Mesmerising musing
By Shreya ranka in True Story | Reads: 323 | Likes: 1
A prank is all it took for it to start Each of us oblivious, faking love on the call Never had we known that we would meet  Just imagining how the other would be Had I known that the person congratulating me for victory would be him, The world would have been a much simpler place for me to live  Read More...
Published on Apr 27,2020 01:41 PM
Cuckoo's Song
By Preity S. in Poetry | Reads: 323 | Likes: 1
                       Cuckoo's Song   When I heard the cuckoo coo in the morning, I tried listening and understand what was it singing. I found happiness in her song, That we humans always long. She cooed with such insistence, as if   Read More...
Published on Apr 29,2020 02:00 PM
Ceaseless Affection
By Abhinav Joel T in Poetry | Reads: 323 | Likes: 1
I knew a friend of mine who was in love Love that was real, without doubt, and fear A wall of trust which was unbreakable  And an overlay of feelings, uncontrollable Her presence was always his favourite delight He was always exuberant when he looked into her eyes Not a day his love lessened,   Read More...
Published on May 12,2020 02:08 AM
A Strange Encounter
By Shaivi in Romance | Reads: 323 | Likes: 0
15 years have passed since Betty left Denver. Today, she came back to revisit her roots. She had a lot of memories in this town, both good and bad. But hey that’s life. She took off for a walk. It was a quite windy day, so she pulled a scarf. The wind was too hard and it took the scarf away wi  Read More...
Published on May 13,2020 08:11 PM
By Adityanath in Romance | Reads: 323 | Likes: 1
2012 Viraj is an avid biker. In fact he’s the one who started a biker’s club in his college and that’s where he met Deepali.  Deepali is a nature lover and loves camping. It is only eventual that she accompanied Viraj in all the rides that are conducted in the club and many mo  Read More...
Published on May 20,2020 04:01 PM
By Namrata Dev in General Literary | Reads: 323 | Likes: 0
Quarantine Day 47 You know that feeling when you're standing on the roof of a tall building, and the wind envelopes you in a tight hug and you feel giddy with head rush?  Yeah, I felt like that everytime I was in the terrace of my apartment. I would climb to the highest point of my terrace and   Read More...
Published on May 27,2020 02:14 PM
By Anshika Chauhan in Poetry | Reads: 323 | Likes: 0
चंद रुपयों के खातिर जो घर से इतना दूर हुए है, इस कॉरोना के चक्कर में  घर आने को मजबूर हुए हैं। भूके पेट और खाली जेब न  Read More...
Published on Jun 3,2020 07:17 AM
Shadower-a broken story
By Ipsita Mishra in True Story | Reads: 323 | Likes: 1
Shadower-a broken story 
Published on Jun 4,2020 09:12 AM
If You Really
By Preeti Agrawal in Poetry | Reads: 323 | Likes: 0
If You Really To make this period the most glorious transformation, pay attention If you really. Multiply your influence, review your mental models and enhance  If you really.  Your work and performance, your lifestyle elevation If you really.  This surprising time endure, upgrade you  Read More...
Published on Jul 21,2020 09:42 PM
अधुरा ये सफ़र
By Yachika Prajapati in Romance | Reads: 323 | Likes: 1
अधुरा है ये सफ़र तेरा मेरा दिल शीशे सा है ये मेरा  तुम तोड़ ना देना इसे कभी समझकर एक खिलौना  हम साथ रहेंगे जनम जनम य  Read More...
Published on Aug 23,2020 03:59 PM
Clisty Tygian
By Ruchita Nair in Fantasy | Reads: 323 | Likes: 1
CHAPTER 1: A TRAFFIC-LIGHT RUINS MY NOT SO PERFECT LIFE!!   So it’s true, Ophelia, I hate you!   Trust spider man when he says with great power comes great responsibility or in my case great death!! Well I guess I cannot complain because I did ask for this(but I a total going to do it anyways),  Read More...
Published on Sep 5,2020 11:03 AM
Don't drown my dear friends
By KALPANA ANNAPRAGADA in Poetry | Reads: 322 | Likes: 0
Time for soulsearching my dear friends, Time to awaken your soul... The soul is hungry and empty my dear... Feed the soul with love,peace and divine calm.. Nourish the soul with divine songs and mantras my dear friends, The divine aura around us protects us from harm of the outside world... Be safe   Read More...
Published on Mar 23,2020 10:38 AM
An open letter
By aditi tiwari in General Literary | Reads: 322 | Likes: 0
never knew you existed, till this moment, I asked myself is it for real or reel, numb I was when I saw you, at 15 I didn't understand that love existed, your one look was enough for my heart to skip a beat, now years have passed, you are not here, you didn't know, what you mean to me, neither I dare  Read More...
Published on Mar 25,2020 02:52 PM
The Thirteenth Letter
By Roma Shukla in General Literary | Reads: 322 | Likes: 0
Ben gave a wide toothed smile and snatched the envelope from my hand and ran through the corridor to the creaky front deck. It was a sunny day. The way he liked it. He tore the envelope revealing a letter that read: "My sweet child Ben,We miss you. We’ll be there with you soon. Be a good kid s  Read More...
Published on Mar 26,2020 08:21 AM
Corona virus
By Harshida P Kumar in Poetry | Reads: 322 | Likes: 0
Cease from travel.Cease from buying and selling.Give up, just for now,on trying to make the worlddifferent than it is.Sing. Pray. Touch only thoseto whom you commit your life.Center down. And when your body has become still,reach out with your heart.Know that we are connectedin ways that are terrify  Read More...
Published on Mar 29,2020 12:31 PM