Adharsh Nair A S

26 july 1999
26 july 1999



Books by A. D. H. Khift

'I live a single life but I can't do that without observing  many.'

Pentagon is  a group of five different short stories and difference is all it takes for completion.

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The Sh_y Saga

Books by Adharsh Khift

A soul escapes death in the most uncommon situations. But if happens, there must be a reason. Events happen a lot around around us; most of them unrelated or we can't figure out the relation. Thence comth a soul, ready to link them.
This is the narration of a soul; the way it understands or the way it wants us to understand.

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The Gap

By Adharsh Nair A S in General Literary | Reads: 268 | Likes: 0

   He was in a rush when opened the gate. It took some time to put the lock back in. Seems that he was eager to get in the room. Before climbing the steps, he gave a look at the clock. It was almost 6 pm. He sat on the bed and kept looing at the telephone. Almost fifteen minutes of motionl  Read More...

Published on Aug 1,2020 04:28 AM


By Adharsh Nair A S in True Story | Reads: 347 | Likes: 0

  It woke up unusually early today. It was his high pitch squeals that opened the cage. Wings have feathers but the rest of the entire was covered in fur. The young cockerel was beautified by its yellow fur and black wings.    As per the present status, two male cocks rule the ca  Read More...

Published on Jul 31,2020 03:35 PM

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