One and the Same
By Chris Mathew in Romance | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
Things that I left unsaid. You told me I was your greatest muse, In the end all you gave were excuse. And you try to remind me of the history. But in the end, it was all just misery. That how can I end it so easily? How do I even sleep so peacefully? The truth is, We both were damaged, Maybe even be  Read More...
Published on Apr 25,2020 12:16 PM
A Letter for my Lover
By Shreyashi Das in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 1
Dear Samarjeet,I wished to write you a letter,so a letter shall this be.Reminding you of my love ,a word seemingly fancy.Be assured, I never feltan emotion this deep.You are loved with love intense,I promise you this.Every time I quarrel,and everytime I scream,I do it because I want to be near...I j  Read More...
Published on May 3,2020 04:02 PM
By Shalvi Singh in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 1
ambar de kinaare, mere khwaab ne saare, jee mere kadam vi haare, haan main khamb sahare   Read More...
Published on May 7,2020 06:35 PM
How I wish
By Tajbina Yasin in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 1
How I wish for that ray of golden light, which will beamingly fall upon us, to remove our plight. How I wish for that inch of hope, which will sway our mind for not, losing its grip like the last leaf. How I wish for that touch of warmth, who will lovingly fondle away all the tiredness, to again win  Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 04:26 AM
Abort the BOT Within
By Vishnu in General Literary | Reads: 326 | Likes: 2
Jan 7th, 2015…. The photographer clicks a dreamy wedding picture of the groom kissing the bride with her gown braided with waves at the beach; capturing the best day of their life. Their sparkling eyes tell how madly they are in love with each other, excited to start a new life together. They  Read More...
Published on May 17,2020 10:50 PM
Soaked Emotions
By Arunima Datta in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
A Night of solace and mingled flood of emotions,  dunked in the lyrical melody of the droplets,  of the thunderous anarchy of weather, roars and hits your window pane..    As you're sitting by it in complete darkness, pondering upon your  numb heart and expressively leaning&  Read More...
Published on May 26,2020 02:19 AM
Low self esteem
By Afra Romaan in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
Oh love! You are brilliant as you are  ....You don't need anyone to show you how you lit up like a star Dark tone, small height doesn't matter in this world of deafening  ....Keep showing your heart flattering  I know how your soul had bruised badly by others taunts and mockery    Read More...
Published on May 29,2020 03:12 PM
And I became a butterfly freed from cocoon
By soumya sthitapragyan in General Literary | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
Should I or should not !!! Finally the eesults of her international scholarship came for which she had sacrificed her all luxury pleasures .Excited to decide where to fly a text popped up reading it wasn't meant to be ended like this ,you can't leave me alone here ,I need u , please stay back ..And   Read More...
Published on Jun 3,2020 06:45 AM
Just start now
By Pragya bharti in Poetry | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
Start to start something Feels like difficult than anything Strong will power, Focussed each hour, Makes it habit,can change your life, Stop imagining, & thinking now. Its time to make up your mind ,and fix all grieve.   Read More...
Published on Jun 18,2020 10:04 PM
By Eesha Goyal in General Literary | Reads: 326 | Likes: 3
Why? Why hold on to something which has, hurt you, worn you, broken you down a million times? Why hold on when the other person has already left? why hold on if it's all agony and no pleasure? Why hold on if it doesn't make sense anymore? Why hold on if you aren't happy? Why hold on to the person o  Read More...
Published on Jun 21,2020 11:53 PM
Kuch lafz
By Yachika Prajapati in Romance | Reads: 326 | Likes: 0
कुछ लफ़्ज़ जो तुझसे कहने थे ... वो दिल ही भीतर रहने थे..  तुम्हे  मिलना भी तो जरूरी था...  एक दिन जो हम्को बिछडना  था..   Read More...
Published on Aug 19,2020 12:54 PM
अधुरा ये सफ़र
By Yachika Prajapati in Romance | Reads: 326 | Likes: 1
अधुरा है ये सफ़र तेरा मेरा दिल शीशे सा है ये मेरा  तुम तोड़ ना देना इसे कभी समझकर एक खिलौना  हम साथ रहेंगे जनम जनम य  Read More...
Published on Aug 23,2020 03:59 PM
Unspoken words...
By jaya in True Story | Reads: 325 | Likes: 2
It's so painful no? The words which are bowed down deep in our hearts that eventually they become too  heavy to carry .But saying everything that comes in our heart is not an easy task if it would have been so easy then no beautiful soul should have been  cried because of this burden.Every  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 12:42 PM
So, my eyes have been peeled off!
By Anuska Choudhury in Poetry | Reads: 325 | Likes: 0
My sleep is made of glass, My dreams are of stones; Without a dint of my knowledge My tears merged with my bruises; So, my eyes have been peeled off!   First time I suffered loss was When I lost my dear kitty; That was too painful Too small I was to get back to my senses, Oh what a pity; So, my  Read More...
Published on Mar 24,2020 08:19 PM
It's weird
By Karthikeyan in True Story | Reads: 325 | Likes: 1
It's weird  I have never seen this city like this, roads are empty, shops are closed and dogs are ruling the streets. Everyone stuffed themselves inside their houses. People's eyes are filled with the fear of the virus It feels like I'm in the movie but I'm not, I can't respawn here Government   Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 01:56 PM