The author, Mr. Sunil Sachwani, was born in April 1964 and is a Mumbai resident; professionally, he is a banker. After banking hours, the author, in his free time, spends time in performing various duties such as household work and writing articles and books. He writes articles for his bank's magazine called "Taarangan" which is published quarterly for the staff of the Bank of India. He was inspired by his father-in-law, who as a senior citizen, used to write books.   The author has written three books in 8-9 days of privilege leave. The author possesses the ability of how to utilize theRead More...


Books by Sunil Sachwani

             Yoga Of Sacrifice

              Act of offering of slaughtered animals or human beings was not enjoined by the scriptures.             

               The men, who practice terrific austerities not enjoined by the scriptures, are given to hypocrisy and egoism impelled by the forc

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

     God Comes And Reveals All People
A mother of many children, as she attended her domestic chores, kept the children busy with toys and sweets. For a while, the children were happy. Suddenly, they remembered their mother and began to cry. She brought them a new set of playthings and candies and, for the time being, the thought of the mother faded away from their minds.
The process was repeated several times until one child cried out o

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

            To Be Truly Happy          

          When Sadi, a great Sufi poet was a young boy of six, his father, a dervish, took him to the mosque where a night long vigil was being observed. As the night grow Sadi found that one after another, the people who had assembled at the mosque began to fall asleep. Even the mullah had nodded off. Only Sadi and his

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

                Let Nothing Block Your Horizon!

                 Robert Louis Stevenson, the famous writer, was a victim to chronic T.B. suffering from the disease which wasted much of his life. But he would not allow the disease to get his spirits down. He would greet his wife every morning with the cheerful words, “Isn’t it a wonderful day!”

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

                 How Rich Are You?

       A wealthy man offered a thousand rupees to a poor dervish ( a holy man).

        The dervish asked the rich man, “You are giving me a thousand rupees. How much do you have for yourself”? 

         “Many many thousands of rupees”, was the answer


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Books by Sunil Sachwani


            What is the goal of life? Absorbed as we are, in the pursuit of the shadow-shapes of wealth and pleasure and power, we do not pause to ask ourselves the questions: - “what is the goal of life?” the goal cannot be wealth or possessions, pleasure, power for we or leave all these things behind, the moment we drop the body. What th

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

               WHY DO WE COMMIT SIN 

                 It is the desire, it is the anger born of the quality of Rajas, all devouring, all sinful; know this as the foe in this world.

         Even a wise man acts in accordance to his own Nature; beings follow to Nature; what can restraint do? 


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Books by Sunil Sachwani

See the impermanence of life in this life. That is the Truth. Turn back…...and see that everything you did is like a dream. Whatever you do in the future-- you may become mayor of a town, you may rise to the highest position or you may have a lot of wealth-- so what? You have cried and wept, go angry and agitated-- so what?


         Suppose you had never had a

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

            During summer, very little water comes from the river into the ocean, but that does not dry up the ocean. During monsoon, sometimes the river  becomes several miles wide and billions of litres of water pour in every minute in the ocean, but that does not flood the ocean. 

            In either case, the ocean remains unaffected. That is because the ocean is so f

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

         Often people who take responsibility do not pray and those who pray do not take responsibility. It is interesting then that hell, which takes responsibility for the entire world, has seen a lot of prayer today. This is the need of the heir.   

          Every religion has three aspects- values, symbols and practices. There is diversity in the practices and symbols, whereas the va

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

         Often people who take responsibility do not pray and those who pray do not take responsibility. It is interesting then that hell, which takes responsibility for the entire world, has seen a lot of prayer today. This is the need of the heir.   

          Every religion has three aspects- values, symbols and practices. There is diversity in the practices and symbols, whereas the va

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Books by Sunil Sachwani


         What is the best that you are capable of giving to the World? I have a simple answer to that question; the best that I can give to the World are good thoughts, good words, and good actions. When I offer the best that I can to this World, the best will come back to me! Therefore, my sixth practical suggestion is: sow goo

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Books by Sunil Sachwani



           Do as much good as you can, to  as many as you can, as many as $you can, as often as you can. People everywhere, bear the burden of misery and suffering, lighten their loads, carry their burdens for them! Help as many as you can, to lift their load on the rough road of life. The

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Service And Meditation Go Hand In Hand

Books by Sunil Sachwani


             There is only one God whereas he has many names.

          God said, “I am father; mother; supporter; grandfather; Holy one to be  my own, OM; three Vedas; Supreme Goal, Lord, witness, Abode, Refuge, friend, Origin, Dissolution; foundation; Treasure house; Imperishable seed.


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Books by Sunil Sachwani

 A Moment of Calm is an experience, which each one of us as a human being should have at least once every day. Our minds are agitated, our minds are disturbed, our minds should be filled with Peace- the peace that passes, surpasses, understanding. The minds of many of us are filled with peace, grudges, resentment and thoughts of revenge. They are filled with negative thoughts.

                 Let us, u

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Nothing Can Shake You!

Books by Sunil Sachwani

                Act of offering of slaughtered animals or human beings was not enjoined by the scriptures.             

               The men, who practice terrific austerities not enjoined by the scriptures, are given to hypocrisy and egoism impelled by the force of desire and attachment. 


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Books by Sunil Sachwani

             Service And Meditation Go Hand In Hand

         Often people who take responsibility do not pray and those who pray do not take responsibility. It is interesting then that hell, which takes responsibility for the entire world, has seen a lot of prayer today. This is the need of the heir.   

          Every religion has three aspects-

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

Sow Sweet Fruits But Not Bitter Fruits

            As long as our senses dominate our thinking, we remain ignorant of the real order of the creation. Until we are in conscious contact with the word, we are limited by our physical perspective and our understanding remains distorted. As lord Jesus said:-

Oye ye of little faith!

          Seek ye first the kingdom of God and

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Respond Don't React

Books by Sunil Sachwani

Many of us like to make plans. We make plans for the future and set goals we want to achieve at certain times of our life, such as getting a degree, getting that first pay cheque or getting married. Some of us may have our year planned out by January every year. Only after making bookings, schedules and timetables do we feel comfortable that everything is organized in our lives. Plans are important because they help us define what we need to accomplish. They b

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The Priceless Robe

Books by Sunil Sachwani

Internal portion of Myself has become a living self in the world of life. We are born of flesh of God. We share 99.99 percent of the same genetic (DNA) code with all other people. Let us awaken our True Identity. Let us shelter under the Universal Umbrella of Oneness, discarding our colour, caste, creed and country. We praise the flowers and fruit of the tree but we forget the root that sustains the flowers and the fruit. Let us remember our Root-father / Moth

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An Appointment With Death

Books by Sunil Sachwani

If man regards his things that is God as his own and the extraneous thing that is body- world as not his own, then he becomes at once liberated, there is not an iota of doubt about it. In the Gita where there are mentioned the traits of a “gun-atita”, great man that is of one who has transcended the three folds of nature, there he is spoken of as the one who is stationed in his own being and is equanimous in moments of sorrow and happiness. Such a

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Man And His Habitat

Books by Sunil Sachwani

Cultivate Good Thoughts And Positive Emotions One way is to be vigilant in all that we think and say and do, is to be aware that God is omnipresent and omniscient, and is aware of all that we do. I was reminded by someone a little boy’s story who was visiting his grand-mother. There was a large picture of Sri Vishnu on the wall of her living room.  Underneath the picture was the caption; God is watching you. The little boy became strategy with strangely qui

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Turn Failure Into Success

Books by Sunil Sachwani

                                                According to Roger Von Oech who said “Most people think of success and failure as opposites, but when they are actually products of the same process.” But when you come to think of it, it is failures that give meaning to success. Wherever you have success, there is bound to be failure. The two go together. It is failure that draws out the best that within us. It is failure that unfolds

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Books by Sunil Sachwani


                              What is the best that you are capable of giving to the World? I have a simple answer to that question; the best that I can give to the World are good thoughts, good words, and good actions. When I offer the best that I can to this World, the best will come back to me! Therefore, my sixth practical suggestion is: sow good seeds in the field of your life!

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Return Love For Hate

Books by Sunil Sachwani

                          What happens just after so-called death (death of the gross body)? A person suddenly finds himself in an absolutely new environment just after his death. It is like an individual suddenly reaching a new city. He does not know its language. People are new to him. Strange dresses, strange food, different weather conditions…. How will he react to such a situation? The beginning of such a new life after so-called death is t

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Yoga Of Sacrifice

Books by Sunil Sachwani

If man regards his things that is God as his own and the extraneous thing that is body- world as not his own, then he becomes at once liberated, there is not an iota of doubt about it. In the Gita where there are mentioned the traits of a “gun-atita”, great man that is of one who has transcended the three folds of nature, there he is spoken of as the one who is stationed in his own being and is equanimous in moments of sorrow and happiness. Such a man is a

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The Path Of Meditation

Books by Sunil Sachwani

              Moksha (Liberation)

               When we serve the poor and sick, we really serve God who resides in their hearts. God alone enjoys all our offerings to Gods or God. Therefore, truly speaking God is enjoyer of all austerities, rituals and other sacrifice or services. 

         We humans think that the poor receive

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Surrender To Lord

Books by Sunil Sachwani

There is an old legend which tells of a king who could not understand the language of birds.
One day, as he was walking in his garden, he heard the birds saying, “The king knows a little that death had an appointment with his favourite page that evening.”

The king was disturbed. He wanted to save his favourite page. So he gave him the fastest steed and asked him to leave the country and go to a remote place before sunset.


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A Precious Opportunity Missed

Books by Sunil Sachwani



                                    Death is certain of that (body) which is born; rebirth is certain of that (body) which is dead.

                                    Just as a man takes off worn out clothes and puts on new ones, so the e

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Paths Of Advancement And Degradation

Books by Sunil Sachwani

             From earliest childhood we are encouraged to think of ourselves as unique individuals and to develop our individuality. From the spiritual perspective this is an illusion strengthened by the present world view which emphasizes individual rights and personal freedom. We fail to see that when we think of ourselves this way we are. Simply seeing our reality of mind and body and ignoring our common spiritual reality.

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Relativity And Knowledge

Books by Sunil Sachwani

            Even on the moon and the sun there are living entities. What is the opinion of the scientists? As scientists say there is no life there. That is nonsense. There is life there. As scientists say there is no life on the moon because they did not found any there.

            Why do they believe that? The moon planet is covered with dust, but within that dust the living entit

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Books by Sunil Sachwani


               Today! These three words spell the third secret success believes and achieve! Believe in yourself; believe in the work you have undertaken. Believe that you will succeed in your work. If you do not believe in yourself how you can hope to succeed? There was a man who had set out on a mission-to go around the world on his bicycle. He came to

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

                                                 published by Bank of India quarterly for the staff of the Bank of India. In 1995 he was inspired by his father-in-law, who as a senior citizen used to write books. 

                         The author has written

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Manav Dharma- The Religion Of Humanity

Books by Sunil Sachwani

Antisocial Being 

 Anti-social being will have to hang his head in shame in the palace of God. The demoniac know not what to do and what to refrain from; neither purity, nor right conduct, nor truth is found in them. Filled with insatiable desires, full of hypocrisy, pride and arrogance, holding evil ideas through delusion, they engage in action with impure resolves. Bound by a hundred times of hope, given over to lust and anger they strive

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Let The Mind Be Pure

Books by Sunil Sachwani

                                              There is an old legend which tells of a king who could not understand the       language of birds.


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God Is Always Present Eternally

Books by Sunil Sachwani


There is one such thing whose glory I cannot encase in words. If you pay heed to it; you will be blessed and fortune forever. That is there is not a simple spiritual disciple or practice about which we can say that this we cannot follow and there is no such worldly work which all can do and accomplish. Reason being that the utility and ability and power to realize God is inherent in all men; but the ability and power to gain worldl

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Books by Sunil Sachwani


                                           Triple is the gate of the hell, destructive of the self-greed, desires and anger.

                                            Attachment and ego are the other two enemies. The de

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

Just as the value of a diamond depends upon its lusture, so does the value of human being depend upon the quantum of humanity in him. What is it that you seek in a temple or a Mandir? Better seek all that within.
People praise fairies but I praise a human (man with Humanity). No doubt a man is made of handful of clay, but humanity raises him to a stage higher than angles. When the creator desired to see the excellence of His own creations. He created man a

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

                                                                               Why are you wasting this valuable human existence like a blind man stumbling against obstructions here and there; why suffer from restlessness day and night persecuted by your sorrow? A

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You Are, What You Think?

Books by Sunil Sachwani

         It is the desire, it is the anger born of the quality of Rajas, all devouring, all sinful; know this as the foe in this world. Even a wise man acts in accordance to his own Nature; beings follow to Nature; what can restraint do? No doubt we are slaves of our Nature but that does not mean that we are doomed to our destiny. Thoughts are your friends and thoughts are your enemies. Imbibe your friends and do not let your enemies n

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

 There is one such thing whose glory I cannot encase in words. If you pay heed to it; you will be blessed and fortune forever. That is there is not a simple spiritual disciple or practice about which we can say that this we cannot follow and there is no such worldly work which all can do and accomplish. Reason being that the utility and ability and power to realize God is inherent in all men; but the ability and power to gain worldly object is not in all

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The Karma Of Divine Garden.

Books by Sunil Sachwani

God Realization Is an Inner Journey 

The Hindu faith gives us the greatest possible freedom to practice our faith –for, in the words of some saints. “The goal is one, but the paths are many.” The Hindu Faith has always recognized this fact, and emphasized that man’s journey to eternity is essentially an inner journey. God Realization is thus possible for all the family man as well as the ascetic. The Hindu Faith also teache

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Books by Sunil Sachwani


Why are you wasting this valuable human existence like a blind man stumbling against obstructions here and there; why suffer from restlessness day and night persecuted by your sorrow? All the eight watches of the day and night you sigh for happiness; whether asleep or awake, all the while you go on fluttering in your error, but you have discovered happiness anywhere? Taking to be the source of happiness, whatever you seek to clasp to your bosom

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

We see that some people are opulent and others are deprived, physically, mentally and spiritually. 

All of us are born with certain qualities. These qualities can be changed, by our deeds for worse or better. 

Tamasic knows what to do and what to refrain from; neither purity; nor right conduct, nor Truth is found in him. 

These people lack in Rajasic; Sattavic and Divine qualities. Therefore, they are the members of the d

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

Why are you wasting this valuable human existence like a blind man stumbling against obstructions here and there; why suffer from restlessness day and night persecuted by your sorrow? All the eight watches of the day and night you sigh for happiness; whether asleep or awake, all the while you go on fluttering in your error, but you have discovered happiness anywhere? Taking to be the source of happiness, whatever you seek to clasp to your bosom scorches you wi

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Why Do We Worry

Books by Sunil Sachwani

If man regards his things that is God as his own and the extraneous thing that is body- world as not his own, then he becomes at once liberated, there is not an iota of doubt about it. In the Gita where there are mentioned the traits of a “gun-atita”, great man that is of one who has transcended the three folds of nature, there he is spoken of as the one who is stationed in his own being and is equanimous in moments of sorrow and happiness. Such a

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Books by Sunil Sachwani


                               As we look deeper into the workings of the law of karma, we begin to see that one reason we go on doing what we do not experiences the repercussions of our thoughts and actions, would we ever allow them to lead us to suffering? If we put our hand into a fire, we immediately experience pain, so we do not repeat the action. But just imagi

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Mind Turn Towards God

Books by Sunil Sachwani


                              What is the best that you are capable of giving to the World? I have a simple answer to that question; the best that I can give to the World are good thoughts, good words, and good actions. When I offer the best that I can to this World, the best will come back to me! Therefore, my sixth practical sugge

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Serve! Serve! Serve!

Books by Sunil Sachwani

The world is driven to unhappiness and frustration because it is driven by a sequence of desires. These waves’ means to fulfill. People resort to any means to fulfill their wishes. This could involve taking recourse to lying, harming others or damaging the environment. All religions have, therefore, condemned desire as the root cause of unhappiness.          But when a desire is fulfilled we feel happy, not because our wish has b

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

 Love is like fragrance that transcends through space and over oceans Love is practiced at three levels, physical which is perceived by sense; love at mental affects our mind and intellect. It affects our emotions. Love at these levels is born of attachment and its transient. When the beauty of the flower withers and its fragrance disappeared and it is discarded. Love at spiritual level is ever lasting. That love is shared by two souls and not bodies. Tha

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Books by Sunil Sachwani


It is a strange world in which we live, - a world which is a governed by the law of karma. A Son is born to a father. He feels happy and rejoices. Little does he realize that the child has come to settle up old accounts? A young man and his 

first cousin were in love with each other. After they got married, the girl found that her husband did not come up to her expectations. She asked for a divorce and claimed from him the house in

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

        The practice of silence is one of my favourite ideals and I have written and spoken about the same whenever I could. But silence in relation to the conquest of the ego has a different focus altogether. Ego pushes people to talk too much, to talk constantly about themselves and to dominate conversations by pushing their views and opinions on others. Asking such people to observe silence is almost a kin to strangulating them! They wou

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

Every atmosphere is suitable for life- any atmosphere. Therefore the Veda’s describe the living entities as sarvagatah which means “existing in all circumstances”. The living entity is not a material. Although encagedin a material body, he is not material. But when we speak of different atmospheres, therefore we refer to different material conditions.

             They say that the moon’s atmos

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

Today, so many of us are just drifting through life. We do not know where we are going. We don’t know what we want out of life. We work like machines, going through same routine day after day. We forget that each of us is unique. They say that there are a hundred million people in India today. Just imagine, among those hundred million people there is no one exactly like you! Why, amongst the billions of people who inhabit the earth, there is no other per

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

The Hindu faith gives us the greatest possible freedom to practice our faith –for, in the words of some saints. “The goal is one, but the paths are many.” The Hindu Faith has always recognized this fact, and emphasized that man’s journey to eternity is essentially an inner journey. God Realization is thus possible for all the family man as well as the ascetic. The Hindu Faith also teaches us that all forms of worship are acceptable to G

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

                            One way is to be vigilant in all that we think and say and do, is to be aware that God is omnipresent and omniscient, and is aware of all that we do. I was reminded by someone a little boy’s story who was visiting his grand-mother. There was a large picture of Sri Vishnu on the wall of her living room.  Underneath the picture was the caption; God is wat

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Books by Sunil Sachwani
































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Books by Sunil Sachwani

                                                               God is Supreme Being who created everything from His Own expansion.  Even the laws of the Nature are the Will of God.


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Books by Sunil Sachwani

The Lord's prayer exhorts us to forgive others, even as we expect God to forgive us. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us... When we are in pain and anguish, we are 'out of 

sync', as they say, out of alignment with the source of all love and mercy. In such a state, our impulse is to hurt, hit out at the other person, inflict on him the pain that he has given to us. Thus, pain and hurt become a vicious cycle in ou

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Stop Worrying, Start Living

Books by Sunil Sachwani


                                                                                              Because of this understanding, Dr. Annie Besant left her country, left    behind her friends and family to com

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Books by Sunil Sachwani


When you set in motion negative forces, you will generate negative feelings or effects. Whatever whether we choose good or evil, we will reap the result of our desire of our choice. Thus every day, every hour, every minute of our lives, we are creating the causes that determine our fate and our future. When a person is af

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

The Hindu faith gives us the greatest possible freedom to practice our faith –for, in the words of some saints. “The goal is one, but the paths are many.” The Hindu Faith has always recognized this fact, and emphasized that man’s journey to eternity is essentially an inner journey. God Realization is thus possible for all the family man as well as the ascetic. The Hindu Faith also teaches us that all forms of worship are acceptable to G

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

                            Who is god? Where is He? Since most of us have never seen Him, can  we presume that he does exist? Does God have a  form or is he a formless one? Guru Nanak describes God in magnificient  memorable terms in the opening of Guru Granth sahib:-  “God is one. He is the Supreme Truth. He is the creator, is without fear and without hate. He is

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

 In the eyes of God all are equal. There is no colour, castes, creed or country in His domain, none is high, and none is low. Each man devoted to his duty attains perfection. By worshipping Him through performance of his own duty, man attains perfection leading to liberation. Each of us is born with a unique nature; accordingly we are assigned a particular duty. Abiding in one’s own duty is God’s worship. Lord Krishna divided the society in fo

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

Many of us like to make plans. We make plans for the future and set goals we want to achieve at certain times of our life, such as getting a degree, getting that first pay cheque or getting married. Some of us may have our year planned out by January every year. Only after making bookings, schedules and timetables do we feel comfortable that everything is organized in our lives. Plans are important because they help us define what we need to accomplish. They b

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

        A Moment of Calm is an experience, which each one of us as a human being should have at least once every day. Our minds are agitated, our minds are disturbed, our minds should be filled with Peace- the peace that passes, surpasses, understanding. The minds of many of us are filled with peace, grudges, resentment and thoughts of revenge. They are filled with negative thoughts.


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Books by Sunil Sachwani

                                People who could not relate to this high truth begged Guru Nanak to tell them what God looked like. The great Guru taught them that God is formless. God is beyond these three qualities one understands Him, O Nanak, with whom God is pleased. “All the Sikh Gurus insisted that they were not to be worshipped. They exhorted their followers to worshi

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Cultivate Good Thoughts And Positive Emotions

Books by Sunil Sachwani

  There is one such thing whose glory I cannot encase in words. If you pay heed to it; you will be blessed and fortune forever. That is there is not a simple spiritual disciple or practice about which we can say that this we cannot follow and there is no such worldly work which all can do and accomplish. Reason being that the utility and ability and power to realize God is inherent in all men; but the ability and power to gain worldly object is not in all

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Books by Sunil Sachwani

  There is one such thing whose glory I cannot encase in words. If you pay heed to it; you will be blessed and fortune forever. That is there is not a simple spiritual disciple or practice about which we can say that this we cannot follow and there is no such worldly work which all can do and accomplish. Reason being that the utility and ability and power to realize God is inherent in all men; but the ability and power to gain worldly object is not in all

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Books by Sunil Sachwani



man regards his things that is God as his own and the extraneous thing that is body- world as not his own, then he becomes at once liberated, there is not an iota of doubt about it. In the Gita where there are mentioned the traits of a “gun-atita”, great man that is of one who has transcen

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cream on milk

Books by Sunil Sachwani

The first essential thing, therefore, is to enter this laboratory within ourselves, by bringing our scattered attention inside of the eye focus. This is a slow process. But we are not justified in saying that we cannot do it, or that it is impossible, or that it is useless. ... It is our job and we must do it; and we must do it now, in this very lifetime. 

Spiritual Gems This message from Great Master is like a blueprint for what we have to do on

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As God by mere compassion and grace given us the human frame, so also whatever circumstance. He has given us is also given by grace. Whether our actions are good or bad or otherwise, whatever kind of actions we have done is of little concern! The important thing is that the dispenser of the fruits is our Supremely God. From worldly view-point, circumstance is of two kinds: - pleasure-yielding and pain-yielding. But, from spiritual point of view, the circumstance

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Listener: How are we to determine that God-realization is the goal of our life? Since wealth is also worthy of being obtained, honors and status are also worth obtaining, comforts and convenience are also obtainable, so many things are thus to be achieved, the question arises as to how to be sure that God-realization is the goal of our life? Is there anybody among you who wants to be happy, such a happiness which is not perfect or comp

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Why are you wasting this valuable human existence like a blind man stumbling against obstructions here and there; why suffer from restlessness day and night persecuted by your sorrow? All the eight watches of the day and night you sigh for happiness; whether asleep or awake, all the while you go on fluttering in your error, but you have discovered happiness anywhere? Taking to be the source of happiness, whatever you seek to clasp to your bosom scorches you with

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Is God fair or is God unfair and unjust? There is no question of any injustice in God’s dissension. I say again and again: God is too loving to punish, too wise to make a mistake. His dispensation of justice is simple and straight forward. He has no policeman to catch wrong doers; no courts to conduct endless trials; no judges to pronounce harsh sentences on those who are found guilty. God’s dispensation is simple. Each one of us has been given a field of lif

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If man regards his thing i.e. God as his own and the extraneous thing i.e. body-world as not his own, then he becomes at once liberated- there is not an iota of doubt it. In the Gita, where there are mentioned the traits of a “Gunatita” great man i.e. of one who had transcended to the three folds of nature, there he is spoken of , as a one who is stationed in his own Being and is equanimous in moments of sorrow and happiness. Such a man is liberated soul. To

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How are we to determine that God-realization is the goal of our life? Since wealth is also worthy of being obtained, honors and status are also worth obtaining, comforts and convenience are also obtainable, so many things are thus to be achieved, the question arises as to how to be sure that God-realization is the goal of our life? Is there anybody among you who wants to be happy, such a happiness which is not perfect or complete, whic

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Benefits From Human Birth For God- Realization A devotee asked the question from Saint that; till the objects of enjoyment do not appear before us, our mind remains firm that we shall not succumb to them, but we become weak when enjoyments confront us! What shall we do? Saint answered the question of a devotee, very fine question! The idea of succumbing to sense enjoyments

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It is human nature to seek shelter of one or the other. Every living being wants to get the shelter of someone, wants to make someone his support. Why is there this .sort of nature? It is so because the being is the in separable fraction of the Supreme Lord. If he seeks the support and shelter of the Lord, then he will have need of any other shelter. But till he gains, the resort of the Supreme Self, he goes on seeking shelters one after the other shelter. He sho

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How are we to determine that God-realization is the goal of our life? Since wealth is also worthy of being obtained, honors and status are also worth obtaining, comforts and convenience are also obtainable, so many things are thus to be achieved, the question arises as to how to be sure that God-realization is the goal of our life? Is there anybody among you who wants to be happy, such a happiness which is not perfect or complete, whic

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Conquer Hatred And Peace With Forgiveness


Forgiveness has been defined as a process of ceasing to feel resentment against someone or to pardon someone. “To cling to resentments is to harm one, to walk the way of spiritual death. To choose to let go of resentments is to walk the way that leads to a life of freedom and fulfillment. The person who holds on to anger or resentment is, without his knowing it, causing damage to himself from within. The person who forgives enters a life of gentle peacefulness.

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The Perfectionist Path


Get your grammar right! Live in the active voice rather than in passive, thinking more about what you do than about what happens to you. Live in the indicative mood rather than in the subjective, concerned with things as they are, rather than as they might be. Live in the present tense, facing the duty at hand without regret for the past or worrying about the future. Live in the first person, critici

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Who is god? Where is He? Since most of us have never seen Him, can we presume that he does exist? Does God have a form or is he a formless one? Guru Nanak describes God in magnificient memorable terms in the opening of Guru Granth sahib:- “God is one. He is the Supreme Truth. He is the creator, is without fear and without hate. He is immortal. He is neither born nor does he die. By the Guru’s grace shall be met. Chant and meditate on his Name. In the begi

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Happiness Gives Tension Free Life


      Human body considered to be the best (door way to Divinity). God, who showers grace without cause, confers human body by His utter mercifulness and kind grace. As God has by mere compassion He has given us is also given by Grace. Whatever actions are good or otherwise, whatever kind of actions we have done, is of little concern! The important thing is that the dispenser of their fruits is our Supremely Dear friend-from worldly view point, circumstances

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The Law Of Balance Life Brings Happiness

Books by Sunil Sachwani

If we crave for Spiritual Welfare, than whatever we know is enough, more knowledge than that is not necessary. If you want crisis, need to sink in sense-enjoyment, enter the cycle of births and deaths, then you do need more goods or belongings. If you long for known is sufficient, not less, for one’s welfare. There is thus neither any need to know more nor to acquire more. Salvation – “Kalyana” – is undoubtedly possible with whatever we know or have.

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The Law Of Balanced Life


If we crave for Spiritual Welfare, than whatever we know is enough, more knowledge than that is not necessary. If you want crisis, need to sink in sense-enjoyment, enter the cycle of births and deaths, then you do need more goods or belongings. If you long for known is sufficient, not less, for one’s welfare. There is thus neither any need to know more nor to acquire more. Salvation – “Kalyana” – is undoubtedly possible with whatever we know or have.

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If you really want to succeed in life, you must contract the source of success-God. God is the source of the success. So many people come and say to me; “we have done our best. But why we have failed? Why we have not succeeded in life?” I narrate to those people the story of a little boy who was walking on the road, with his father beside him. The son found a huge stone lying in the middle of the road, and he said to his father, “I want to remove this ston

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Death is certain of that (body) which is born; rebirth is certain of that (body) which is dead. Just as a man takes off worn out clothes and puts on new ones, so the embodied (soul) cuts off worn out bodies and enters into new ones. We are reborn in a house which is conducive to our character (qualities). The man of an ignorant nature, devoid of faith and possessed of doubt is destined to

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As God by mere compassion and grace given us the human frame, so also whatever circumstance. He has given us is also given by grace. Whether our actions are good or bad or otherwise, whatever kind of actions we have done is of little concern! The important thing is that the dispenser of the fruits is our Supremely God.  From worldly view-point, circumstance is of two kinds: - pleasure-yielding and pain-yielding. But, from spiritual point of view, the circumstanc

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There is a beautiful design behind the magnificence of God's creation.Our scriptures tells us that it has God's intention. There is nothing random about creation. as a great scientist once remarked, "God does not throw dice." We may not be aware of it. This purpose is revealed to us at the proper time, when we have evolved in awareness and consciousness. Life raises many questions, problems and throw many challenges at us. The highway of life hardly gives us

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A devotee asked the question from Saint that; till the objects of enjoyment do not appear before us, our mind remains firm that we shall not succumb to them, but we become weak when enjoyments confront us! What shall we do? Saint answered the question of a devotee, very fine question! The idea of succumbing to sense enjoyments- Bhoga-is verily a rare thing, indeed! It’s an extremely valuable idea. Surrendering the ties of the world and awakening our relationshi

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If man regards his things that is God as his own and the extraneous thing that is body- world as not his own, then he becomes at once liberated, there is not an iota of doubt about it. In the Gita where there are mentioned the traits of a “gun-atita”, great man that is of one who has transcended the three folds of nature, there he is spoken of as the one who is stationed in his own being and is equanimous in moments of sorrow and happiness. Such a man is a li

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There is a beautiful design behind the magnificence of God's creation. our scriptures tells us that it has God's intention, Bhagavat Sankalpa that was the force behind the creation of this universe. Therefore everything in this universe is well-ordered, well-designed and created with a specific purpose.There is nothing random about creation. As a great scientist remarked, "God does not throw dice." This applies to us, as human beings too. each of us is bor

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Our Life's Goal is God's Realization

Books by Sunil S Sachwani

Why are you wasting this valuable human existence like a blind man stumbling against obstructions here and there; why suffer from restlessness day and night persecuted by your sorrow? All the eight watches of the day and night you sigh for happiness; whether asleep or awake, all the while you go on fluttering in your error, but you have discovered happiness anywhere? Taking to be the source of happiness, whatever you seek to clasp to your bosom scorches you wi

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God is a Curious Listener

Books by Sunil S Sachwani

The world is driven to unhappiness and frustration because it is driven by a sequence of desires. People resort to any means to fulfill their wishes. This could involve taking recourse to lying, harming others or damaging the environment. All religions have, therefore, condemned desire as the root cause of unhappiness.

The state of true liberation comes when one performs all duties and obligations without bothering about the result. The way to achieve

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Guard Ourselves against Evil

Books by Sunil.S.Sachwani

How to succeed in life?

Formulate and stamp a mental picture of yourself succeeding at whatever you do.

Hold on to this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop this picture.

Never think of yourself as a failure. Never doubt the reality of the mental images, no matter how badly things might seem at the moment.

Whenever a negative thought concerning your personal powers comes to mind, voice a

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The Secret of Happiness

Books by Sunil Sachwani

We live in an economic age. There is a scramble for wealth everywhere. But in between this race for wealth, people forget to remember the supreme soul (i.e. God).

I do not wish to speak much, or I would enter into an analysis of the life of the western culture and civilization. And we are imitating this civilization. The west is not happy with this wealth. And you will never be happy with wealth. If you want to be happy, gather the wealth of gold or gari

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The Hindu Mythology

Books by Sunil Srichand Sachwani

Indians are the proud inheritors of a rich heritage, the heritage of what people call Hinduism. Hinduism is not used here to refer to the Hindu Faith. I believe it is not an “ism”; it is not a creed or a dogma.

Historians and scholars everywhere agree that the sanatana dharma is unique in several respects. It is the only non-prophetic religion in the world. All the other major religions are rooted firmly in history, with one person as the fo

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By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Historical | Reads: 3,690 | Likes: 1

Share Happiness With All                    Once listener asked question to Swamiji: when sense objects appear before us, then we know not why we become fickle or greedy; what should we do at that time? Sw  Read More...

Published on Jun 14,2022 01:35 PM


By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Science Fiction | Reads: 3,086 | Likes: 0

The Miracle of  Understanding: There was a woman. One day, as she walked, she was surprised to find a man hoeing his garden, white sitting on a chair. “What Laziness!” the woman exclaimed. After a while, as she carefully looked a the chair, she found lying by its side a pair of crut  Read More...

Published on Jun 14,2022 09:13 AM


By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Young Adult Fiction | Reads: 2,921 | Likes: 0

                                        What Is Bhakti?        &n 

Published on Jun 12,2022 10:12 PM


By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Historical Fiction | Reads: 3,082 | Likes: 0

   SOW GOOD SEEDS IN THE FIELD OF YOUR LIFE                               What is the best that you are capable of giving to the World? I h  Read More...

Published on Jun 12,2022 09:35 PM

Eternal Lord’s Love Is Tears

By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 1,766 | Likes: 0

  .                      And thrown many of the people into confusion. He got up and said to them:-“Do not for a moment believe that God does not exist. God exists! And God is Love! Even if you deny him, His love continues to take care of you. He is our heavenly father, more real and  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 05:58 PM

Let Every Day be a Happy Blessed Day

By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 146 | Likes: 0

  This morning, Someone put to question to Dada J. P. Vaswani: - “What is meant by happy and blessed day? “Every come to us as a gift out f the spotless Hands of God. Therefore, should everyday be to us a happy and a blessed day. Alas! We spoil our days with our wild thinking and unholy livin  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 05:42 PM

Do Good To Receive Blessings

By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 120 | Likes: 0

                                             A Student asks Dada J.P.Vaswani, what is the thought for today? Dada J.P. Vaswani – the thought for the day is:- “The evil you do remains with you; the good you do, comes back to you.” A word which was ve  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 05:39 PM

Hatred Is Self-Destructive

By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 108 | Likes: 0

                                  To arrive at forgiveness, one has to pass through four stages:- The first is the stage of hurt. Someone has been unfair to me and I cannot forget it. I feel hurt. The hurt keeps on throbbing within me. It is here that we must reme  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 05:35 PM


By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 315 | Likes: 0

Three ways To Face Suffering She was a sweet child of God. She had been bedridden for many months. At times, here pain become so excruciating that, were it not for her faith in God, She would want to shoot herself. In spite of this, there was a beautiful smile on her face. And out of her parted li  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 02:46 PM


By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 288 | Likes: 0

Remember that the narrower and smaller the “self” and “self interest,” the greater suffering; misery, agony, grief and fear, they are attended with. Those who live within the narrow circle of their narrow self and are dominated by their limited and petty self interest centre round “I”   Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 02:35 PM


By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 512 | Likes: 0

Our faith varies according to our faith and beliefs. The practice of rituals and beliefs satisfies craving of millions of people and give them happiness all over the world. Therefore, these must be respected. The practice of rituals has purifying effect on the body, the mind and the intellect; the  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 02:31 PM


By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Poetry | Reads: 153 | Likes: 0

Love is like fragrance that transcends through space and over oceans Love is practiced at three levels, physical which is perceived by sense; love at mental affects our mind and intellect. It affects our emotions. Love at these levels is born of attachment and its transient. When the beauty of the  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 02:25 PM


By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 264 | Likes: 0

Duties are distributed according to qualities born of our nature. All actions are defective. Better is one’s own duty, though devoid of merit. He who attends to his own duty incurs no sin. Your right is to work only, performing action without attachment man reaches Supreme. Acts of sacrifice, ch  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 02:19 PM


By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 88 | Likes: 0

A Moment of Calm is an experience, which each one of us as a human being should have at least once every day. Our minds are agitated, our minds are disturbed, our minds should be filled with Peace- the peace that passes, surpasses, understanding. The minds of many of us are filled with peace, grudg  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 02:12 PM

Antisocial Being

By SUNIL.S.SACHWANI in Stories | Reads: 94 | Likes: 0

Anti-social being will have to hang his head in shame in the palace of God. The demoniac know not what to do and what to refrain from; neither purity, nor right conduct, nor truth is found in them. Filled with insatiable desires, full of hypocrisy, pride and arrogance, holding evil ideas through d  Read More...

Published on Feb 28,2021 12:46 PM

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