CORANA- The Pandemic
By dilip chakrdhari in Poetry | Reads: 327 | Likes: 1
एक नए हथियार विचलित मन सारा देश, आया धरती को बुखार हैं। रहन-सहन में हुई गड़बड़ी, भय में आज संसार है।  अपनी मौज मजे से  Read More...
Published on May 29,2020 12:17 AM
അമ്മയും അച്ഛനും
By Hridya Amal in True Story | Reads: 327 | Likes: 0
എല്ലാ വഴിയിലും ഇരുളു മൂടിയ നേരങ്ങളിൽ താനേ ഒരു തീ നാളം തെളിയുന്നത് കാണുമ്പോൾ എന്റെ കഴിവിന്റെ മികവാണെന്നു അഹങ്ക  Read More...
Published on May 31,2020 03:19 PM
को रोना काल में मजदूर की व्यथा
By ???? in Poetry | Reads: 327 | Likes: 0
एक मजदूर की व्यथा को रोना के दौरान क्या कैसे और क्यों यह तीन शब्द एक व्यक्ति के जीवन को अलग दिशा में ले जाते हैं ! एक द  Read More...
Published on Jun 1,2020 02:34 PM
I wish
By Sk. Karemulla in Romance | Reads: 327 | Likes: 0
I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Today I saw the most beautiful girl in the whole 8th grade class ,and the world. Jenny was her name, when i asked she spoke like an angel. I wish I could tell her how I feel...12th Grade Year (Prom)I wish I wish I could tell her how I feel. Me and Jenny tal  Read More...
Published on Jun 5,2020 09:17 PM
Towards it!
By Prakriti Pushp in True Story | Reads: 327 | Likes: 0
When I was in kindergarten, I was asked, what do I want to become when I grow up ? Very innocently I used to say I want to be an "Ice-cream Seller" with those nice fancy ice-cream carts. I never realised how people used to laugh thinking I was funny and just a kid. But for me, it was a very serious   Read More...
Published on Jun 13,2020 12:40 PM
Innocence of inexperience
By Shampa in Poetry | Reads: 327 | Likes: 0
Little fingers tightly clutch tattered bunny ears Silent eyes plead for shower of love, a hug  Anyone, does anyone understand or care ? Peering from her window perch,  Secure in isolation, simultaneously vulnerable  Where is Daddy? He would know, swoop her up She's instinctively sca  Read More...
Published on Jun 23,2020 11:35 PM
The Austerity of the Mind, The Fragility of the Soul!
By Janhavi in General Literary | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
The mind says one  The heart says exactly opposite 10x In between these two worlds i sit here wondering if they can ever coexist! I know they can.. but on most days one feels right at times the other feels wrong and more often than not vica versa Many a times it seems like its all untangled fro  Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 09:09 AM
Eleven Eleven!
By Sindujaa in True Story | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
"So, How is life?", popped up a notification on her Instagram. Irritated by shitty message requests from random guys, Ruhi opened her phone to see who it was. To her Amazement, the message was from her ex, Biju who now resides in Brazil, to study the depths of the Amazon. Who knew that this average   Read More...
Published on Mar 27,2020 08:21 PM
8.00 AM
By Prachi Sharma in True Story | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
It is a fine pleasant morning. The sun has already started peeping through the gap between the curtains. 'Ughhh...once again, i had slept in the opposite manner'. Before I am able to reconcile, the table clock strikes 8.00 am. 'Shit! There is a class at 8.15 and he is not gonna spare me beyond 8.20.  Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 09:57 AM
Considerate Opinion
By Ramu Upadhaya in General Literary | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
Considerate Opinion   Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled his State with muscle and gun powers. The tentacle of sabre-rattling spread far and wide. With each of the succeeding years giving birth to a new group led by a leader, there was an easy resurrection of Lust Group for power. As   Read More...
Published on Mar 30,2020 04:41 PM
By N. KALYANI in True Story | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
 AN INNOVATIVE ARTIST'S WORK It was on a sunny afternoon in November 2017 that I went to an art gallery in New Delhi's India Habitat Centre. A ceramic show curated by India's ceramic aggregator and studio potter, Rekha Bajpe Aggarwal, was on at the gallery. It was an international ceramic show   Read More...
Published on Apr 5,2020 04:38 PM
Loneliness ( Being alone)
By Chanchal in General Literary | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
The perpetual quest of human beings is to shatter their loneliness. People always tend to find love for them by surrounding personages who should bear a close proximity with them.  But, I feel being alone at some point of your day is the best time you can have in your life. Actually sitting wit  Read More...
Published on Apr 7,2020 12:19 AM
Making sense
By G. C. Nightwalker in Thriller | Reads: 326 | Likes: 1
Making Sense Smash!  “What am I doing with my life?” Charles cried out, he looked at the flower vase he had smashed on the floor…. He slapped his forehead “…and now I’ve got to clean you!  He got up and brought up his broom and cleaned up the mess, his  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 08:14 PM
An Ode to the Girl in Me
By Vanessa in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
Why am I so sad?I look into my mirror andSee an unknown person-Fighting an unknown battle.With tears rolling down my dead face,Like a dream of blood in a battlefield.Every moment,Every thought,Every word-Seems to be a nightmare thatWakes me up into hell.I might be alive butI am dead,For I killed the  Read More...
Published on Apr 14,2020 10:47 PM
New Year
By Dhriti Ravi in General Literary | Reads: 326 | Likes: 1
It was a cold night. I was tucked in my blanket staring into space. Everything was still; as if the breeze held the power to freeze. My mind, on the other hand, was anything but.   A million thoughts ran wild inside my head, wreaking havoc causing my heart to fluctuate with dangerous frequencie  Read More...
Published on Apr 17,2020 12:01 AM