The Bookstore
By Vedika Srivastava in General Literary | Reads: 613 | Likes: 1
The bookstore was nothing different from the other bookstores in the area but still had a certain charm to it. It was like time stopped at the place .It had the same décor, the same chairs, the same bunch of people re reading their favourite books again and again. It was the only place which   Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 08:32 AM
Odyssey of an Archaic Soul
By Gayathri S in Western | Reads: 613 | Likes: 1
She had laughed. She had grieved. She had been taught. She had learnt. And the question was, “Was she happy?” - Not yet. Every person is a victim of his/her circumstances. “What makes you happy?” The answer varies from person to person.  To her, happiness was “fre  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 11:44 AM
My ukelele man.
By Sanjana Mehta in Poetry | Reads: 613 | Likes: 1
MY UKELELE MAN.     - Sanjana Mehta   Walking the deserted boulevard on a mid June afternoon,  I Pluck the rousing mini-sunflowers stranded on the sideway, my cinnamon hampher now overflowing with  buds. Ignorant of the dust settling on my t-straps, i skip along the tr  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 12:10 PM
कॉलेज के रास्ते में
By promila sandil in Travel | Reads: 613 | Likes: 1
                                                     कॉलेज के रास्ते में रागिनी आज कॉलेज के लिए   Read More...
Published on May 14,2020 06:35 AM
By Surendra Kumar Sagar in General Literary | Reads: 613 | Likes: 0
                                THOSE WILL BE THE DAYS And so, I opened at random a page from the newly acquired book ``The Critique of Pure Rea  Read More...
Published on Jun 14,2020 11:10 AM
बड़ा वाला ब्रेक
By Priyanka Bhatia in True Story | Reads: 612 | Likes: 1
रोज रोज सुबह उठते ही भाग दौड़ की तैयारी शुरू हो जाती थी एक तरफ  खाना बन रहा होता था तो दूसरी तरफ बार-बार मोनू को नींद   Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 11:59 PM
Human"s last submission
By Shounak dutta in General Literary | Reads: 612 | Likes: 6
Hey! Yesterday, I was In the middle of everything  When you gave me a call Today I realize that It was a dumb thing Cause you warned me of my downfall. I remember the day when you gifted me Adam and eve With the blessings of land water and sky I, who was bare foot but fully loaded, saw you leav  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 11:32 PM
By Nasreen Julyha in General Literary | Reads: 612 | Likes: 3
Mom!  A simple three letter word with too many emotions. Mom.. I don't know what ingredient you hold in your hand but the food that you feed us with your hands always tastes scrumptious. I wonder why it doesn't taste so good when I eat it myself. Mom you got a problem controlling your emotions.  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 09:00 AM
By Erum in True Story | Reads: 612 | Likes: 1
99 percent I am flawed.. But, What about you ? Shall I give you the crown of PERFECTIONIST   Read More...
Published on May 27,2020 03:37 PM
Love unlocked in Quarantine
By Harsha in Romance | Reads: 612 | Likes: 7
Meera and varun were best friends and neighbours too.. meera had shifted her home to bangalore as she has been placed in an well known IT company.varun never failed to make meera happy.He was  the one who was always been with her at every stages of her life.He knows each and every thing about h  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 03:32 PM
What can I help you with?
By Monika S Gupta in Romance | Reads: 612 | Likes: 5
Strolling through a Calvin Klein outlet in search of a pair of jeans, my cell phone beeped with a notification that she is around, and I must see her. It’s been only a few years, but it seems like ages since I have known her. However, today is special and holy. Just the thought of holding her   Read More...
Published on Jun 8,2020 12:09 AM
Could Food Have Saved Chester?
By Sudakshina Bhatta in General Literary | Reads: 612 | Likes: 0
You heard it right, food, I just suggested food as a remedy for chronic depression. The depression that killed Chester Bennington. Want to know why? Well, it was back in 2015. After struggling with a full time job for one year, I finally resigned. I was under the impression that I was not doing just  Read More...
Published on Jun 8,2020 01:36 PM
By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Travel | Reads: 612 | Likes: 0
                                                              BELIEVE IN YOURSELF            &n 
Published on Aug 25,2020 03:54 PM
11 B Riverview Apartments
By swarnamuki ganesan in Romance | Reads: 611 | Likes: 0
11B Riverview Apartments What Tara didn’t know and probably had no way of realising was that today would be her last day - last day to live – last day to live here. Present day As every other morning begins, Tara awakens to the sound of her alarm clock. They say a dog is man’s best  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 02:52 PM
Ek mulaqat khud ke sath(during lockdown)
By Tanvi in Poetry | Reads: 611 | Likes: 1
Mai-Motor cycle band..Car band..Huye hain karobaar band..Lakho ka nuksaan hua hua hai jo vyaapar band.. Sab kuch viraan pada hai..hai aaj pura sansaar band..kaise mai kamau paise??Ghar ke kharche chalenge kaise??Apne he ghar me kaid hua hun...Aakhir kab tak chalega aise?? Meri Parchai-Laakho jo gava  Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 10:24 PM