
The Endless Love
By Anitha in General Literary | Reads: 424 | Likes: 0
For some people, love is hopelessly dreaming, hope or its sharing and caring and for the rest of the people love is just lust. But to me, love is my older brother. One who has an older brother can know that he could be second father. Because, he was there to carry me on in his shoulders when my mom   Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:20 AM
Our Monkey Mind... What IF...
By Sanket Pai in General Literary | Reads: 463 | Likes: 1
Imagine stepping into a cold water shower. You suddenly feel your body contracted. A shortness of breath. Perhaps, a chill running down your spine. Maybe, a sudden rush of blood through your arms and legs. A knot in your stomach. Or, even a slight tingling in your legs and feet. What would you label  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:20 AM
Self-care During Lockdown
By Sanket Pai in General Literary | Reads: 244 | Likes: 1
This the time when the world is healing. Nature is reclaiming its space and humanity is still alive! Amidst challenging and uncertain times, when it feels like the whole world is falling apart (physically and economically), it isn't. This too shall pass! The social media and news media around us are  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:26 AM
Bcz I care beyond the stars!
By Meemansha mishra in Poetry | Reads: 378 | Likes: 0
Love me beyond the universe,  Or leave me like you never cared.  Don't stand in the middle to messed everything. Because I care, I care beyond the stars.    Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:31 AM
By Nissy Elsa Philip in General Literary | Reads: 258 | Likes: 2
Expectations always hurt, but still people can't stop themselves from expecting. People always expect other's love, care, time, etc. Having fulfilled none of their expectations still they continue to expect. People don't realize if they have zero expectations they will get full satisfaction. What wo  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 10:36 AM
By allen vivien in Poetry | Reads: 329 | Likes: 0
My tears were ocean, She visited just to play around by the waters..  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 11:01 AM
Solo Wings
By Kumar Ankit in Poetry | Reads: 418 | Likes: 0
“Can birds hower like a hot air balloon with just one wing?” Were the thoughts that brushed my soul when I thought if I can breathe this smoggy, heavy air without you. Wonder if I can thrust myself to flap my solo wing to be a sailor without a compass. Or duck the high waves and ashed cl  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 11:16 AM
Rising Peace
By Jyothi Minnoch in Romance | Reads: 376 | Likes: 0
Do you like stories? Do you want to hear one? Dear one, lend me your ear to hear this story and let it walk with you as it shares its creation... Once upon a time... There was a little boy who was sitting outside a house, with hands hugging his knees and head buried in the space to collect his tears  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 11:49 AM
Corona virus made us realize- voice of mother earth
By Nivedita A in Poetry | Reads: 333 | Likes: 0
Ernest request to humans  Corona,  The cause of uncertainty .. But, one thing is certain  The earth heals. It is amazing to watch  the birds having good time. The earth we live is all fine. The sky is clear  The rivers are cleansed The hills and the mountains look amazing,   Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 11:43 AM
St Antony & a Quiet Sunday
By Anilkumar Kurup in General Literary | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
  The boat ride back from the island seemed swift. I jumped out on to the wharf that was feet and a half above the deck and unknowingly and perhaps appearing to ignore the rest of the women folk extended my hand to her to hold and hoist up on to the wharf. That chivalry apparently did not go u  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 11:47 AM
Me & schizophrenia part 1
By Hima.D in Poetry | Reads: 344 | Likes: 0
Me & schizophrenia pt.1//. I wake up on a pool of sweat, screaming; I can't stop screaming. Mom runs to my room ; anxious .  She hugs me asking me to calm down. Pushing her away,  I run out of the house. I keep running and running to shut the laughing voices inside my head. I bang my h  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 11:59 AM
My Dear Lord
By Jyothi Minnoch in Romance | Reads: 675 | Likes: 0
My sweet Lord, my beloved Lord, my kind and loving Lord, A beautiful new me offers her burdened heart so full of love for you as a letter for your eyes to shed tears, that belong to me… It is good to be back home again in your heart. Close your eyes and rest your weary mind, I promise to stay  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 12:01 PM
A tear's story
By Jyothi Minnoch in Poetry | Reads: 262 | Likes: 0
I am salty because without salt there is no taste to my pain Some hold me back and some let me out I fill the space of loneliness with sorrow Inviting love and compassion to embrace the space When love manifests in His presence and His big warm soothing hands wipe me away and Wet His fingers with  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 12:13 PM
प्यार की दर्शन
By Jyothi Minnoch in Poetry | Reads: 727 | Likes: 0
देखो देखो अपनी आँखों से खुला होके चेहरे पे या बंद होके दिल से प्यार की दर्शन   मासूम बच्चो की मुस्कराहट में या उनक  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 12:23 PM
Nurture It
By Anjali Roongta in General Literary | Reads: 830 | Likes: 2
She pumped her legs to the pounding beat, stretching, bending, and swinging towards the stars. Eyes wide open she relished the universe exploding in front of her and tried to channel the energy bursting through her into the swing. She was losing herself to the ideas running through her head, this ex  Read More...
Published on Apr 16,2020 12:30 PM