYAK in General Literary | Reads: 364 | Likes: 0
ZZZZZZZZZ…ZZZZZZZ….ZZZZZZZZZZ…..He felt the wave of his vibrating phone. A short glimpse of the screen told him that it was a watsapp message. The clock showed the time. It was 1:23 am, Thursday. His sluggish body was finding it too difficult to stretch the arm  towards the  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 10:13 PM
A Search for That Eyes
By Amulya Prakash in General Literary | Reads: 367 | Likes: 0
A function full of happy faces, lights, dance, music is nothing than incredible to witness the view. Everyone were drowned in the rituals of Dhwani's marriage. It was only one week left for her to get tied with 3knots for life. Marriage is definitely a great destination that every girl in her life w  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 10:18 PM
प्रेम और कविता
By Mansi Pathak in Poetry | Reads: 1,066 | Likes: 0
प्रेम में आकाश सुंदर लगता है, सूर्य से सुंदर लगता है चांद, और चांद से सुंदर लगती है शाम, शाम से भी सुंदर लगता है, पंछिय  Read More...
Published on May 9,2020 10:42 PM