Jasveer Singh Dangi

Jasveer was born in Karnal. He loves the outdoors and he uses his everyday experiences to write his stories.
Jasveer was born in Karnal. He loves the outdoors and he uses his everyday experiences to write his stories.

Jasveer is an author, podcast host, behavioural trainer, and award-winning health and safety professional based in Canada. He started writing in 2018 with his childhood memoir, Version One and a Half (Version 1 ½). Since then, he has published a total of nine books and co-authored two. Though he calls himself an accidental author, his books have been well-received and he too has received many accolades for his writings. 1. Author of the Year in Fiction and Non-Fiction category by Ukiyoto Publishing for Ensemble – A collection of short stories and essays. 2. Rated as one of the 10 Indian AutRead More...


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The Metro-Maniac Chronicles

Books by Jasveer Singh Dangi

This is my fourth and by far the shortest outing as an Author.

Delhi Metro has reduced my everyday commute time of  roughly an hour and a half on my Royal Enfield Thunder Bird to merely fourty five minutes. So, this book is my ode to DMRC. 

These fourty five minutes are not just minutes for me, they are a gateway to my creative side.  I can write better when I am in the Metro.

A typical Metro journey is not just a journey

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Diary from Heaven

Books by Jasveer Singh Dangi

“In my search for peace, I turned to drugs, but all I found were pieces of myself left shattered along the way.”

From the Author of 'Version 1 1/2' comes 'Diary from Heaven', story of Arun and his struggle with addiction. Arun was a typical Indian teen, with big dreams. Music was his life; he was always hooked on. You could call him an ‘Eternal Junkie’ because if he was not high on drugs or alcohol, he was always lost in

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Version One and a Half

Books by Jasveer Singh Dangi


“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it” - Salvador Dali QUITTING was the easiest option. But, how far could I run, was the question echoing my mind all the time? I did the usual jazz of meeting experts and seeking advice and solutions. On the way, I also met many people giving out free advice as well. I explored other ways too, but none seemed to work. So, in search of a solution

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