Ranbir Chamling Rai

Hello beloved ones, this is R.C. Rai, I am a Speaker, writer, teacher and above all, a full-time follower of Lord Jesus.
Hello beloved ones, this is R.C. Rai, I am a Speaker, writer, teacher and above all, a full-time follower of Lord Jesus.

Evangelist Ranbir Chamling Rai was born on September 16, 1988. He is a fulltime follower and a bondservant of the Lord Jesus. He lives in Tarajuli, Arunachal Pradesh with His wife and four little sons.  He is commissioned and licensed as a fulltime minister by the Arunachal Pradesh Christian Revival Church Council.  He holds a bachelor’s degree in theology, (BA), MA (In English literature) and M.Div., (Master in divinity).  After pastoring for five years, Evangelist Rai is currently serving as a Bible teacher at the New Bible College Dobam under the aegis of APCRCC. EvangeRead More...


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Books by Ranbir Chamling Rai

Discover God's process for growth. Find hope, courage, and confidence in life's darkest days. 

In this insightful book, the author wrestles with age-old questions: Why do good people suffer? Where is God in the injustices and hurt of life?
He describes the painful process of preciousness and powerfulness in the life of Joseph, alongside his journey of pain and bitter betrayals: abandonment by his father, mother’s tragic dea

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