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The Helpless Tree which made it

by Mahipal Singh Rawat   

There was a lofty Jamun Tree standing proudly in the middle of the park of a busy crossing in New Delhi. The overburdened Jamun tree keeps on shouting invitations to the childrlen dwelling nearby.

One fine morning, children entered and climbed it up for the fruits. One child, named Raju, after filling his tummy, got one small bag filled tight and ran towards the road for his home. Nagesh chased him to snatch the bag. Hardly had Raju reached the middle of the asphalt than a Black colour Tata Sumo with No.plate DL 3C 5251 rushing from the other side hit him so hard as to throw him meters away and soon Raju was lying unconscious in the blood pool on the way. The driver took to heels and disappeared within seconds. Passersby surrounded the boy but nobody bothered to provide him aid. Nagesh was shocked and stunned, unable to see his chum, feeling a sense of compassion, stood numb. Soon the PCR took the charge and started enquiring what actually had happened. Nobody was aware of the number of the vehicle. Somebody said it was black coloured Tata Sumo. The Tree was shouting at the top of his voice but the deaf crowd paid no heed. It was praying the Almighty for 2nd life to Raju and wished if it is fulfilled, it will hide fully riped Jamun bunch behind the leaves at the top. PCR immediately picked up Raju and motioned towards hospital. 2 cops who remained on the spot to enquire further left with no clues. They were asking the crowd but not the tree who was the actual eye witness to this accident.

In the words of Tree: I wanted justice given to Raju but was helpless. All of a sudden, an idea struck my mind. I started with my uncountable limbs to accomplish the missiion. At night, I dropped Jamuns to write DL. Next morning childlren noticed it. That night I again dropped Jamuns to write 3C. It was very hard for me to make all this. I was cursing my illiteracy. All I could do taking picture of the number plate in mind. Nagesh noted them. And third day I wrote 5251. Nagesh informed this number to his father who immediately conveyed it to police. Police came in actiion and next morning Tata Sumo was on the spot with the chauffeur. Initially he completely denied. But on further enquiry the unnoticed TV camera fixed on the high electric pole unfolded the whole episode. My prayer got answered. Raju with his stitched head was there for the gift I had procured for him.

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Copyright Mahipal Singh Rawat