Wordlessly Serendipitous
By Aastha Singh Rajput in General Literary | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
Wordlessly Serendipitous  The dusty evenings of Seoul welcomed me with the noises of blasting horns, roads as busy as ever. I could assume the fuchsia sky was covered with eburnean smog like it did all this time. I’d have loved to complain how this city had turned polluted over the years   Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 11:52 AM
Dear Stranger
By Namrata Dev in General Literary | Reads: 503 | Likes: 0
Dear Stranger, Nice isn't it? It costed me 4000 bucks. I had to cut out two months of Swiggy and Pizza Hut to buy this. Yes, the same gold sequinned knee length dress your envious eyes have been gawking at since I started walking down this road. Oh yes. My watch is working perfectly fine and I did s  Read More...
Published on May 18,2020 01:26 AM
Exploring Choices
By Mansi Dave in True Story | Reads: 503 | Likes: 0
What do you want to do when you grow up? Before I actually find and explore the answers. I was made to choose between science, commerce, and humanities. Even before I actually understand and realize what is growing up. I was thrown into the adult world. Then I studied, studied and studied. I gave ex  Read More...
Published on May 18,2020 02:18 PM
By Wafa Hussain PM in Poetry | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
 I-am a frail Wench   Sitting on a bench   They call me bitch   Or a  nasty witch still they wanna Touch                    -WH-  Read More...
Published on Jun 4,2020 12:47 AM
Real Trauma
By P. Sharma in Poetry | Reads: 503 | Likes: 1
Trauma does not let me to go office, But boss yells “ All my work stop coz of you”, Taking Vitamin C, D and zinc supplements to cope up with his words. Selected full sleeves top and denim, Preferred to have a comfortable black bellies, All set for office tomorrow. Time to Get Set Go.   Read More...
Published on Jun 12,2020 02:22 PM
இலைச் சருகுகள்
By Rubeen Praveen in Poetry | Reads: 503 | Likes: 4
அவை காய்ந்த  இலைச் சருகுகள்; வேண்டப்படாதவை. அவற்றால் பயனில்லை. பச்சையம் பழுப்பாகிவிட்டது. தன் சொந்த மரத்தால்&n  Read More...
Published on Jun 28,2020 03:16 AM
Plentiful Pranav
By Mridula Singh in True Story | Reads: 503 | Likes: 0
Plentiful Pranav Meera was new to her teaching profession. Luckily she got her appointment at the school where she served as an intern. She had mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension about the effervescent children around her. She was handling the responsibility of the co-class teacher of g  Read More...
Published on Aug 29,2020 06:05 PM
Irritants Are Eye Opener
By Sanjeev Gargish in General Literary | Reads: 502 | Likes: 0
A  thing may be small in stature or status, it's no less in significance.    Every thing or being, seen around has its utility, has a predefined role to play in the inscrutable design of the Almighty.    One must never underestimate the importance of any being. If one harms   Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 10:04 AM
The last cigarette
By Trina Chaudhuri in Poetry | Reads: 502 | Likes: 0
We had the power to save the worldinstead we lit cigarettes,stubbed humanityand when the clouds turned yellowand spewed black rain,we looked at each other's facesin wonder Is it you?Because it never was me I pour whiskey andput my mouth where I shouldn't, thenpray to the gods to save meI am pure   Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 07:55 PM
By Shriya Upadhyay in Poetry | Reads: 502 | Likes: 0
--Insecurity-- I look at myself in the mirror, 'you have changed so much' I said like someone who was expecting a reply. Fiddling with my toes, locks of hair tugged behind my ear, she was budding on my body as pores of hair growth. Lingering on my lanky shoulder, we met at the crux of breaking, we  Read More...
Published on Mar 28,2020 03:09 PM
By Gopinath Samikkannu in Poetry | Reads: 502 | Likes: 0
எனக்கு சிரிக்க தெரியாதாம்  கிண்டல் செய்கிறார்கள்... அவர்களுக்கு எப்படி தெரியும்  நீ என்னை விட்டு செல்லும் பொ  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 11:46 AM
16 :)
By Shaivi in Poetry | Reads: 502 | Likes: 0
It's been 16 years since I was born. The journey was incredible with tears, laughter and a little frown. Never knew I've been growing up so fast. My golden childhood's now just my past. Experiencing life, maturing myself, my ship's leaving the harbour preparing for sail. As they say it's my sweet  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 09:15 PM
Years later when they met
By PRIYANKA GHOSH in Romance | Reads: 502 | Likes: 2
They were best friends since childhood. He was shy, introvert and a hidden poet. She was exactly the opposite. She was his first love but before he could express she told him she was in love with a boy from his tuition.  This broke his heart. He soon moved to London to persue his higher studies  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 03:21 PM
By creatorcreates18 in True Story | Reads: 502 | Likes: 1
Dear Bachelors  I can find an identification and accommodation in union to your thoughts,  as the phase from which a bachelor goes through in terms of the search of a perfect soulmate is one of tension and suppression, for you are in tension under the suppression of your parents and the so  Read More...
Published on Apr 1,2020 02:22 AM
The wannabe writer
By Manasvi Dodiya in True Story | Reads: 502 | Likes: 4
THE WANNABE WRITER. Like everyone, the long tale of Jacob begin with just the mere realization of his interests in imagination of enigmatic scenarios and then putting it on paper. But the scenarios imagined were rather more juvenile."I need something more rational to make it read- worthy" he thought  Read More...
Published on Apr 9,2020 09:20 AM