जेंडर डिस्क्रिमिनेशन का सच
By Dr Anupma Srivastava in True Story | Reads: 344 | Likes: 0
रिया राघव से गुस्सा होकर अपने भाई के घर आ गई थी, उसे राघव का नजरिया बिल्कुल भी पसंद नही था, "इतना जेंडर-डिस्क्रिमिनेश  Read More...
Published on Aug 21,2020 03:12 PM
Better Tomorrow
By Meenakshi Dawer in General Literary | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
#PandemicTime’s #CoronaVirus .....Now is the time to fight back together yet individually. We are all strong fighters in our own unique way. We have built together where we stand today. Today we may bear financial loses, mental fear, emotional insecurities of life and talk about it but we al  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 01:39 PM
By App panda in Fantasy | Reads: 343 | Likes: 1
VIRTUALITY  Virtuality ...what is virtuality?? Is it possibility or a slice of future shown No... It's a sense of Imagination that one go through It's a kind of feeling that believes In the Deepest thoughts that is satisfied by individuals. It's fantasizing the imaging power itself . The art of  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 01:38 AM
By sahil pathan in General Literary | Reads: 343 | Likes: 1
 chapter 1 chacha a thief Ali was very shy and nevous boy he was fatty and was having many ideas but no one listen him . One day on the  time of jumma in the city . He moved to mosque for prayer . the molana was speaking about faith and ritual of Islam Ali was listening him very carefully   Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 04:06 PM
Have you ever met yourself?
By pooja saroj in Travel | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
Travelling for the first time to another country made me nervous and also jet lagged due to 10-11 hours of travel. But also I was so excited to meet new people and experience new culture and for my internship. Travelling to Egypt and that too in Ramadan was like cherry on a cake. I am so glad I met   Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 09:46 AM
By Nikita Ganpule in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
She said "Namaste" She did not know to shake hands.. She was labelled uncool.. Today she was surprised to see everyone greeting each other with a "Namaste" Corona Virus helped her build confidence! Each to its own!!!!!  Read More...
Published on Apr 11,2020 09:48 AM
By Rahat Sayyed in Romance | Reads: 343 | Likes: 1
I don't loveI don't love youIf love means putting you limits,I don't love you.If love is all about sexual desire I don't love.If being jealous is love, I don't If my love is conditional, or only about desireIf love is just a stipulations, or a fantasy I don't love you.If it is making you perfect, or  Read More...
Published on Apr 19,2020 09:54 AM
Conversation with her
By Simran in True Story | Reads: 343 | Likes: 1
There are places where I can get lost with myself and call it home. But is home always the place where you find peace?  Conversation with her: " No matter where ever you'd go, wander, live but you'll find peace, when you'd return home."  I thought when I was young, until, I saw someone fo  Read More...
Published on Apr 21,2020 11:49 PM
Let's Play Hide-and-Seek Once again
By Preeti in Poetry | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
I wish, I could  Go back to our childhood And play hide and seek once again Only to find all those... Unfelt feelings Unspoken words  unfulfilled promises Untold secrets Unswerving devotion  Long lost & hidden deep down in our hearts Come, let's count to ten And play hide-and-se  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 12:03 AM
The aftermath
By kim eun ah in Poetry | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
It is 3am and I still can't sleep The promise, the Shamrock which we could not keep Haunts me even now and everywhere Making me realize that those sweet memories were a lie I know we tried all the so called if(s)  But still it is hard to believe,  The one who had to be my relief Had no ch  Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 05:29 PM
आख़िरी दम तक
By Anita Pathak in Fantasy | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
"तुम मेरा फोन क्यों नहीं उठा रही नैना?"झल्लाते हुए शैलेश ने पूछा। "मुझे तुमसे बात नहीं करनी। इतनी सी बात तुम क्यों नह  Read More...
Published on Apr 26,2020 08:15 AM
By SANJAY YADAV in Fantasy | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
Eyes r always attracted by unique colour patterns.Still a white pattern as its own contribution beheading others.The relaxment,positivity,hope are all its reflection where other patterns are a step backward.It is to be rememembered that white colour is the constructive outcome of all the colours.Tod  Read More...
Published on May 4,2020 08:15 PM
Falling in love, AGAIN!
By Sanil Yadav in Romance | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
I’m your regular, average looking guy next door. Well, that is after I have had my share of one-night stands, hook ups, flings and girlfriends during my 20s. My idea of a relationship has always been movies, dinners and sex involving no emotional attachment unless demanded. While I was foolin  Read More...
Published on May 10,2020 12:53 AM
A homemaker:) Celebrate this family day:)
By Preeti Agrawal in General Literary | Reads: 343 | Likes: 0
A homemaker:) Celebrate this family day:)  These days, everybody is bound to  know a homemaker. A whole lot of people who ignored the great work of a homemaker. They are cooked up together, what to do? Now everybody is becoming a homemaker. Oh! A great privilege to be a homemaker. Well it'  Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 07:27 PM
Can you be friends with your ex?
By Kripal Mishra in Romance | Reads: 343 | Likes: 1
Hello, should I get down the auto Yes, do that, I'll be there in five I was angry at her for no reason back then. We'd met after almost 3 years and all she had to mention was her wannabe boyfriend going Gaga over us speaking to each other. I mean I could barely digest that. As soon as I heard that s  Read More...
Published on May 18,2020 02:50 AM