The boy and the Red Bananas
It was a Wednesday afternoon, and Nathuram came home from the post office a little earlier than usual. His 10-year-old son Saket was happy to see his father and ran fast toward Nathuram and hugged him.
“Papa, you have come home early today, take me to the park,” said Saket in an excited tone.
“Yes, I shall, give me 15 minutes to get refreshed,” said Nathuram.
Nathuram works as a postman in the Rampur post office, he is loved by the villagers for his kind and compassionate nature. He volunteers to read letters to the elderly having problems with eyesight, hands over money orders without any delays, and is a favourite among children for his generosity in offering them chocolates.
Whenever Nathuram starts to deliver letters pedalling his favourite bicycle, children run behind him to get their share of toffies. Nathuram always fills his pocket with 10 toffies and happily distributes them.
The same Wednesday morning, the head postmaster called Nathuram to his cabin.
“Nathuram, I have news to convey, you are transferred from this post office to the one in the next town. It is sad to see you go, but you will do well wherever you are,” said the postmaster.
Nathuram gladly accepted the new posting at the next town and was given a warm farewell by his colleagues.
“Saket, we are moving out of this town,” said Nathuram.
“Oh, is it, I will miss my school and friends, let us continue to stay here,” pleaded Saket.
“That’s not possible my boy, we have no other option”.
Finally, Saket got convinced and the family was all set to go to the new town.
The news of Nathuram moving out of town spread like wildfire. The elderly and children of Rampur visited his house and offered gifts.
“Papa, the people of Rampur are going to miss you, they love you so much,” said Saket.
“Saket, your father is a kind and good man,” said a village elder.
Saket felt proud of his father and hugged him.
“I want to be kind like you when I grow up,” said Saket.
Nathuram affectionately patted him and said, “You need not wait till you grow up, start practicing to be kind from now, make it a habit and the habit becomes your character”.
In a week's time, Nathuram and his family relocated to kamalapur. Saket settled in his new school and made new friends.
Nathuram found a house for rent near Saket’s school. The house owner Mr. Som was a rich man with many properties in the town but was mean-minded and rude to the tenants.
The house Nathuram had rented had a big backyard, it was barren with no plants and trees.
“Papa, can we plant trees in the backyard?” asked Saket.
“This is not our house, we need to get permission from the house owner”.
“Can you get permission?”
“Okay, I shall check”.
After getting the nod from Mr. Som, the next day, Nathuram bought a couple of plants from the Plant nursery.
“I have got you something special,” said Nathuram
“What is that?” asked a curious Saket.
“A red banana sapling”.
“Red banana sapling? I have seen bananas in yellow and green, are bananas red?”
“Yes, this is one of the varieties, it’s both beautiful and nutritious”
Saket was curious to see the red bananas. He started to nurture the sapling so well. Every day before going to school and after returning, he watered the sapling. He took special care of the sapling and ensured it is well-watered and got sufficient sunlight.
“Papa, when will the plant give us red bananas?”
“You’ll have to wait for a few months, and take care of it well,” advised Nathuram.
As months passed, one fine day, Saket noticed that the plant had flowered. He ran inside in excitement and informed his father.
“Saket, in another few months you can eat the red bananas.”
Saket clapped and jumped in joy and excitement, he started to run around the plant. The red banana plant was his world. Every time there was heavy rain or lightning, Saket would stand near the window to keep a watch on the plant. His love for the plant grew day by day.
The next day at school he informed all his friends that the banana plant had flowered and the red bananas will be ready for harvest in the next few months.
Saket and his house owner’s son Shekar studied in the same class 3rd Standard “A” section at the village primary school. Saket often discussed the red banana plant with Shekar and others. Saket narrated stories of saving the red banana plant from cyclonic winds and how he chased away a stray cattle that was about to destroy the plant. The entire class of 3A was eager to eat the red bananas.
A couple of months later, the red bananas were ready for harvest. The day was a kind of festive celebration for Saket. The night before, he dreamt about the plant and was constantly asking questions to Nathuram on how the banana would taste.
Finally, the moment Saket waited for months had arrived, Nathuram went to the backyard to cut the red bananas and Saket followed him swiftly in excitement. The bananas were cut and Saket held a couple of them in hand and was ready to eat.
Saket was elated and his joy knew no bounds.
“Papa, can I eat?”
Before Nathuram could respond to Saket, someone called Nathuram. It was Mr.Som. He had come to collect the rent for the month.
“Nathuram, what is your son holding?” asked Som.
“Sir, these red bananas grew in our backyard. Saket took care of the plant and he has been waiting patiently all these months to eat the red bananas,” responded Nathuram in a tone filled with happiness.
Mr. Som the mean and cunning person he was, said
“Nathuram, the house belongs to me and anything that grows in the backyard is mine, I shall take all the red bananas with me.”
“Sir, but….” Nathuram stumbled for words.
Saket was watching all this standing in the corner of the room and did not mince a word. Nathuram felt helpless. Saket ran towards Nathuram, hugged him, and cried. Nathuram had no words to console Saket.
Mr. Som called his assistant to load all the red bananas in his car.
Som drove straight to his house and called Shekar.
“Shekar, see what I have for you, red bananas”.
“I have heard about red bananas from my friend Saket, he has a plant and is very fond of it,” said Shekar
“I had gone to collect rent to Saket’s house, saw these beautiful red bananas, and took away everything”.
“Papa, what have you done? Saket is a kind and good boy. Last Friday, while I was returning from school, it started to rain heavily. Saket voluntarily shared his umbrella and dropped me safely at home.
A few months back when the red banana sapling was planted, he had informed me and others about sharing the red bananas with everyone at school. I am sure he would have cried when you snatched them, these red bananas were his world. What you did is not correct”.
An hour passed, and Nathuram and Saket sat silently at their home.
Mr.Som returned to Nathuram’s house along with Shekar.
Nathuram stood up and welcomed Som. Saket stood next to Nathuram holding his hand.
“Nathuram, I am sorry for what I have done, forgive me,” said Som.
“What happened Sir, why are you asking for forgiveness,” enquired Nathuram.
“I took away these red bananas for my son. I told him these are from your house,” said Som and narrated his conversation with Shekar.
Som’s assistant brought the red bananas from the car and placed them back at Nathuram’s house.
When Som and Shekar walked back toward the car, Saket ran behind, called Shekar, and offered him two dozen red bananas.
“Saket, why are you giving it to me, all of it is yours,” said Shekar.
“I always wanted to share the bananas with my friends. I want you to eat and relish. I will also bring them to school and distribute them to our friends,” said Saket.
Som stood speechless, looking at the kind and noble virtues of the boys.
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