Hajra A Shaikh


Hajra A. Shaikh (7th January 1997) is an artist. She lives inMumbai with her family. She received the B.A. degree inEnglish Literature, from Bhavans College, Mumbai, India, in2017, and the M. A. degree in English Literature from R.D.National College, Mumbai, India, in 2021, respectively.She has been writing blogs on personal development,lifestyle, relationships, since 2015, and enjoys sharing poemsand humor on social media platforms.Her works have been published in anthologies and The RightEscape is her first poetry collection. She works as a LanguageEditor and a Social Media Content Reviewer.Read More...


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The Right Escape

Books by Hajra A. Shaikh

"There were nights I spent all alone only to realize how much I was in love with the moon." The Right Escape is a collection of thoughts on love, separation, and self-discovery. It is a compilation of poems, micro-tales, letters, prose, and quotes. You read it anywhere, anytime, and you will connect with it in one way or the other. It will always remain your ally and remind you of who you truly are.

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