Kumar Paras


Kumar Paras is a young writer from India with an immense love for dystopian and politics themes. A high school student, he draws inspiration from his passion for literature, politics, and history, weaving complex narratives that challenge perspectives and provokes thought. In addition to writing novels, he enjoys photography, sketching, and diving deep into historical and political issues, which often influence his storytelling. With Blind Patriot, he aims to explore a dystopian world of National Socialist Party of Parserland, while inviting readers to question the current world around them.Read More...



Books by Kumar Paras

In the aftermath of the civil war that reshaped North Parserland under the authoritarian rule of the NSPP (National Socialist Party of Parsers), Elias Vyane, a loyal supporter of the regime, works as a spy to expose those conspiring against the government. However, when he uncovers the full extent of the NSPP’s brainwashing machine, Elias is forced to question his loyalty filled with guilt, his faith in the regime, and the ideals he once held dear. Trapp

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Books by Kumar Paras

In the aftermath of the civil war that reshaped North Parserland under the authoritarian rule of the NSPP (National Socialist Party of Parsers), Elias Vyane, a loyal supporter of the regime, works as a spy to expose those conspiring against the government. However, when he uncovers the full extent of the NSPP’s brainwashing machine, Elias is forced to question his loyalty filled with guilt, his faith in the regime, and the ideals he once held dear. Trapp

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