Story of a Inidan Soldier
By Vivek in General Literary | Reads: 324 | Likes: 0
"How is the Josh?" , this is how we as a citizen of India greeted our soldiers when we do find some news about them. But the same spirit lies only within social media accounts and not much in our real lives.How far have we gone for them ? This is the real question that each Indian needs to ask them  Read More...
Published on Sep 21,2020 12:25 PM
When an Atheist died
By Sharwani Garg in General Literary | Reads: 477 | Likes: 0
WHEN AN ATHEIST DIED The main reason for the survival of religion is not a desire to live a better life, but our fear of death.  That day, Fakir felt the same fear for the first time. His life started running in kaleidoscope in front of his eyes. He realised that in his entire life, he had never l  Read More...
Published on Sep 21,2020 01:52 PM
काव्य -निर्झरा
By MONIKA RASTOGI in Poetry | Reads: 1,064 | Likes: 0
विघ्नहरण, मंगलकरण की वंदना से अपनी रचना प्रारम्भ करती हूँ...  हे आदिदेव !हे प्रथम पूज्य ! रिद्धि -सिद्धि के स्वामी ! शु  Read More...
Published on Sep 21,2020 09:25 PM
A Conference with Monkeys
By Anbudan Miththiran in Sci-fi | Reads: 630 | Likes: 0
A group of Monkeys was conducted a conference in Chennai. They were calling me to attend the conference. I had attended the conference.The conference was happening under the big tree. I had been invited as representative of human beings. The monkeys were welcomed me & they gave me five more bananas   Read More...
Published on Sep 22,2020 01:00 AM
Ultimate Happiness
By Mridula Singh in General Literary | Reads: 355 | Likes: 0
Ultimate Happiness A man came to the temple with his son who looked like any other six-year aged boy. He had come there to distribute prasad on the occasion of his son’s birthday. When the father was distributing it, the son’s gaze was stuck at the balloon seller standing at the far end of the l  Read More...
Published on Sep 23,2020 10:31 AM
By sakshi kansal in Poetry | Reads: 473 | Likes: 0
Amazed it pump well after all achesyou gave..shape it hold, is bit disstorted ,colour turned pale nyou blame me for change...each vein hold thorn to prick it ;enormous they are , how will i stop this?.Roots expanding to reach every cell ,injecting memory we had ,every tentacles hold a story about us  Read More...
Published on Sep 26,2020 02:27 PM
If I ever doubt you!
By Sana Malhotra in Poetry | Reads: 358 | Likes: 0
If I ever doubt you, it is me. If I ever doubt you please understand that it's not you but I have been through. If I ever doubt you please understand that my past ghosts me and stand between my magnificent future. If I ever doubt you, understand I have encountered highly toxic souls to reach to a so  Read More...
Published on Sep 26,2020 05:45 PM
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 389 | Likes: 0
Miracle A miracle unfolding inside I sense with a difference It's not the same always Sometimes I miss the doorways I write because I cannot not write It makes me more bright  I can't wait to be more amazing I feel like a joyride Creating my journal A journey, I love to travel I'm on for whatever G  Read More...
Published on Sep 28,2020 03:14 PM
By Surendra Kumar Sagar in Fantasy | Reads: 485 | Likes: 0
                                                 `TIME      TO        IMAGINE`   ATMAN   =   BRAHMAN ON `ATMAN = BRAHMAN` I did some calculations while on my way from Residence to office. JOURNEY FROM `TIME` TO `IMAGINE` We all live in the same hotel… It   Read More...
Published on Oct 2,2020 09:50 AM
Beloved Love...Come Back Again!
By Rohit Dey in Poetry | Reads: 400 | Likes: 0
The day has been dessed just like you, today.... Wearing a red bindi on the forehead. I don't know how may birds were flying but happily outside...! And the songs they are singing, coming to straight to my heart through ears...!! I can hear it all form the balcony... And feeling like my heart-beat.  Read More...
Published on Oct 3,2020 09:41 AM
The Teary Tea
By Neelamma Subramani Poonacha in True Story | Reads: 870 | Likes: 0
She woke up in the middle of the night unmindful of the time.  She forced herself out of  bed and took small steps towards the window which faced towards the main road. She stood there looking at the bare road,   holding the window palings, completely lost. Her agony was relentless and   Read More...
Published on Oct 5,2020 02:20 PM
Young and Old
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 552 | Likes: 0
Young and Old What conclusions told Needs to go Need to know Mind frozen cold Melt and unfold No more time Walk and hold Break the mold Young and Old Young and Old Speak or scold Talk about joys Talking problems annoys Break the addiction Check the friction Ride the struggle Just a bubble Life is g  Read More...
Published on Oct 6,2020 08:10 PM
By heather wilhelm in Poetry | Reads: 604 | Likes: 0
This is now, not 200 years ago, not tomorrow, This moment in time is what is's what will change and will determine life or will make an will get the ball rolling in one direction or another...I know there's nothing I can do to change what surrounds  Read More...
Published on Oct 6,2020 10:13 PM
Unholy Mother
By Latha M in Poetry | Reads: 709 | Likes: 0
She stands Day in and day out Tethered to a pole In her own urine and faeces Her hind quarters invaded forcefully With fists and steel rods From time to time  Pumping ejaculated semen: She bears her baby with fondness Though she's in pain.. And when she brings him out Even before a couple of licks  Read More...
Published on Oct 8,2020 08:00 PM