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by Chandni Narayan   

There were tears in her eyes.He saw them, but acted like he couldn't care less. She quickly wiped them away lest her father notices. Because, unlike her father, she cared about him. Unlike her father, she knew the value of losing a loved one. And she didn't want to lose the only ray of hope in her darkening life..Her father. While he was considering his one and only daughter to be the shade that blocked the path of light into his room of life. Such contradicting thoughts. Pathetic..

Her father was maniacally typing away at his laptop, the businessman that he was.. Sniffing in her tears, Navya came to him,"'s time to eat. Please keep your laptop away and join me.." When he didn't respond, she tried again, " Dad..Dad..? Dad!!"

"Listen girl, you don't instruct me on what to do and what not to, alright? I'll eat whenever it pleases me and if you're hungry, go eat or don't! I don't give a damn!! ", her father ranted.

Stunned, she left his study, unable to reply. Though, this wasn't the first time. Ever since her mom had died... Yes, only if her mom was present, such a situation wouldn't have arisen. She felt intrigued. Didn't he love her mom just like she did? Then why wasn't he able to understand Navya's pain?

Alone, she went into the dining hall. The maid came to serve her, with a worried look. Navya tried to reassure her with a sad, half-hearted smile. Her appetite had fled after her father's outburst. The food looked unappeasing. But, being a sensitive and sensible girl, she sat down at the table and forced as much food as she could down her throat. It landed with a dull thud in her stomach. She knew that the food would go waste otherwise; her father wouldn't eat much nor were the maids allowed to have a serve of the food prepared for her and her father. She tried to convince them to do it, but their fright for their master over-powered their love and respect for Navya.

Heart-broken, she went to her room and lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Vision blurred and cleared again as the tears leaked out. She turned, plunging her face into the pillow and cried her eyes out. Why did mom have to leave? Why was her father so insensitive? Why?.. Oh Why..? And when all her energy was drained out, sleep invaded her..

This routine went on for four to five months. Navya would try to fill in her loneliness by reading books when she wasn't at college.. They were her only solace, her escape from the real world. At other times, she would only cry or sleep. Her mild smiles came alive only for the maid; she'd been with her family ever since Navya was born!

In the father's life, his daughter was almost non-existent. But, try as hard as he might, she daily came to him, persuading to have dinner along with her.. When in the darkest of his moods, he would backhand her.
And mutely, she would leave. His mind was mechanically working on his business deals only, trying to make more profits by the day. He drank coffee so much that he became addicted to it. He rarely slept. The maid almost ran the house and so, he wasn't bothered with any petty matters.

One morning, things changed. The maid knocked his door, at about 6:30 am, and without waiting for a reply, barged in. "Saheb, Navya is missing. I've searched for her everywhere in the house.."

"What?! Look properly. Or she might have stayed over her friends' place. Go ask them, don't bother me.. Now get out!", he said in an off-hand manner.

"But, saheb, she came home yesterday night! She didn't go to stay at anybody's place!"

That got him anxious. One might wonder, and so did I for that matter, that a father who didn't care if his daughter ate or not, was alive or not, was suddenly concerned about her disappearance! Strange games our minds play with us. He immediately got out of his room, and himself searched the entire house, calling out her name every now and then.. "Navya.. Navya!!", his voice echoed down the halls. No replies. He checked the garden, the watchman's room and even the pet house. He went on foot, calling out her name, to lanes and streets he hadn't even known existed, not caring in the least that people were staring at him. He almost got lost. Exhausted, he sat down on a bench in a park he'd reached. A third person would've seen a man with his face in his hands, shoulders sagged and shaking as if he was crying.

The first image that came to his mind was his wife's. Oh, how much he'd loved her!And he'd lost her!! It was unbearable!! She was so young, beautiful and charming.! And there, his daughter, Navya, a replica of his wife..Only the nose was like his. His conscience was gnawing him inside for treating her badly, but he was too hurt and mourning over his wife's death to concentrate on anything else.. And now, he was terrorised, she too was missing!! Extreme thoughts of worry and panic surged him.

His eyes streaming with tears, and jaw set to find his daughter somehow, he left the park. But as he passed the gate, something caught his eye. There, on another bench, she was!! His daughter! His heart leapt out of his mouth as he slowly approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She shrank away from him in fright, her face filled with red hot tears. But, when she saw his face, she was taken aback by his expression. She sat upright, confused. He pulled her head into his chest, close and started sobbing.. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, my dear child..I was out of my mind.. I was hurting... I.."

She then understood. And being the graceful woman that she was, she forgave him. "Shh.. I know, dad.. I know..." and there, they sobbed together, holding on to each other, crying over the loss of a wife and a mother.. And along with them cried the skies...

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Copyright Chandni Narayan