JUNE 10th - JULY 10th
The Echo of love delight....
Proverbs 17 vs 22;
A chearfull heart is good medicine..but a broken spirit dries up the bones...
The sight and the sound,the shape you can easily choose round,how far can your voice reach...it's not a frown I'm anticipating...but a delight has a satisfying noise...I did it...did you..or it was made for you...created and given...you be grateful...a moment....please give me my song...a comment....a move you envisioned....had a precise map ...you had to follow...like a little child full of wonder.....you get to a delightful encounter.....which dress do you feel tight in...which shawarma...spicy or normal....oh please I'm back to my writing pad....I'm bad...coz I try too many things....why the bird got two...not too many wings....flying is easy when it's your trueness.....are you happy for me...no one is...I saw it before...are you proud of yourself....the belt I saw was with a lable...who said sound is supposed to be stable.....I can he so loud in my silence....I can be so quick in my slowness...I guess I see what's in the mall...color of the style flow.....it's a time table...why did they call it table when it's not that flat....I put cups ....I take cups....the mug or the small... expresso....it's the coffee bin that made all yelling....telling....come over here..i need to buy what you are selling....oh please I'm not selling I'm serving....the sellers are those who own the transactions...which kind..I find...I'm missing...so I rewind...the thought that get the platform of my echo-sphere ....is not the product of the historical facts....can I write again...what if I can....they say the marina beach has water...but who took the Stella and put a sparkle...I don't care to think....so it's a reflex action to stink....damn...no more...are you happy with your call...I'm happy before...I try choosing...I chose Pela...not Zan....I'm having a lot of fun...so is it a choice ....or a voice ..why blast cash ...why not...why am I not in a ball court..im tall...oh I didn't go Belhaven...where did I go....to the cup and stroll... cappuccino.... espresso.... double or short.....Mr smiley face emoji....why do you take too much time to guess.....the correct answer...is the one to be careful about...guesses are free and fast....coz you are not penalized for guessing.....but for saying it's correct when it's wrong...Am I so strong...let me always pick the right side....it's better to be accused of light than darkness.....oh but I gotta get wild now...my day has to bring the deal not sure the pay....it takes drastic measures to see the measure of your own...own what...maybe faith..you can't fight the same as that one....ain't got a gun like a California mad thug....it's territory..control yours ...did I choose...my phone says no...at sixty nine percent...why not one..or nill....why not the pill....never knew high canbe without stink ..never been given a chance to think ...never can I blink....you have to stay safe...they say.....but safe did not bring me food that stay....it had to be finished...and I can brush through... we can use not the brush fool.... physical solution to a mental problem.... priority has a final say .....way before the final okay...a yes to your own blood...self not love is self hate...what about self not inside the shelf...it's self free...write at night ...no...the computer is free early morning....use the space..use the gadget.....only free things are of use when you are in the using mood....mis understanding...is not mis- understood....analyse marketing ..bit by bit get the concept of a lie...say it is good...when you have not seen even it's end after bye bye....out of your hands to the end user...does it mean you were the first user....damn concepts ....live them alone...feed your own sour with your decision definitely defined....by only you the definer.....by the source..yes....so let me stop coz my phone now at seventy seven....why did I stop at thirty seven..to dream write my fomulated strategy.....the winner is always today's book....not the look..not the sound..the echo is silent....but violent....erupting to ears ready to listen.....why why.....don't freak on your hie....it just sounded more like bye.....a cry can sound like a Lough...only when you are high.....not the high of height ..when you feel out of sight...I don't love the concentration..the demand....come over hear...I want to order....so what....is that my reason to be sober...so that plates and cups don't fall when I hold them....my look to you...you are so nice....do I look in wonder...Okay you like the booster with no ice....iced latte but you want it with no sugar...who ever told you it is not supposed to be sweat...our own fairy tales..of a girl and boy Game...made any other fake real to be shame.......am I lame ...no......I'm not...but yes I'm a guy with fame ...not here but back....that's the echo of history shake....when on the stage at seven arts they all stood to break they moves in dance...to a song..that was not wack.....do you give another....still rnb mistaken identity...lives to tell my insanity....I want not to be a gentleman....I want to be like kid and play....forever....with that say...damn...the owners of stables...ignoring... opportunity is best when you are not snoring....oh man leave me alone...awake or asleep...I keep true to the glue..of focus to the flow ...I flow on all seasons...in pain..in gain..in rain ...wet or hot sun....in crying or in so much fun.....damn...thank you for art...I wouldn't be living...if I didn't have a view like it's all an expression of my heart......I don't get any serious..I show you everytime that I can't....yes...thank you talent...thanks for being in the blood..in the veins...not in mind ..not in trying.....in veins is never to be lying....I'm artistic..mystic... phenomenal..balistic ...erosion of not the sand but the end of becoming...I became....my name..or without one...I danced...without one..until I got one...who said it was about many...it's funny to be deep...coz commercial talk is cheap.....no one listen to no feeling..so please chear me coz I gotta feel..I gotta heal ...everyone seems to be in recovery...from the same leap discovery....you saw what you had before...what about what you have now..it's a wow..if you like...it's now...there is no how....it just happens.. so do I just chill and wait...no...I get interested....and so I get interesting.....I get to appreciate the sting....of a bee....it's what drives the nector...did I make sense ..it depends on what sector...some sectors sense don't work at all...I'm not an accountant...please balance your book...me I rearrange and cut the book into peaces....and look at it again..maybe it is inspiration.....babe I got my eyes on your behind..your front is far to behold...my love is a story that was never told....I kiss.....I don't deserve all this ..but I yearn to be grateful....can I be a great fool...oh no...my hand full...of weight I raise the moment.....by the intercourse of thought and comment....yes it's a sound..it's so rich that you cant keep it underground....mix tapes..what about contracts and real shapes....I ague....but can I feel....yet today I think I can..........it was like..like what ..like I couldn't get a life...like I couldn't enjoy...have a wife...everything is seen as it is....the divine...always gonna be mine....I trip when I take what was not meant for my shine.....I'm late oh no..am I....when a lady speaks ....sometimes you forget to look at her features...her talk scares you....you finally see that beauty is not the butt....it's the inside ...what's she is saying ...its what is contained in her...thats what you have to drink....she is a container carrying a lot of liquid....it depends on what type...the green machine or the tropical breeze...I got to stay at eaze...and realise if or not I got someone hot...to be part of my life...im so sweet..but most dont count it as sweetness..they already think it's weekness..so they wanted so badly to check if I can get or not....they said oh no...let him be not that type..the type they figure to be man enough....hey...talk like a man....hey look like a man...hey....what and what..I'm a man even though you think me as aaaa...what...an apple.... banana...or a classic carbonara....pasta.. whatever....God...made a man....me....I take a deep breathing...and see my worth..I did more..for you not to give a question...to rotate my flow....to him be glory forevermore...he did it for me....it's a smile I saw...totally mixed with the best of the Italian bin....I need it well done...in the middle...like it's not it.....crazy ideas don't fit to the beat ..oh nice jeans ...fashion...can we say yes..you fit so much into it....what is the reason for the fit....is it a Fitbit.....you wear to join in the race to feel rare....rare can not be an emotional physical....visual... acceptable noice....of yes...you are tight.....is it the belt tighly shaping the wrist...to make a watch fit...we need time ..not the look of it.....damn..they should be a reason ..is all my considering... im trying to bombard your missering....does that word exist....let's fix.....our eyes not on lies....beauty is real ..but not just butts and bubble.....let's take the world out of trouble ...how much dollars are risked to get there..to prime ness....of more than stress...you want a new dress .do you? I question your need...I question the most easily ignored seed...of your inner thought..you want something else....is it material..no....it's a guest..who says I'm regular...so it means what I feed on..is already known..I don't tell anymore....so you don't get the part of a serving skipped....you get your nature ripped by a surprise.. what can you add on your plate Sir.....it can not just be the same...there is no same day...change your dress...it's a new light.. it means we want to see a new sight.....the Burj khalifa is a new height...let's go......or let's see if it's a no go...area....I'm not in the mood of saying ahhh..just to rthme ...coz this is a serious time...i have to make something heard....all I'm saying is that I'm not a nerd....I don't compete in managing....don't give me a quick review.....my eyes are quick to view.. a bouncing ass....art is like a mess...but with a message...a design only for decoration....I flow..I dance..and I goo.....
Anticipating the melody of interest....you can choose what hilarious item to be found on your list....boring is not talking...but bored is not wanting.....something to talk about....shout about...is that the video..until you get the feeling it's not ..oh man...I don't trust feelings..they change like the girl...after a new hair style...it's like she has switched the channel....if it's a fluffy one..you know what time it is...you gonna get her frown to please...your inner hunger to run...away not physically...but your emotional freeze...you start acting like you don't feel...coz you don't wanna let that energy contain the space.....you mind your own...joy is hidden when you don't mind your morn....we are strong as man...to hide our own cry..babies don't..every minute it's their type of hie....they complain ...like it's their nature to tell us something is always wrong...do we admit to their view of this world....we want calmness..but they linger to emotion with motion...they move fingers or body....don't feel..when you come in hear...presence of mind...don't bit emotion....think guests but don't love or like....don't dream of one with you at a yatch party....mint to be....in your hands....just say hello..mam....is she your mother... You don't know...give a new stroll...even for water...some are fast to yell and tell you to clean..so mean..the table has some drops..from the last guest...so do you deep that kind of tissue ..and sweep..the issue...issues are hard to ignore...but me want to act like I'm so pro....in what ..it's better when they play music..coz I can just easily dance to that....you have to represent yourself..coz many want their own definitions to stick..they call you names....please I want my own....I can't change for any....I can't even change for money.. it's funny....when I don't even try ....you mess with me but I don't even cry...I learned that style for a while now...coz I saw it...that when people know what you really down for...they can control...they can easily...remove it from your grasp....and make you so low....so I don't show...what's cooking...I just swallow in hiding...thanks for the mouth ..coz it's already private ...even in a public place....where did this crack on my jean come from...I thought it was new..it's like a runaway guest on table number seven...is it a curse...they say we have to use a humble voice when greeting them or when they go after a meal...who can judge......
தற்போதைய தரவரிசை
Reader Points 50
Editor Points : 10,000
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