Sofil Dangi

Sofil Dangi was born in Hansass village, Jhunjhunun district, Rajasthan. Her early education was in Jhunjhunun and higher education in Jaipur. Her mother's name is Mrs. Snehlata and father's name is Mr. Maniram Dangi. It was through the support and encouragement of her relatives that the author decided to embark on a writer’s journey. Most of the support was given by her sister, Neha Kulhar.  Read More...


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Raang Zindagi Ke

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All writers derive inspiration from what they see and experience from their surrounding environment. This book is one such attempt that draws from such sources and is an interesting mix of expression and emotion.

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By Sofil Dangi in General Literary | Reads: 394 | Likes: 2

गाने में खोई हुई संजीदा को छेड़ते हुए अर्पित ने कहा - ऐसा अपने साथ भी हो सकता है। संजीदा - तो......... अर्पित - तो क्या, मेरी   Read More...

Published on Sep 18,2020 09:16 PM


By Sofil Dangi in General Literary | Reads: 2,802 | Likes: 3

भाईचारा जेठ के महिने में तपती दुपहरी में गर्मी से ज्यादा माहौल इस बात से गरमाया था कि कल्लू और राधेश्याम की दोस्ती   Read More...

Published on Aug 28,2020 07:19 AM

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