aditi tiwari


By aditi tiwari in Poetry | Reads: 1,409 | Likes: 0

I intend that death is desirableIt's asserting maybe, do you know?I intend that death is the utmost certainty It's my notion maybe, do you know? I intend that darkness is reasonable, for I thought the lamp has it own dark pall It's my notion maybe, do you agree?I intended that demise is contrary  Read More...

Published on Sep 16,2020 03:20 PM

An open letter

By aditi tiwari in General Literary | Reads: 374 | Likes: 0

never knew you existed, till this moment, I asked myself is it for real or reel, numb I was when I saw you, at 15 I didn't understand that love existed, your one look was enough for my heart to skip a beat, now years have passed, you are not here, you didn't know, what you mean to me, neither I dare  Read More...

Published on Mar 25,2020 02:52 PM

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