Bollachettira Dhyan Appachu

Founder Shambhala Samathvam, Author Arya Dharma
Founder Shambhala Samathvam, Author Arya Dharma

Bollachettira Dhyan Appachu’s passions include his family, his pets, farming, yoga, meditation, nature and writing on issues close to his heart in his blog He possesses an ME in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida, with nearly 22 years of rich experience in the Global Engineering Consulting industry. He has topped the Entrepreneurship Essentials NPTEL Course 2019 (top 2%) by IIT Kharagpur. He is a member of American Mensa since 2000. He is the founder of Shambhala Samathvam, a start-up focused on niche innovative solutions for Real Estate, AgriculturRead More...


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Arya Dharma

Books by Bollachettira Dhyan Appachu

A publication on the Arya Dharma (Noble Dharma) - A better way by a unique combination of our heritage, spirituality and current affairs by going back to the future.

Bharata(India) has the greatest history, heritage and culture ever possessed by any civilization in the history of the Universe.  

It is a real shame of what we have become today because we blindly try to ape and emulate the fraud FUKUS (France, UK, USA) systems of "casino capit

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Arya Dharma

Books by Bollachettira Dhyan Appachu

A publication on the Arya Dharma (Noble Dharma) - A better way by a unique combination of our heritage, spirituality and current affairs by going back to the future.

Bharata(India) has the greatest history, heritage and culture ever possessed by any civilization in the history of the Universe.  

It is a real shame of what we have become today because we blindly try to ape and emulate the fraud FUKUS (France, UK, USA) systems of "casino capit

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The main key to Happiness

By Bollachettira Dhyan Appachu in General Literary | Reads: 384 | Likes: 0

There is a story about the Sakyamuni: Once a disciple walked up to the Sakyamuni and said: I want Happiness. The Sakyamuni said: Drop the “I” and the “Want” and all you are left with is “Happiness”. The “I” is Ego.  The &l  Read More...

Published on May 9,2020 05:57 PM

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