अधूरा हु, फिर भी शायद पूरा हू |
By Gunjeet S. Wadhwa in True Story | Reads: 346 | Likes: 1
मैं सब कुछ अधूरा छोड़ देता हूं मेरे ख्वाबों की शुरुआत तो जोश से होती है पर..पर आहिस्ता आहिस्ता मैं अपने होश खो देता ह  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 11:42 AM
By Subhajit Nandy in Poetry | Reads: 346 | Likes: 1
Amorous ----------------  I've loved a girl primitive as Greek civilization, a girl so meek and yet so ornate as if a grey sculpture made of age-old stones plucked from profound ocean by a crazy cupid. Her blood I saw in the wounds of Christ, And tears was she devoid of when I dug her for an e  Read More...
Published on May 8,2020 12:55 PM
Iam an introvert
By Bhargavi kulkarni in True Story | Reads: 346 | Likes: 0
"I am an introvert". I know this now and I am not ashamed of it. Some days you'd never guess I am introverted, others it's pretty obvious to see that I am one. I'm awkward when I need to talk to someone or start a conversation. Addressing or being part of a big group of people for a long period of t  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 01:34 PM
I don't share
By Sreebalaji in Horror | Reads: 346 | Likes: 0
                           “From swiss"  - saidJ handing over a bar of chocolate to Joe. “Thanks sweety “said Joe hugging her tight. They were standing in the front porch of Jessie’s house."by the way   Read More...
Published on Jun 2,2020 02:14 PM
It's an ENDING
By Gopal Krishna in Supernatural | Reads: 346 | Likes: 0
It's an ENDING telugu ఇప్పుడు నేను చెప్పబోయే కథ పూర్తిగా నా ఇమాజినేషన్ ద్వారా పుట్టిన కథ అమెరికాలో stefen stock (35) అని ఒక Environmental sceintist ఉంట  Read More...
Published on Jun 3,2020 07:23 AM
By Adharsh Nair A S in True Story | Reads: 346 | Likes: 0
  It woke up unusually early today. It was his high pitch squeals that opened the cage. Wings have feathers but the rest of the entire was covered in fur. The young cockerel was beautified by its yellow fur and black wings.    As per the present status, two male cocks rule the ca  Read More...
Published on Jul 31,2020 03:35 PM
By RUDRAKSH MISHRA in Mythology | Reads: 346 | Likes: 1
PLEASE LIKE PLZ PLZ PLZ AND SHARE IF YOU LIKE THE STORY PLZ GUYS......I AM A 12 YEAR OLD BOY PLZ SUPPORT ME..  RELIGION (PART-1) As you all know that human made the term =) Religion. It is to distiniguish between the peoples according to their castes. It is not God made. There are many castes   Read More...
Published on Aug 10,2020 03:17 PM
Blue Is True
By Cindy Pereira in General Literary | Reads: 345 | Likes: 0
Varun considered himself a 21st century man, abreast with the times and sensitive to the demands of a rapidly transforming society, which was in favour of woman and their empowerment. When he married, he ensured that not only did he live separately from his rather conservative mother, but had also k  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 10:45 AM
A Fighter you Remain!
By Ananya Kalita in Poetry | Reads: 345 | Likes: 1
A Fighter you Remain! Standing in the midst of the unknown woods,Wondering how long and how far she could,'Reverie' is what they call it is;Longing for what you lost she sees... Has it got no ending?Will everything go in vain?Yet trying and rising up everytime you fail,Not kneeling down before the p  Read More...
Published on Mar 31,2020 09:59 PM
जंगल न होगा तो तू क्या करेगा ?
By Dr Jagdish Prasad in Poetry | Reads: 345 | Likes: 0
जंगल न होगा तो तू क्या करेगा ? ऑक्सीजन घटेगी और प्रदुषण बढ़ेगा l जड़ी बूटी भी न होगी, दमा से मरेगा ll साँस भी रुकेगी   Read More...
Published on Apr 2,2020 11:42 AM
Making Moment Worthy
By farzana in General Literary | Reads: 345 | Likes: 0
Published on Apr 9,2020 03:43 AM
Lockdown 2020
By Dhawal khanderia in General Literary | Reads: 345 | Likes: 0
The two sides of funny thing called life. Option A will represent a story, option B the other. All the stories are different.  1A. Oh my god ! The entire nation is locked down for 21 days. What will we do. We will go mad. 1B. 21days of lockdown Mom. I'm going to have a great time now since you   Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 03:22 AM
Be The Happiness
By Ananya Bose Roy in General Literary | Reads: 345 | Likes: 4
Mrs. Mallick, a woman in her late 60s is looking out of her bedroom window. She looked preoccupied. Dark clouds of worry hung over the horizons of her mind-scape. The entire world is gradually slipping into the menacing jaws of COVID19, a disease that has reached pandemic proportions. The world has   Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 11:05 PM
By aaditya narayan gupt in True Story | Reads: 345 | Likes: 0
It was 9 o'clock at night. I was sitting inside the room trying to add my novel's sequel to my diary that suddenly the power went out. It got dark and nothing was visible in the room. I Closed the door and went out to the roof.  There is no one in my room right now, I am the only one who could   Read More...
Published on Apr 22,2020 11:15 AM
Unequal cookies
By Neema Kumari in Humour & Comedy | Reads: 345 | Likes: 0
I was 9-10 year old at that time. One day with a bunch of friends, I decided to have a picnic. So, I called my ever-ready friends. Among them, one was Prasanna, whom we teased as Paseena, partly for his name and partly for he would sweat a lot. For us, it was merely a fun event bringing home-cooked   Read More...
Published on Apr 23,2020 05:26 PM