An Actor's Dream
By Seerat in Poetry | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
An Actor's Dream I dream to be ordinary, i am simple I want to remain that way Yes i always wanted to be noticed Wanted to stand out for what i do But not for how i look or am made to look Cause that's what is 'their' talent To make me look pretty But i don't just want to 'look' beautiful I want to  Read More...
Published on Apr 12,2020 02:18 PM
Fight with corona virus
By bhawna gaur in Poetry | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
इस मुश्किल घड़ी में...  तू डर मत, तू लड ़ मत..  बस कर तू इतना,  घर में ही रहकर .. ईश्वर का ध्यान कर..  कर विश्वास खुद प  Read More...
Published on Apr 13,2020 04:48 AM
By Swapnil in Poetry | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
My door was locked My life was packed Words were lured And the world was doomed   I could hear my own voice I could see my own reflection I could see no choice But to fight against this infection   It's the first time To watch a game of mine Being played by a virus With too much curious &n  Read More...
Published on Apr 19,2020 11:25 PM
She is embarrassed...No more than that
By BHARGAVIGOUD REDDYPALLY in True Story | Reads: 321 | Likes: 1
Are we best friends.. No, We are close friends.This schooling made us to be togetherBut ,The graduation choose us different.The regular call of her turned into not just "ONCE IN A BLUE MOON".Why,,I waited and worried.I tried to listen her voice.. that trial is equal to three digit number of calls an  Read More...
Published on May 1,2020 05:34 PM
By Amy in Travel | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
Fernweh Growing up I never felt so longing for distant places and top notch destinations. But somehow the travel bug crept inside me, making me feel as if the whole world outside is eagerly waiting for me to embrace its glorious creation. From the greenish lustre of the thick wild forests, the turqu  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 09:40 AM
By Asna.M in Poetry | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
I murdered my self! Can't remember how many times. The first timeI was told  "You're a girl" I killed my self. I had to do it again.... When my better half chose me! I was beguiled my soft pink lips To commit murder  a third time. Every day,a continues murder Till i lost count. All i remem  Read More...
Published on May 2,2020 03:46 PM
By SATADAL LAHIRI in General Literary | Reads: 321 | Likes: 1
Not everyone graduating from IIT go on to become high earning executives in multinationals . A few like me get into other domains like writing and a few like Deepak or Phunty get into queer experimentations. Phunty had the uncanny knack of developing queer machines and systems no one had thought of   Read More...
Published on May 15,2020 04:19 PM
"She isn't there any longer"
By Meghanjana Nag in General Literary | Reads: 321 | Likes: 1
Dhruv ran faster, he didn't want to miss this opportunity again. It was Sunday, the street was crowded. The memory of his daughter lost in the same Church six years back passed over his mind. He wondered how difficult time had been since then, and how much more difficult it is today. It was Christma  Read More...
Published on May 21,2020 10:19 AM
Love and to be loved
By revathy in Romance | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
.Reny was 22 year old and was studying in a medical school.  She was teased by her classmates because of her stammering voice and was overweight and was not attractive .In the same medical school rishabh was studying who is an very fair looking handsome guy..  All girls in the class wanted  Read More...
Published on May 22,2020 12:30 PM
By Ayan Chakraborty in Poetry | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
Published on May 31,2020 12:52 AM
Shangri La
By manisha batham in Fantasy | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
It's white, the house. They are white, the curtains and the walls. They are wooden brown, the doors and the windows. But her face is golden with the golden light that falls unapologetically on it through the corner of the window pane, on a cosy winter afternoon of a lazy sunday. It's a majestically   Read More...
Published on Jun 2,2020 04:58 PM
Love is.....
By Anushka in Poetry | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
Love is like a flame It melts your heart, Love is like a game you should play must... Love is like your thoughts That are infinite, Love is like stars Even if the moon is new  They choose to be bright.. Love grows the ways in That we can't imagine, How much love is amazing We just can't imagine  Read More...
Published on Jun 2,2020 11:32 PM
A Man with Successful Destination
By Jennifer in True Story | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
Jenny Angel People with confidence always come up with solutions But people with over confidence always leads to regret. We ususally meet different kind of people in different stages of life. I met a man whose thinking was far different from the people we come through in day to day life. He was co  Read More...
Published on Jun 9,2020 01:25 PM
Love yourself
By yashika in True Story | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
Fear is the number one motivated and I wish that it was love of knowledge but it is not. It is fear. The fear of failing, the fear of being discovered, fear of liking the wrong person.Somewhere along the way, if you figured out all that fear and dumped it. That will be what makes you special but it   Read More...
Published on Jun 20,2020 02:12 PM
Gone In 10 Minutes
By Ayush in Thriller | Reads: 321 | Likes: 0
Evan was in his home , alone . His father was abroad due to his work and his mother was visiting some of her old school friends in the other town . As any other 18 year old , he was just scrolling his Instagram feed over coke and some leftover pasta when a text appeared in his phone from an unknown  Read More...
Published on Jun 20,2020 09:45 PM