Vedika Srivastava

Summers by the Spring

By Vedika Srivastava in Stories | Reads: 190 | Likes: 2

It was my first day at senior school when I saw her. Just like a cheerful puppy jumping around from one seat to another meeting and greeting her new batch. I entered the class and took the farthest seat possible.  New places, new schools every year still made me anxious even though I should have g  Read More...

Published on Feb 13,2021 04:26 PM

Two knocks on the mirror

By Vedika Srivastava in Horror | Reads: 755 | Likes: 2

Two knocks on the mirror 15th June 2020: “According to western beliefs if you hear three knocks on your door before the dawn it symbolizes an insult to the Holy trinity.. The father, the Son and the Holy spirit”, said Rhea munching on the sandwich. “Oh and who would be knocking a  Read More...

Published on May 28,2020 10:34 PM

The Bookstore

By Vedika Srivastava in General Literary | Reads: 629 | Likes: 1

The bookstore was nothing different from the other bookstores in the area but still had a certain charm to it. It was like time stopped at the place .It had the same décor, the same chairs, the same bunch of people re reading their favourite books again and again. It was the only place which   Read More...

Published on Apr 29,2020 08:32 AM

That Shattered Bottle

By Vedika Srivastava in Poetry | Reads: 447 | Likes: 1

Your hands like carcass Signal me to stop Your lips like tainted glass Ask me to drop The crowd cannot hear you  Whilst you cry Even if they did They'll turn a blind eye I beat you black and blue  For that's all I could do And you still don't have a clue Of what have I been through I   Read More...

Published on Apr 17,2020 11:30 PM

That coffee shop down the lane

By Vedika Srivastava in Romance | Reads: 6,138 | Likes: 46

It had just stopped raining. She was there as usual. At the quaint coffee shop around the corner overlooking the street, in her favourite seat... she sat by the window with her favourite hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows floating like shooting stars in the dark blue sky.   The jukebox in the  Read More...

Published on Mar 22,2020 04:24 PM

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