You grow
By Shahnoor Sayyed in Poetry | Reads: 507 | Likes: 0
You grow You grow when you are ignored You grow when you are bullied You grow when you are broken You grow when you are hurt You grow when you cry Keep growing, keep loving yourself.   Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 12:37 PM
A Missed Date with Ruskin Bond
By Suvankar Ghosh Roy Chowdhury in Romance | Reads: 507 | Likes: 1
I was going to meet Ruskin Bond in a few hours, and my joy knew no bounds. It was 2006, I had just started my UG-days at Narendrapur. Those were my Ruskin Bond-days. The rest of the authors I read that time – from Chaucer to Ted Hughes, in the history of literature – did not make much se  Read More...
Published on Apr 3,2020 01:58 PM
Laughing stock
By sukhmani anand in Poetry | Reads: 507 | Likes: 1
Life hasn't been the same  Neither it was when you walked in  Nor it is when you deserted It started as a laughing stock Where you laughed, I laughed and life laughed along. You swept me off the floor  Taking me around the whooping swirl Coffees we shared and memories we reared Wher  Read More...
Published on Apr 8,2020 12:52 AM
Burger Man
By Sharvari Marathe in Romance | Reads: 507 | Likes: 0
Lines. With 3 feet distance between each person. Thermal screening. Sanitizing at the door. Of the local grocery store down my road. This new way of life we all have almost gotten used to now. What still surprises me though is that we Indians actually learnt some civic sense and discipline. I smile   Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 08:40 PM
Once upon a time
By Aadhya Jain in True Story | Reads: 507 | Likes: 1
Once upon a time , there was a girl .       Oh wait ! isn’t it the bygone way of starting any story . Well once upon a time there really was a girl . She was short and stout, with an ugly mouth, her lips not so good at pout , her curly, unmanageable frizz hanging down   Read More...
Published on Apr 15,2020 07:05 PM
Tera Gussa
By Vkamit in Romance | Reads: 507 | Likes: 0
गुस्साति हो .मुस्कुराती हो कितना गजब लगता है जब तुम अपना प्यार जताती हो। पर तेरे गुस्से से डरता हूँ मै, तेरे मुस्कुर  Read More...
Published on Apr 23,2020 02:25 PM
Mirror Mirror On The Wall
By Manasi Samudra in General Literary | Reads: 507 | Likes: 0
She hurriedly wiped off the tears streaming down her face. Taking a deep breath, she tried to quickly compose herself. Splashing her face liberally with water, Sheela looked up spotting her haggard face in the Mirror. She couldn't go on breaking down like this every now and then. It was time to tak  Read More...
Published on May 1,2020 05:46 PM
The Rhino
By Mayank Manohar in Travel | Reads: 507 | Likes: 1
When I spotted a rhino during my trip to Nairobi national park, Kenya, I could imagine what the rhino is telling us and write this: Dear Human, If you are thick skinned, tough, stand firm on your ground and adaptable in the most difficult of times like me, people are bound to stand up, take notice a  Read More...
Published on May 4,2020 11:31 PM
Grey world
By Yugadi Nawale in Poetry | Reads: 507 | Likes: 1
It's been long since I wrote something, Musings hardly come to me these days. Perhaps it's the bustling life Or the serenity I left behind... Buildings are just bricks and paint now, Refreshing breezes turned into gusts of wind. People are empty shells, My soul feels the same now. I am loosing mys  Read More...
Published on May 5,2020 07:42 PM
Who said, you got nothing?
By Madhuri in Poetry | Reads: 507 | Likes: 1
Who had saidthat you got nothing?Nothing as in what?You are a body with a soulA voice so brave and boldYou have a lip to flauntAn escalated level of brainstormWho said you are nothing?For you feel and understandWith a heart that heals more than it heaves a breathYou are an arbitrator of yo  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 03:33 PM
My love
By ankita srivastava in Romance | Reads: 507 | Likes: 1
 Beautiful moon shining bright  This calm, serene and mesmerizing night  with melodious song of silence But without you it makes no sense I wish you were here  We would enjoy these moments Together And what our eyes would see Would be unforgettable memories forever I know dis  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 10:32 PM
That refreshing cup of coffee!
By Ayushi Bhatnagar in General Literary | Reads: 507 | Likes: 2
Lightning, thunderstorms and the brisk air that whisked-away her only shelter. Running after her umbrella completely deprived of sanity, she screamed in frustration. Okay! Now you’ll also betray me! Fine, go.       It was not only about the rain and umbrella that Lavanya   Read More...
Published on May 28,2020 09:41 PM
2:00 AM
By Eesha Goyal in General Literary | Reads: 507 | Likes: 3
It was 2.00 am, couldn't sleep. Tried to, obviously. Wasn't using my phone either. Lying down with my head under the pillow,  thinking about you, your voice, your eyes, okay stop, I thought and turned around. Too old now, to count sheep. I thought I shouldn't think so much and that I should st  Read More...
Published on Jun 21,2020 11:31 PM
Natural Outcome
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 507 | Likes: 0
Natural Outcome I don't know why? Mind not ready to welcome,  Few things that complicate natural outcome.  It happens when I allow, myself to lower down  Quite disturbing! When unfit you become.  I am gonna make sure, to fit in and overcome Try! Raise the energy high, unnecessary  Read More...
Published on Jul 20,2020 09:49 PM
Much awaited monsoon rains!
Much awaited monsoon rains! "It'd be delayed this year", they (IMD) said. On the due date there was a severe thunderstorm. "No, it is not even pre-monsoon, just localised convection rain". We waited! One fine day, they said the monsoon has "arrived". We looked out; there was not even spec of cloud i  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 10:55 AM