By Sofil Dangi in General Literary | Reads: 393 | Likes: 2
गाने में खोई हुई संजीदा को छेड़ते हुए अर्पित ने कहा - ऐसा अपने साथ भी हो सकता है। संजीदा - तो......... अर्पित - तो क्या, मेरी   Read More...
Published on Sep 18,2020 09:16 PM
By Arpitha in General Literary | Reads: 392 | Likes: 2
We, humans, are so fortunate as we taught ourselves how to express and how to feel. After all these years of learning, we lack the understanding of what the words 'humanity', 'kindness' and 'compassion' really means and how it would affect each one of us. We don't have an explanation of why we often  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 10:35 PM
Parallel Paths
By Komal Chokshi in Romance | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
“Hey lady, watch your feet!” A man yelled at me while I was crossing the road. I continued walking towards the airport gate. But I got disturbed by the sudden shock. Hell yes! I was thinking about him. I was wondering what went wrong. He was fine. Perfect, I should say. I had never seen   Read More...
Published on Mar 26,2020 11:45 PM
My Little Black Book_001
By Gabriela Caster in True Story | Reads: 392 | Likes: 5
They debated on the height, the weight, the age. Day after day, night after night. I wasn't sure if they were referring to me or the goats outside. #marriage  Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 03:06 PM
By Nithya in Poetry | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
Been playing the same song since I got up from bed, Still don’t know the lyrics cause only you’re in my head.   All the things I have to do but leave undone; Waiting instead for your call to come.   Don’t think I’ve ever felt this alone; I’ve memorized every  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 04:44 PM
A closure to all his pretty lies
By PRACHI JOSHI in Romance | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
Still waiting on the edge of the shore, Thinking to herself what she had lost, The unanswered questions, the pretty lies, What was it that tore her apart? For her, all that she longed was a reply, a closure to all his pretty lies! Turning back was no where in sight,yet she did cos she wanted to get   Read More...
Published on Apr 20,2020 06:18 PM
By Atalant in Poetry | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
Haven't I always been quarantined? In sultry, distressing classrooms, In uncomfortable, cold cubicles, In my mother's tiny kitchen, In rooms full of faceless bodies, Stuck in a queue, stuck in traffic. In the webs that I have not weaved In dreams that are not mine,  In an image that is not me -  Read More...
Published on Apr 24,2020 10:37 AM
Loosing My TRUST
By Karuna Verma in Poetry | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
She has a bookshelf for a heart,  And ink run through her veins.  She'll write you into her story,  With typewriter in her brain.  Her bookshelf's getting crowded,  With all the stories she penned,  Of the people who flicked through her pages,  But closed the book   Read More...
Published on Apr 28,2020 01:59 PM
Getting Positive in 2020
By D. kalaivani in General Literary | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
Today:            I wasn't feeling well for the past four days. I was feeling pain in my head, throat and all over the body.  I also feel feverish.          'May be, I have got it too'. Last week:         The news report  Read More...
Published on Apr 30,2020 01:39 PM
By Sandeep Mohan in True Story | Reads: 392 | Likes: 1
THE INNOCENCE OF IT..   I don’t remember exactly when did I see her for the first time. Was it the first or the second or the third year in that school? I don’t remember. All I remember is that we were young, I mean really young. All those years thinking about her, I wondered what i  Read More...
Published on May 6,2020 01:11 PM
The Red Market
By Edha Singh in General Literary | Reads: 392 | Likes: 1
The phone was ringing. Through their hazy states, some twenty-odd men and women stirred. Erratic heartbeats reverberated throughout the room. Sickly pale hands lay sprawled on the floor with sweat droplets moving unchecked down sunken cheeks. Eyes opened and hands showed the slightest quivering. Dre  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 08:49 AM
Should I tell him
By akshita ray in Romance | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
There is a lot of things I want to express and afraid to confess.   Should I tell him That I meet a lot of people but nobody feels like him   Should I ask him  To just be with me and I'll handle the rest.   Sometimes I feel he must be knowing that I'm having a million of feelings  Read More...
Published on May 11,2020 07:07 PM
Erum Part-2
By Shubham Rathore in Travel | Reads: 392 | Likes: 1
Erum is resting in her hut after dinner and then suddenly Tamil music piercing her ears and she wake up and go out to see the source of the music. She is flabbergasted by the scene, all the guest from their hut come to the common area which is covered by coconut trees and banana trees, a big speaker  Read More...
Published on Jun 3,2020 01:07 PM
Domestic violence
By siddhee agarwal in Poetry | Reads: 392 | Likes: 0
He pulls my hair He slaps my face He kicks me on the floor with a small baby on my womb Whose heart hasn't even developed yet There's blood all over my body Dropping in the floor  With Each drop pleading to leave me Everything hurts deeply I made him mad So he does this with me Asking why? I wo  Read More...
Published on Jun 12,2020 11:53 PM
Accumulating More Than Necessary Is Dangerous.
By Sanjeev Gargish in General Literary | Reads: 391 | Likes: 0
Though most of our needs can easily be met by working for few hours per day, still we are rushing like mads, toiling hard.    We, human beings, have degraded ourselves to "money making beings". We are tyrannizing our bodies and brains to make money... more money. Why, What for?     Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 09:28 PM