Prarthita Dutta

Secret Love

By Prarthita Dutta in Poetry | Reads: 390 | Likes: 0

Secret love is then ,  When the girl takes the novel under the blanket with a torch... Secret love is then,  When a boy kisses his sleeping mother's forehead after returning late..... Secret love is then,  When a doctor starts writing poem just to reduce the stress...... Secret love i  Read More...

Published on May 12,2020 07:03 PM

Secret Love

By Prarthita Dutta in Poetry | Reads: 399 | Likes: 0

Secret love is then ,  When the girl takes the novel under the blanket with a torch... Secret love is then,  When a boy kisses his sleeping mother's forehead after returning late..... Secret love is then,  When a doctor starts writing poem just to reduce the stress...... Secret love i  Read More...

Published on May 12,2020 06:59 PM

Yes....It's the same girl

By Prarthita Dutta in Poetry | Reads: 356 | Likes: 0

Once the girl used to cry out loud to seek attention,                                                                     And toda  Read More...

Published on May 9,2020 09:01 PM

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